Samsonova Irina A.
Date of birth:
Jan 28, 1992
Place of birth:
Donetsk, Ukraine
1999—2006 — Donetsk high school of physics and mathematics ¹35
2006—2009 — Donetsk lyceum "College"
2009—2013 — bachelor Donetsk national technical university, field of study "System programming";
2013—2015 — magistracy Donetsk national technical university, specialty "System programming".
Average score:
Russian — native
Ukrainian — native
English — intermediate.
Hobbies and interests:
sport, films, music, foreign literature.
Personal qualities:
plodding, responsible, orderly, communicative, executive, easily trained.
Professional and computer skills:
Operating system: MS DOS, Windows 2000/XP/7/8, Linux Ubuntu;
Programming language: Assembler, Ñ/Ñ++, Borland C++, C#, Pascal, Visual Basic;
Development environment: Microsoft Visual Studio, NetBeans IDE, Eclipse;
Internet-technology: HTML, CSS, JavaScript;
Office suites: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
Professional experience:
june 2013 — practice at DianSoftware, web designer
Future plans:
improve, develop, find a high-paid jobs in my field, possibly, leave the country, invent a time machine, take over the world.
Contact information: