The contents
- Introduction
- 1. The theoretical basis for the provision of insurance services
- 2. Modern evaluation and management techniques of insurance risk
- 3. Recommendations for the improvement of the quality management insurance services
- Conclusions
- References
Insurance – an essential element of industrial relations. It is associated with compensation of material losses in the process of social production. Risk nature of social production, creates relationships between people to prevent, overcome, localization and unconditional compensation. Enterprises and organizations of different ownership forms, acting as insurers feel the need not only for damages, which is expressed in the loss of or damage to fixed assets and working capital, but also to compensate for lost profits or additional costs due to downtime.
Relevance of the topic. In today's society, along with the traditional purpose – providing protection from natural disaster (earthquakes, floods, storms, etc.), Random technical and technological events (fires, crashes, explosions, etc.) – the object of insurance becoming more and more losses various phenomena (theft, robbery, theft of vehicles and other.)
In today's society in general insurance has become a universal means of insurance protection of all forms of property, income, and other interests of enterprises, organizations, farmers, tenants, citizens.
The aim of this work is to show the features of financial planning in an insurance organization and suggest ways to improve it.
To achieve the goal in the work set and solved the following tasks:
- to consider economic features of the insurance;
- to reflect the process of insurance services and their provision;
- to demonstrate the features of rendering insurance services;
1.Teoretical basics of insurance services
Insurance is a relationship to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of certain events at the expense of cash funds generated from insurance premiums paid by them.
Insurance helps to avoid serious macroeconomic problems such as the growth of public expenditure and the deficit, which is inflationary factor. Insurance activity, distracting from circulation excess money supply, has anti –inflationary effects, and should be considered as a factor of optimizing the formation of the country's balance of payments.
Globalization in the insurance industry, which is manifested in the formation of the global insurance market as a component of the global financial market, leading to the fact that all matters of financial and legal issues more and more imposed on the international legal regulation and, as a consequence of this, the increase in the number of international treaties governing financial relations in the sphere of insurance [1].
The insurance market – a system of economic relations that make up the activity of insurers to provide insurance services to the insured. This is a special socio–economic environment, where the object of sale in favors insurance protection, generated supply and demand for it.
For the characteristic of the insurance market, it is subject to government regulation. This is reflected in the implementation of the state supervisory functions, and the provision of certain legal effects. In some cases, the state is involved in the insurance relationship as an equal entity in relation to other legal entities. This duality is caused by the necessity of regulation of insurance relations, and on the other hand, the need to ensure the coverage of certain public interests.
Insurance services can be provided based on the contract or the law. In other words, in cases where the provision of insurance protection is necessary from the standpoint of the public interest, insurance is compulsory. Purchase and sale of insurance services is made entering into the insurance contract, in support of which the insured is issued a certificate of insurance. The list of types of insurance that can benefit the policyholder is a range of insurance market. [4].
2. Modern methods of assessment and management of insurance risk
Risk management – a set of methods, techniques, methods, measures aimed at minimizing the risk. Insurance as one of the oldest ways to minimize the risk has historically played an important role in risk management. As a way of insurance risk management is a subject of the transfer of risk to the insurer for a fee in order to further its impact on the layout of the entire insured population. [2].
The risk management decided to allocate two directions – risk control and risk management funding. Risk Control combines the techniques, methods and techniques of risk aversion, its adoption and minimize. Funding risk management involves ensuring sources of funds to compensate for the consequences of risk and risk management costs. Insurance is applied and to the other group, and methods. In order to determine its location, consider these groups of methods.

(animation: 7 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 50 kb)
In either method, risk management is necessary to provide sources of financing of risk management and usage of funds. Funding risk management may be conducted through a variety of sources: insurance Fund, own funds etc.

The picture shows that insurance can be carried out the indemnification (under the Finance), and thereby provided the resources to restore facilities damaged by insured events (investing). Presented in figure scheme allows, by analogy to consider the place of insurance in financing risk management individuals.
3. Recommendations for the improvement of the quality management insurance services
One of the major factors that have a direct impact on improving the quality and efficiency of insurance services on the Russian market is an effective system of quality management on the basis of comprehensive standardization [5].
One of the variants of comprehensive standardization in insurance can be represented thus:
- differentiation of approach to standardization;
- standardization of criteria and methods of evaluation of the results of operations of the insurance company;
- standardization of methods of collection, analysis and provision of insurance statistics [10].
The conclusions of the master's work will be described and justified the important aspects of the study and analysis of the insurance company Consent
. It will be argued the degree of fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the master's work.
Insurance services are in need of a comprehensive standardization, since insurance is an effective mechanism for risk management at all stages of the product quality lifecycle management, services and effective method of preventing and minimizing damage to the nature, manufacturing process, the property interests of economic entities and the population as a result of the Russian industry and emergencies.
In writing this essay master's research work is not completed. Completion of work is scheduled for May 2017goda. Full text of the paper can be obtained from the author or his supervisor.
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