The content
- Introduction
- 1. The main directions of the enterprise development
- 2. Aspects of marketing activity development of enterprise
- 3. Criteria and indicators for measuring the effectiveness of marketing activity of the enterprise
- Conclusions
- References
Development is a necessary requirement for the managerial, operating, financial, technological of the enterprise activities. The process of enterprise development becomes more relevant in conditions of the dynamic environment; the basic principles of the process are stability, timeliness and adequacy up to external conditions. An open socio-economic system changes its qualitative state that is accompanied by transformation of its internal and external relations, when it falls under the influence of different positive and negative factors of the external environment. Unmanaged development may eventually change the vector direction with time, from positive to negative, becoming destructive, which can lead to the cessation of existence of the system. Therefore, the development of the socio-economic system requires a continuous and qualitative management. Each business constituent unit strives to achieve efficient optimal changes with minimal efforts, which is aimed at implementing the goals and strategies of the enterprise.
The enterprise development can be classified by type of potential as industrial, financial, communicative, marketing, managerial, motivational and labor development [4].
The main question will be focused on marketing development.
The aim of the study is to develop a marketing concept of enterprise development.
To achieve the goal we must to accomplish the following tasks:
- to explore the main directions of the enterprise development.
- to analyze the definition of marketing activity of the enterprise.
- to consider the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of marketing activities.
1. The main directions of the enterprise development
Let us consider the main directions of the enterprise development. The enterprise development goes in different directions, covering all sorts of activity areas of the enterprise. In the scientific literature they distinguish different types of enterprise development: economical, administrative, social, techno-technological and the like. Each type has its own characteristics, its own weight to the consequences and results.
Economic development can be divided into industrial, financial, innovation, investment, marketing, informative-communication types of enterprise development.
The modern enterprise is an open system that interacts with other economic and social systems, and is exposed to the external environment. The existence of uncertainty and dynamic external environment contribute to the continuous introduction of changes in the enterprise. All activities of the enterprise are interrelated and somehow or other generate the final result. From this it follows that a competent leader, planning to reach certain goals in the long term, should pay great attention to the study of the directions of all aspects of economic development: marketing, production, innovative, financial, investment, etc.
1. The marketing development includes the following areas of economic enterprise growth:
- search for new customers, partners and clients;
- access to new market segments;
- improvement of goods in accordance with market needs;
- diversification of product range and production.
2. The production development includes the following areas of economic growth:
- implantation of effective methods of resource stocks rationing;
- optimization of production areas;
- increase of the production capacity;
- diversification of product range.
3. Innovative development includes:
- transition to innovative methods of business and industrial activities;
- implantation of the results of scientific and technical progress;
- determination of priority directions of innovation activity.
4. Financial development includes:
- search for new reserves reduce losses;
- optimization of costs for resources, production and wages;
- optimization of losses in the event of risks, including financial;
- decrease of production costs;
- ensuring of financial balance, stability, liquidity and paying capacity of the company in the long term.
5. Investment development:
- formation of an optimal investment portfolio;
- search for alternative methods of investment resources;
- optimization of the investment management system;
- optimization of losses from the investment risk.
The ability of producing products/services, quantity and quality depends mainly on the level of development of the technological base of production.
The main areas of technological development include:
- transition to an innovative production technologies;
- improving of the production quality, services, works.
- transition from hand work to automation and its flexible production;
- implantation of resource-saving technologies;
- organization of production in accordance with the environmental protection requirements;
- updating obsolete and worn-out of basic production assets.
- improving of working conditions and safety in the enterprise..
In contrast to the economic and technical development in the enterprise social factors are not given adequate attention. Every manager has to understand that the main targets should be to offset from a priority for economic gain at all costs towards the development of social factor and stimulation of human activity.
The main areas of social enterprise development include:
- material and intangible remunerations of employees;
- provision of social services that are necessary for recuperation;
- establishing of conditions for recreation and cultural development;
- social cohesion of workers in a team, i.e., the ability of the company's management responsibility for all of its employees, management to be responsible for all of its employees, ensure their welfare, providing equal rights for every person.
- formation of a system of organizational and cultural values.
Based on the foregoing, we can say that an enterprise has to take into account the dynamics and uncertainty of the external environment and to adapt to its changes.
2. The definition of marketing activity of the enterprise
Let's analyze the procedure of determining the development of marketing activity of the enterprise. The stable existence of the enterprise and the dynamics of its development depend on the level of development of its marketing activities.
Marketing provides the ability to take into account changes in external and internal environment and to make reasoned decisions regarding the enterprise development strategy, and it is regarded as one of the main management tool. The interaction of internal and external environment is only possible through the realization of the marketing concept of enterprise management.
Development of marketing activity of the enterprise is a purposeful process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the internal environment of the enterprise which is accompanied by the transformation of its external environment on the basis of the existing contradictions between the interests of the economic entity, its customers and partners in information interaction [8].
External contradictions are:
- macro environment contradictions;
- microenvironment contradictions (intermediaries, suppliers, customers and competitors).
