- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Initial data for calculation airlift ADC
- Conclusion
In the short-term forecast to increase the role of coal in the energy balance of Ukraine, due to its large reserves. However, environmental constraints (especially after the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol) require the development and introduction of new clean coal technologies that provide high completeness of fuel at the lowest possible harmful pressures on the environment. For Ukraine, it could be a tremendous additional energy resources. For a coal power is fundamentally important shift from direct combustion of coal in the furnace devices to the preparation of the different qualities of coal, including from waste coal, coal-water fuel (CWF) [1].
1. Relevance of the topic
As a result, long-term operation of coal mines form a plurality of sedimentation tanks, sludge tanks with vast masses of semi-coal slurry. To date, the ability of enterprises for the organization of clearing sludge tanks is limited. At the same time, this problem can be solved if the mechanism of the rapid removal of a large amount of coal slurry and its further effective use. Held in the master settlement ADC in order to find the optimal parameters of the complex for the production of sludge tailings pond can be used for a more rational use of energy, material and human resources. Therefore, the development of optimal parameters ADC and its further improvement are relevant.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study
The aim is to determine the rational parameters of the complex for the production of sludge from sludge tanks and calculation methods ADC to obtain optimal parameters. Development of technology for the full cycle of production of sludge for the preparation and combustion of coal-water fuel on the basis of these sludges. To achieve this goal the following tasks:
- Analysis of the literature on the subject.
- Drawing up a mathematical model to calculate the ADC.
- Development of technology for production of sludge from the tailings pond.
- Research for energy technology.
3. Initial data for calculation airlift ADC
Structural elements airlifts ADC differ significantly from conventional fixed airlifts are different and working conditions and, therefore, necessary to clarify the calculation of airlifts.
Here are the distinguishing features of calculating airlift ADC for working conditions in slime [4 – 7].
Between size q and α there is a functional dependence of q = f (α) (Fig. 1), experimentally obtained at the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute (DPI) and used to calculate the airlifts.

Figure 1 – The functional dependence
Dependence Qэ =f1(Qв) is characteristic of the air-lift flow (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 – Expenditure (1) and energy (2) the characteristics of the air-lift
This feature has a few specific points. Start feeding the slurry, at a certain air flow Qв.о – For optimal point is the point of contact of the tangent drawn from the origin, and corresponds to the maximum energy efficiency at η=f2(Qв) characterization of the airlift. The point M corresponds to the maximum flow (hump), followed by a reduction in supply airlift with increasing air flow. The working area AB corresponds to the optimal efficiency, ie ηопт=0,85ηmax, where the airlift operation economically viable.
4. Conclusion
Airlift-dredge complexes (ADC), compared with traditional dredgers have higher performance, less labor and cost of production, enables development resources at depths of several hundred meters, including a layer of rocks, soil and work to pump constant high concentration of pulp.
Airlift has no moving or wearing parts, does not require constant monitoring and maintenance, as required by ground centrifugal pump, a simple and inexpensive to manufacture.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2014. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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