The need to stabilize economic activity in the highly limited resources, encourage enterprises to the revision of the existing production - economic potential overestimation of their own capabilities, the search for additional reserves increase the profitability of their activities. There fore, the problem of quantitative measurement, quality assessment and optimization of the production potential for graphical management of the most urgent. Therefore, the problem of quantitative measurement, quality assessment and optimization of the production potential for graphical management of the most urgent.
1. Relevance of the topic
Optimum utilization of the productive capacity of the industrial enterprise to a large extent influenced by the state of economic and social development of the industry as a whole. Dynamism and volatility environment is the main criterion for the functioning of modern domestic industry, resulting in a constant search for hidden reserves of its own, which is necessary to strengthen the preservation of its resource base. In post – industrial society, characterized by the excess of the value of intangible assets over the material, the problem escalates to enhance innovation capacity, associated primarily with the use of innovative technologies. Extensive physical and moral deterioration of the production equipment of the overwhelming majority of industrial enterprises contrary to the requirements of the stabilization of the economy [1].
Correct this situation can be due to fundamental technical – technological re-equipment industry, which is impossible without additional investments. capital allocation problem between the main components of the production base causes considerable difficulties, especially in large enterprises, from – the lack of effective, easy to use optimal control methods financial and material potential of industrial enterprises. The development of such techniques requires a thorough preliminary research – theoretical substantiation of effective management concepts accumulation, consumption and reproduction of the productive capacity of [2-4]. On the day identify a core set of resource components of the building, articulated methodological approaches to their accurate assessment, developed some management strategies to increase the profitability of production activities and efficient reproduction of the individual components of the production potential [3, 5-16].It may be noted that the required specification of criteria of efficiency of formation and reproduction of productive capacity, as well as approaches to the formation of the economic mechanism of innovative growth of production capacity as a prerequisite for improving the competitiveness and determines the relevance of the thesis [37].
The aim of the study is to develop a scientific and theoretical basis of organizational - economic mechanism of increase of efficiency of formation and use of the productive capacity of the industrial enterprises on the criterion of increasing the profitability of each component of the resource, time synchronization of industrial operations, financial and material flows, optimize the volume and structure of inventories and fixed assets [26–29].
To achieve the goal it is necessary to put and solve the following problems:
– analysis and generalization of scientific approaches to the definition of the content and essential features "the productive capacity of the enterprise" category, its essential features in the aspect of innovative development strategies;
– research of features of the productive capacity of the structure in line with the company objectives and strategies to achieve them;
- identification of factors and performance indicators, based on the analysis that you can set the level of efficiency of management accumulation and consumption of productive capacities;
– development of techniques for quantitative measurement of quality control production potential based on approach taking into account potential changes in the structure of time;
– justification of the priority areas targeted optimization of processes of regulation and standby consumption of the production potential of the enterprise;
– development and scientific substantiation of the model determine the optimal potential of the enterprise structure for a variety of diversification to enhance its innovativeness;
– development of practical recommendations on forecasting the results of adaptive changes in the structure and size of productive capacity.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study
The object of research is the process of forming the composition and structure of the production potential of industrial enterprises and their use. The subject of research are theoretical and applied bases of increase of efficiency of management of production potential. Research methods. Scientific – theoretical and methodological basis of research methods make generalizations and system analysis with a view.
Main tasks of the research:
– to systematize the theoretical concepts about the nature, content, structure and methods of quantitative evaluation of the production potential;
– comparison and classification – for comparison of quantitative indicators of formation and use of the productive capacity of domestic machine – building enterprises and the allocation of classification groups of enterprises by type of organization – economic mechanism;
– financial – economic and statistical analysis – to determine the dynamics of changes in performance of official statements of the entities, the calculation of the estimated coefficients and the establishment of the main trends of their changes over time, the correlation – regression analysis;
to determine the main factors of efficiency of use and reproduction potential of enterprises, clarifying the direction and intensity of their influence [38].
The initial information base of research constitute the laws and regulations, domestic and foreign scientific publications, statistical data on the status and use of the methods used quantitative assessment of their own tangible and intangible resources of industrial enterprises, as well as the official statistical reporting entities.
The need to generalize the theoretical and practical framework for the assessment and management of the production potential of industrial enterprises in the development on their basis of a complex of diagnostic methods and optimize the management of accumulation, use and reproduction of the productive resources of machine – building enterprises.
This work, the study will cover the following aspects:
– development of process cost approach to the diagnosis of the productive capacity of industrial – commercial enterprises, aimed at establishing the basic laws between the object composition of productive capacities and performance indicators, the value of which determines the adequacy and effectiveness of management processes during the relevant time period;
– analysis of the methodical approach for determining the ability of the enterprise to a qualitative leap development through sustainable production potential of adaptive management in the conditions of instability of the environment and the limitations of their own resources;
– methodical approach to optimal diversification of investments in order to increase the productive capacity of innovation based on economic modeling of risk management, and assess the likelihood of the behavior of the environment of hypotheses;
– specification of the criteria for determining the accuracy and risk expert assessments in the determination of the strategic programs of enterprise development by calculating the coefficient of the riskiness of forecasts; reasonably quantitative and qualitative composition of expert committees and the ultimate cost – effectiveness of the use of the services of experts – representatives of the external environment of the enterprise;
– optimal use of graphic-analytical method of quantifying productive capacity – in accordance with the complex nature of the economic category increased the number of estimated vectors and transformed their qualitative composition in the direction of specifying the material and financial forms of production possibilities of the enterprise;
– specification algorithmization approach to the development and correction of optimal development strategies of industrial enterprises on the criterion of proportionality and used spare production resources [41]
The practical significance of the results will consist in the fact that the constructed diagnostic algorithms and optimization models, developed proposals and recommendations put the basis for improving the quality of process control according to the criterion of economic efficiency of economic activity.
The relationship of production and market opportunities of the enterprise is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 – The scheme of formation of the project life cycle
(animation: 4 personnel, endless repetition, 50 kilobyte)
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