Internal contradictions arise between:
- centralization and decentralization of management;
- the integrity of the enterprise and the need for autonomy of its structural divisions;
- planned development of the enterprise and conditions of uncertainty;
- creative and scientific approach in making decisions.
Along with this the marketing is in a role of mediator, which ensures the exchange between the socio-economic system, its internal and external environment, and of course information. It is important to remember that this exchange is bilateral, and the development is impossible in the absence of exchange process due to the fact that there is no connection between the source and object of development.
In this way, marketing allows to resolve existing contradictions, and becomes the potential of the development. The development of marketing activities ensures the development of the whole enterprise. If you do not take into account the role of marketing, it is impossible to speak of any development in the enterprise.
3. Criteria and indicators for measuring the effectiveness of marketing activity of the enterprise
Let's evaluate criteria and indicators of assessment of efficiency of marketing activity of the enterprise. Modern marketing is an integral continuous process, whereby the development of ideas, planning and implementation of programs is carried out in a complex company-wide, which allows achieving the maximum possible benefits with the optimal use of resources and business development in the long term.
However, due to the increased complexity of the marketing tasks, their decision based only on experience and intuition often leads to the clearly unsatisfactory results, and there is a need of bringing more rigorous quantitative methods of assessing and predicting the effectiveness of the marketing. The transition to the assessment of the enterprise marketing activities on a quantitative basis is considered by the leading foreign and local scientists as one of the main areas of a successful business. The positive result of the practical implementation of the approach to the assessment of efficiency of marketing activity is the selection and combination of relevant criteria and indicators. The criteria
means a sign from the position which is assessed, and the rate is at which the assessment is made. The criteria for evaluating of the marketing effectiveness can be features implemented by the marketing function and the generalized characteristics of the quality of their performance. Indicators for evaluating of the marketing effectiveness are being developed in a way to take into fully account all the influencing factors of the marketing activities effectiveness, from the one hand, and from the other, all possible means and ways of increase of the marketing activity efficiency of the enterprise. In this regard, the indicators for measuring of the marketing activities effectiveness cover all aspects of it. The structure of the criteria system and indicators of the marketing activity efficiency of the enterprise is shown on the pic.1 [10].

The picture 1 – The system of criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of marketing activities
(Animation: 8 frames, 7 cycles of repetition, 17,9 kilobytes)
Let's concretize aspects of the structure of the picture 1:
- Evaluation of marketing strategy is based on the following positions:
- the amount of innovation projects (innovation capacity);
- the informed choice of target markets (i.e. markets to which the enterprise will be oriented, and will develop an appropriate strategy);
- Product positioning in the market (a place determination of a particular product relative to competitors ' products in the minds of consumers) and estimation of the image;
- The attractiveness of the positioning for each target segment.
- Evaluation of the use of marketing programs contains indicators:
- efficiency and profitability (per unit of invested money).
- Evaluation of the use of established value proposition contains indicators:
- the actual quality of products / services
- perceived quality.
- The effectiveness of the use of the brand contains indicators:
- the perception of a combination of material and intangible benefits;
- the frequency of purchases (a purchases share of each brand in the total number of purchases for a certain period of time);
- the brand capital.
- Evaluation of the impact of the sales process contains indicators:
- conversion rate (total conversion rate or individual steps).
- Evaluation of the use of communication channels, including a dialog:
- a combination of marketing channels;
- selecting the best combinations.
- Evaluation of the influence exerted on the target markets contains indicators:
- a level of awareness;
- the customer feedback or satisfaction;
- the degree of loyalty (behavioral perceived and complex);
- the number of repeated purchases;
- a share in the
consumer wallet
or a share of the goods/services cost of the enterprise in the total expenditure of the consumer; - a sensitivity to an increase in prices or the switching threshold.
- Evaluation of the supply chain or the system of values contains indicators:
- the degree of goods distribution in the market;
- a company's share in the distribution channel;
- a strategic cooperation (partnership).
- Evaluation of consumers:
- market conditions (declared valid, undeclared, secret needs);
- a personal choice from a list of options or interests;
- the data that represent consumers as a group;
- what type of communications consumers spend more time;
- what promotions they do not react.
- Evaluation of the marketing environment:
- the quality of the external environment analysis;
- an assessment of trends for adaptation strategies;
- an analytical evaluation of effectiveness;
- levels of competition;
- competitive offers and substitute products.
The sets of indicators mainly reflect the quality of the marketing function and may be adjusted depending on the specific activity of the enterprise and the industry.
On the basis of conducted research we can draw the following conclusions – a variety of dynamic changes in the environment are constantly creating both opportunities and threats for the successful and sustainable operation of the business. An openness of the enterprise to the external environment is provided by marketing activities, which are based on the interaction of consumer products, business partners and society upon the whole. It is due to the implementation of enterprise marketing management concept an interaction of internal and external environment takes place. Thus, marketing is the basis for the development of the modern enterprise.
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