- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Preconditions for increasing the innovative activity of the coal mining enterprise
- Conclusion
- References
Coal is a strategic type of energy resource capable of providing the state with fuel for a long calendar period and guaranteeing the country's energy security.
However, despite the strategic importance of coal, the country lacks economic conditions for the normal operation of coal industry enterprises.
The enterprises of the coal industry work with full use of their production capacity. In mines and sections, labor intensity of coal mining has been significantly reduced and labor productivity of miners has been increased. However, these successes do not provide the industry with a decent level of remuneration, which remains the lowest among the mining industries.
Many mines and sections have no profit at all, or they operate with a low level of profitability, which does not ensure the normal operation of enterprises.
Due to a lack of funds, coal mining companies do not solve environmental problems arising from the operation of coal mining enterprises.
1. Theme urgency
Very relevant is the study of factors that determine the level of economic efficiency of coal mining enterprises and determine possible directions for improving the profitability of coal mining.
Among the main factors determining the economic efficiency of coal mining, we explored the possibilities:
- further restructuring of the coal fund of the coal industry;
- optimization of prices for thermal coal;
- increase in the export of coal and increase their efficiency;
- Reduction of transport tariffs for transportation of coal.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of the study is to develop an organizational and economic mechanism for managing innovation activities, which provides for increasing the efficiency of enterprises.
To achieve this goal, the following problems were set and solved in the work:
- to develop theoretical aspects of innovation management, defining the essence of the notion of innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation, investment activity, their properties and characteristics;
- to offer a single multidimensional classification system of innovations;
- identify the stages of the innovation process, as well as factors affecting the susceptibility of organizational and economic structures to innovation;
- Analyze and generalize foreign experience in comparison with the domestic practice of using innovative methods to increase the efficiency of production enterprises;
- to substantiate the interaction of production, investment and innovation spheres of activity of enterprises;
- Develop an algorithm for analyzing the effectiveness of the company's activities when implementing innovation;
- to reveal the most important measures of systemic improvement of the main directions of state regulation in order to optimize the functioning of production enterprises;
- to develop methodical aspects of the evaluation of the impact of various types of innovation on the efficiency of enterprises, as well as the methodology for the formation of an innovative enterprise strategy;
- Identify the main set of measures to increase the innovation and investment activity of enterprises;
- to offer conceptual approaches to improve legislation in the field of innovation in the enterprise.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the results of the work of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of innovation, regulatory acts of federal and regional executive authorities devoted to issues of innovation development, increasing the efficiency of enterprises.
3. An approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM on FPGA
The main idea of the work is a step-by-step transformation of the technological system of the coal mine with a flexible response to changes in the environment of the functioning of its elements in a single process of creating, forming and reproducing the flow of final products of certain volumes and quality.
At the present time, the main theoretical aspects of innovation management have not been developed, the methodology for the formation of scientific and innovation policies and strategies for its implementation, the direction of increasing the innovative activity of commodity producers, the forecast of markets for scientific products, intellectual labor, scientific and technical information, and resource markets that support the implementation innovation; mechanism of optimal organization and financing of research and development, taking into account their priority, the mechanism of state and legal regulation of the development of innovation processes, as well as a number of other important aspects of innovation management. The research process is often episodic or generalizing, not taking into account a number of important factors of innovation management. Innovative activity at enterprises has remained outside the research process of many scientists and specialists working on this problem, which is wrong and erroneous.
Problems associated with the formation and implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing innovation activities at enterprises are little studied from the point of view of the scientific principle of systemic nature, the specific functioning of individual components of the enterprise and the current economic conditions in which the enterprise operates. Essentially, there are no theoretical and methodological foundations for conceptual interpretation of their solution in the conditions of market relations.
The analysis of existing scientific works on the problems of innovation allowed to summarize the different views of scientists, as well as their approaches to improving the efficiency of enterprises based on innovation. In addition, the study of innovative activities at enterprises makes it possible to draw a number of conclusions, both on the state of the innovative sphere of manufacturing enterprises in the course of the formation of the market type of the economic system, and on the use of reserves aimed at increasing innovation activity and, consequently, the efficiency of enterprises in general.
Further development of the economy of our state is possible if the investment activity in the fuel and energy complex is increased in a large scale, the volume of capital investments in the coal industry is increased, the existing fixed assets are upgraded and modernized, and the material and technical base of the fuel and energy complex is outstripped.
When writing this essay, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: June 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
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