- Introduction
- 1. The concept, essence and tasks of marketing personnel
- 2. The main directions and factors of staff marketing developme
- 3. Personnel marketing technology
- Conclusion
- References
The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that marketing personnel is one of the main conditions for the survival of the organization in a market economy. Marketing makes it possible to track changes in the professional and qualification structure of personnel, to identify trends in the formation of labor in the labor market and to establish in good time qualitative and quantitative conditions for it.
The efficiency of the enterprise depends to a large extent on customer-oriented production, the availability of a unique product and service offer, and on the improvement of business processes, but even more, this depends on how successfully the management is coping with the task of attracting, managing and retaining highly qualified employees able to provide competitive advantages of the organization.
At the same time, increasing the efficiency of the work of only personnel directly interacting with customers is not enough. The high quality of meeting the needs of clients should be ensured by the combined efforts of all structural units of the organization that consistently contribute to the creation of the value of the final product for the consumer. To achieve such management, when all the personnel of the organization are focused not only on achieving personal goals, but also on the company's success in the market, it is quite difficult. One way to manage staff and achieve high motivation is to strengthen the technology of marketing staff by targeting the activities of each employee of the organization to consumers.
1. The concept, essence and tasks of marketing personnel
Personnel marketing is a kind of management activity aimed at the long-term provision of the organization with human resources that form the strategic potential necessary for the solution of specific targets [1]. Introducing marketing staff as a more conscious or new view of the organization to their own attractiveness among employees and potential employees, experts believe that marketing is not only a matter for the personnel service, but also for all employees who work with personnel or who represent the organization in an external environment - from management and ending with employees of departments associated with consumers and external activities of the organization[2].
Consider the main directions and tasks of personnel marketing.
The marketing concept assumes that the main reason for the achievement of corporate goals is the identification of needs and the needs of the labour market and their satisfaction should be competitive, efficient and productive ways[3].
There are two main areas for marketing staff.
1. Passive marketing - reveals and covers the needs of the enterprise in human resources, and is one of the main functions of the company's personnel management service, but is carried out separately from other areas of work with personnel.
2. Active marketing - resolves more global tasks that relate to the company's strategic personnel policy. Employees working for the firm are treated as internal customers of the organization, while potential candidates for work are considered as external customers.
Marketing activity in this area consists of four interrelated stages.
1. Selection and analysis of sources of information for marketing activities. At this stage, it is determined from which sources (external, internal) it is better to receive information, to what extent it is reliable and useful.
2. Analysis of external and internal factors that determine the direction of marketing activities. Such an analysis is the starting point of this type of activity, giving information for drawing up a plan for marketing activities.
Consider the external factors that affect the marketing policy in the field of work with personnel.
The situation in the labor market. This factor is determined by the overall economic processes taking place in the country and the world, the impact of economic cycles (recession, depression, recovery), the demographic situation, the influx of migrants from other regions and other features. Of great importance is the unemployment rate in a specific time period and the state's employment policy, in particular the training and retraining of the reserve for certain specialties from among unemployed citizens.
Features of social needs of society. Accounting and analysis of this factor allows you to get an idea of the structure of the leading motives of personnel who are potential candidates for vacant positions in an organization. This structure is determined by the social and production relations that are formed in society during the studied period of time. So material needs, security needs, expressed in the desire to have a permanent job and others, can prevail.
Change of labor legislation. When dealing with issues related to the marketing of personnel, it is necessary to take into account the provisions of labor legislation and its possible changes in the foreseeable future. It is also necessary to take into account the changes in legislation in the field of labor protection, employment, migration and other aspects related to personnel management.
Personnel policy of competitors. To develop a flexible strategic policy in working with the company's personnel, it is necessary to study and take into account the forms and methods of working with personnel in competing firms.
Internal factors include events that management can directly influence and manage. These include:
1. Goals and mission of the firm. This factor is considered internal not only for the marketing of personnel, but also for the management of personnel as a whole, as an integral part of the management of the firm. Clear and specific goals of the organization and its mission determine the strict orientation of the company's strategic personnel policy aimed at a long-term perspective.
2. Financial resources. An accurate analysis of the need and ability of the company to finance activities related to personnel management establishes the selection of other alternatives in the planning of staff requirements and its satisfaction, the use of human resources, training of personnel.
3. The personnel potential of the organization extends both to the personnel management system and to the field of marketing activities in particular.
4. Sources of replenishment of the need for personnel, which are considered as internal factors when the organization chooses those sources to cover the staffing requirements that correspond to the state of other internal and external factors: the organization's goals, economic resources, and technology improvement tendencies.
3. Development of activities in the areas of marketing staff.
4. Studying the image of the organization as its employer, the subject of which is its image in the internal and external labor market.
Marketing personnel implies an emphasis on a long-term management of the attractiveness of the enterprise in the eyes of target groups of potential employees. Positioning and creating an organization's image on the labor market should be carried out gradually, but steadily and purposefully. As a result, a positive image of the employer will ensure an efficient process of recruiting staff, as well as reducing turnover and increasing the level of job satisfaction among the organization's own staff [4].
The main indicators of the effectiveness of staff marketing technology are satisfaction, trust, motivation and consistency of personnel. These factors directly affect financial and marketing performance (figure 1).

Figure 1 – Система показателей эффективности предприятия
(animation: 5 frames, 7 cycles of repeating, 35,3 kilobytes)
Thus, the marketing strategy of human resources management is an innovative approach to the process of personnel management and contributes to the modernization of the labor economy.
