Table of contents
- Introduction
- Relevance of the topic
- 1. Overview of mobile robots
- 1.1. General definition and concept
- 1.2. Classification of mobile robots in functions
- 1.3. The control system
- Conclusion
- List of sources
Nowadays, robotics is actively used in those spheres of life, where it is necessary to replace human labor with machinery.
The basis for automating transport, air transport, military affairs, modern industry and in other spheres of people's activity are: robotic systems. Industrial robots have long been used in aircraft building, shipbuilding and many other various enterprises. Industrial robots are used in various operations, such as manufacturing and assembling parts, welding metal elements, as well as in the maintenance of various equipment. In medical practice, robotic systems is also used, that makes it possible to diagnose all sorts of diseases, as well as conduct surgical operations. Let us not forget that, there are not only industrial robots, but also robots of wide consumption, which are used in everyday life, because now there is a process of active development and launch of such robots on the world market.
To date, autonomous mobile robotic systems are the most promising direction in robotics.
Presently there are two particularly popular robots of widespread use: robot lawnmower and vacuum cleaner robot, which perfectly copes with its purpose – cleaning the premises. Probably, very soon a budgetary and multifunctional servicing robot will appear on the world market, which will not be a new discovery for anyone, but will be just as common a household appliance as a washing machine or a dishwasher.
Relevance of the topic
Robots should be mobile to safely implement a wide range of tasks, as well as have the ability to interpret, create a plan and automatically implement the task, using the on–board computer system. The main distinguishing feature of such robots is that they have the ability to reach the ultimate goal in an unidentified environment, preventing collisions with any obstacles and moving objects.
The methods of controlling mobile robots develop on the base of already constructed models and algorithms. Such robots have the ability to adapt to changes in their environment, respond to unforeseen situations and repeat their actions, relying on previous experience. Therefore, the mobile robot needs a control system with the presence of artificial intelligence elements.
Wheeled robots find their application in checking a room or transporting a mass of different objects from the starting point to the ending point in an unstructured, and therefore sometimes dangerous for human life workspace. Such robot as a subject of control is a multichannel nonlinear dynamical system.
Despite the fact that a number of studies have been carried out today in the field of controlling wheeled robots, universal approaches to the synthesis of automatic control systems for wheeled robots have been insufficiently developed.
Thus, the relevance of the topic is determined by the need to produce more advanced control systems for wheeled robots that are suitable to current requirements.
1. Overview of mobile robots
1.1. General definition and concept
A robot, as a term, can be understood as follows: a multifunctional automatic machine for performing mechanical work, similar to that performed by a person. When the original robots were created and up to our time, an example for them was taking human capabilities. The idea of creating a robot appeared after the desire to replace a person with a robot in difficult and life – threatening situations. Over time, the concept of the robot became wider, under it began to represent any automatic machine that can replace a person, and which will resemble his reasonable behavior.
A mobile robot can move around in the workspace in accordance with the control program. Such robots must be programmed in advance. There should be the ability to independently navigate the environment and carry out the task, relying only on their own artificial intelligence. These robots also have the name – mobile, because they are not tied to the operator [2].
1.2. Classification of mobile robots in functions
Table 1 – Classification of mobile robots.
Group | Basic requirements | Basic use case |
Special Purpose | Compactness, noiselessness | Autonomous, one channel of video information transmission |
For military and paramilitary uses | Reliability, ease of control, standardized payload | As part of reconnaissance, strike and security systems, multichannel systems for the transmission of various data |
For extreme situations, scientific research, cinematographic applications | Resistance to adverse external influences, versatility with respect to the useful side load | Autonomous, multivariant implementation of data transmission channels |
For sports, industrial and domestic applications | Easy to operate, economical, reliable | Autonomous, one channel of video data transmission |
In this master's work will be considered mobile robot group – “Sports, industrial and household applications” [6].
1.3. The control system.
The control system makes it possible to control the movement of all equipment placed in the robot body. But do not forget about the adaptive control of the chassis and the power plant, taking into account the interaction of the transport system with the environment.
The control system includes information – control part, this includes: robot control equipment, all different sensors and microprocessors; post of mobile robot operator (PU – control panel, personal computer for the ability to process information and video devices), as well as receiving – transmission equipment, which makes it possible to transmit information and control commands.
The motion control system makes it possible to plan movements in nondeterministic conditions on the basis of a cartographic base, and take into account continuously incoming information into the control system.
In general, the following functions are performed by the control system of such robots:
- With the help of sensors, it senses and recognizes information that comes from the environment;
- Exchange of information with the operator;
- Planning and rescheduling actions;
- Control of drives;
- Exchange of information with other robots.
So, consider these features regarding mobile robots, which arbitrarily move in some terrain. In this case, the model of the environment will be presented in the form of a map of the terrain, which is constructed and refined during the movement of the robot on the basis of sensory information. Such a model must have two levels of scale. The first level is designed for the limits of the reach of sensor systems. The second level is designed to determine the terrain before the robot itself [7].
The motion control unit implements the control of traction drives and chassis turning actuators. The route modeling block synthesizes the trajectory of the movement, optimizing it, minimizing the energy loss, which is extremely important for autonomous power robots, or for a minimum of task time, when the task of ensuring the maximum speed is included in the formulation of the problem.
In the process of writing the mobile robot structure and review mobile robot control system has been studied were selected DC motors with encoder type GA12–N20 and chip Arduino Pro Mini constructing microcontroller ATmega168.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: May 2018. The full text of work and materials on a subject can be received from the author or his head after this specified date.
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