2. The main directions and factors of staff marketing developme
Development of ideas about the marketing of personnel determines a set of factors, or "causes, the driving forces of the process, the phenomenon that determines its character or individual traits"[5]. Analysis of the scientific literature makes it possible to identify the following as the main factors for the emergence of marketing personnel:
1) Reassessing the values of candidates and working staff.
2) Lack of specialists and managers.
3) Features of demographic development.
4) Unilateral decisions concerning the training and choice of profession.
5) A new profile of modern jobs.
6) Change in the market environment.
7) Labor turnover.
The lack of specialists and managers is the result of demographic changes and more exacting demands of applicants for work place, as well as rapidly changing fitness profiles, which are not matched by any of the job seekers[6].
The demographic factor by employers of many European states began to be perceived as a serious problem.
A one-sided approach to choosing a profession and place of work is the result of the development of society.
Change in the market environment. A significant impact on the need for labor is provided by competition and market conditions. Increasing competition in a stable or declining market leads to the fact that enterprises are forced to reduce the number of employees or vice versa.
A new profile of modern workplaces. In our time, organizations often need new workplaces or modernize old ones, which increases the requirements for employed personnel. This is due to the development of the organization, the introduction of new technologies, the desire for competitive advantage.
Change of world view. In the theory and practice of personnel management, such an expression as the "trend of changed values" became common. Regularly fixed by personnel specialists, he gives an idea of the evolution of the main needs of candidates for hiring and own personnel of enterprises or organizations [7].
Personnel requirements are expressed in the parameter groups given in table 1.1.
Table 1.1 – Qualitative parameters of the personnel requirements
Parameter group | Parameter contents |
Abilities | Level of education received; Required knowledge (basic and additional); Practical skills in a certain field of professional activity; Experience in certain positions; Skills of cooperation and mutual assistance. |
Properties | Personal qualities required for a certain type of activity; Ability to perceive occupational loads; The ability to concentrate memory, attention, effort. |
Motivational settings | Professional interests; The Desire for self-expression and self-realization; Learning Capability; Interest in a specific position, certainty of professional prospects. |
Staff turnover, or: "labor movement caused by employee dissatisfaction with the workplace or dissatisfaction with the organization of a particular employee". Turnover is an indicator that fixes the level of changes in the composition of employees of an enterprise due to dismissal and transfer to another job for personal reasons[8].
3. Personnel marketing technology
Personnel marketing activities include 12 consecutive stages. Each of which should include a provision on the service of personnel management as a separate directed activity.
1) Personnel audit and monitoring of the activities of the personnel service.
Personnel audit - an instrument of management accounting, which involves an independent evaluation of the organization's activities in the field of personnel management.
2) Analysis of the internal labor market of the organization. When analyzing the labor market, it is recommended to conduct economic and mathematical calculations that will give an idea of the state of staffing in the organization.
3) Analysis of the external labor market. The analysis of the external market is recommended to be carried out once in three years, in addition, analytical surveys published by the federal statistical and subject-matter services of the Russian Federation should be used.
4) Analysis of the behavior of job seekers, work sheet and positions in the external and internal labor market. For the employer, the study of the motives that keep workers in the organization becomes the main thing. And in the case when a specific employee plans to lay off, try to influence these motives.
5) Segmentation of the labor market and the formation of a segment of potential employees.
6) Review of the employer's requirements for vacant positions and work places in the organization. Requirements for the employee must be specific and measurable. The requirements of the employer are laid down in the professional program or in the specification of the workplace, and also must be reflected in job descriptions.
7) Analysis of the main competitors in the labor market. Identify and locate the main competitors; the study of the parties to the activities of the employer of competitors and its behavior in the labor market.
8) Study of the image of the employer's organization and definition of the objectives of activity in the labor market. The employer's image is a comprehensive assessment of his activities and the submissions of candidates and employees on the position of the employer in the market. The image of the employer consists of two levels: organizational and environmental.
9) Analysis and search for key partners.
10) Determination of the sources and ways of covering the demand for staff. The need for staff is the need to close a certain number of vacant places and positions through the employment of specialists with a certain qualification: quantitative and qualitative.
11) Development and implementation of measures for the formation of the personnel policy of the organization on the labor market, in the region and in the country.
12) Evaluation of the economic and social effectiveness of marketing activities. Preparation of corrective action. Building long-term forecasts.
Economic efficiency is the effectiveness of the economic system, expressed in terms of the beneficial end results of its functioning to the resources expended.
The result of social efficiency is the social effect. It consists in increasing employee satisfaction from the work performed, improving working conditions, and improving the well-being of workers.
The interrelation between economic and social efficiency is very close, as often in improving the economic situation, social satisfaction also improves, and on the contrary, when social satisfaction increases, economic efficiency increases[9].
A modern marketing strategy for human resources management is an innovative approach to the process of personnel management and contributes to the modernization of the labor economy. The main goal of personnel-marketing activities is to optimize the use of labor resources, which contribute to the increase of labor productivity, the development of employees, their participation in the affairs of the firm, the development of their corporate spirit and loyal attitude towards the company, which leads to an increase in the organization's image.
Marketing personnel is considered in two areas, active and passive, which need to be developed in a complex, if the purpose of the organization is to achieve success in a certain segment of the market. Over the past decade, the activities of the organizations have become significantly more complicated, new conditions and factors have emerged that have determined the development of the marketing of personnel: reassessment of the values of candidates and working staff, lack of specialists and managers, features of demographic development, unilateral decisions regarding training and career choice, change in the market environment, labor turnover.
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