- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3.Theoretical basis of personnel management
- 3.1 3.1 The concept and essence of career management
- 3.2 Models and types of business career of the organization's personnel
- 3.3 The mechanism of personnel management at a modern enterprise
- Conclusion
- References
At the present time there is a tendency to develop the personnel of organizations. This trend is determined by the fact that human resources are an important component of production. Each organization that aspires to maintain its competitive advantage and take the leading positions in the market needs personnel who possess modern knowledge and technologies and effectively apply them in their activities. The process of staff development must be consistent with the organization's strategy to achieve the competitiveness of the workers and the company. That is why before the organization there is a need to improve the mechanism of personnel management, which allows not only to improve its abilities and professionalism, but also to increase the motivation of employees due to interest in career growth and professional development.
1. Theme urgency
Modern researchers define career as an objective social and organizational process, which has its own laws and methods of implementation. Satisfaction of the personnel with their work activity, and therefore its productivity depends on whether the career path is correctly chosen and how effectively implemented, which directly affects the efficiency of the enterprise. This relationship causes the need for effective management of career processes at all levels, which can not be carried out without scientific research on this aspect of management.
Thus, the relevance of the chosen research topic is that the business career of personnel is one of the most important components of the effective operation of the enterprise. Promotion of staff on the career ladder positively affects the stimulation of employees, affects the performance of the enterprise, and also provides a more favorable corporate climate.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of the work is to analyze the mechanism of personnel management at a modern enterprise and technologies for its improvement.
This goal stipulates the need to solve the following tasks: to consider the concept and essence of career management; to study models and types of business career of personnel; to consider the elements of the personnel management mechanism at the modern enterprise and the technology of its improvement.
Research object: improvement of personnel management technologies.
Research subject: the mechanism of personnel management.
3. Theoretical basis of personnel management
3.1 The concept and essence of career management
There are three approaches that define the essence of the term
:1) Supporters of the first approach are Maslova V., Vesnin V.
In the opinion of Vesnin V., career – the advancement of the worker through the levels of the service hierarchy, or the successive change of classes both within a single organization and throughout life, and also the person's perception of these stages [1].
Maslova V. treats a career as a successful advancement in the field of public, official, scientific or industrial activity, an individual sequence of labor changes associated with a change in the position of the employee on the vertical scale of the complexity of work or the social ladder of jobs, achieving fame and glory [2].
2) In the second approach, Odegov Yu., Rudenko G., Rumyantseva Z., Salomatina N., Sotnikova S. concept of
considered as a way to develop and promote the employee.Odegov Yu., Rudenko G. believes that career is an individually conscious position and behavior related to work experience and activity during the working life of a person [3].
Rumyantseva Z., Salomatina N. define career as subjectively conscious own judgments of the employee about his labor future, expected ways of self-expression and work satisfaction, progressive advancement through the career ladder, changes in skills, abilities, qualifications, opportunities and remuneration levels associated with the employee's activities [4].
According to Sotnikova S. career is an individually conscious position and behavior related to the accumulation and use of increasing human capital [5].
3) Representatives of the third approach Travin V., Dyatlov V. assume the inclusion in the concept of
motivational factors. They argue that a career is a process of production activity, during which the employee, moving forward, mastering new technologies and techniques, functional and job duties, management, social roles, etc. And, as a career is a motivation to achieve success, knowledge of oneself, success and self-giving, self-control and working capacity, self-confidence and objectivity, the process of successful self-realization, accompanied by social recognition and is the result of promotion through the career ladder [6].Foreign researchers have their own point of view regarding the notion of a career. McDaniels K. [7] believes that a career is more important than a job or a profession: it's a
, which consists of a sequence of professional activities and various activities in free time in which a person is included throughout his life.Hansen L.[8] is a supporter of the expanded interpretation of the term career. In his view, a career is a process during which a chain of choices takes place in the sphere of education of work and family, as interdependent components of role integration.
Gisbers N. and Moore I. [9] understand the career as a process of self-development of an individual during life through the integration of roles, environments and events in a person's life.
The definition of Donald Super's career is most common, which defines it as a chain of events in a person's life: the sequence of occupations and life roles, which together are aimed at self-development, the consistency of paid and unpaid positions, the period of early adolescence and until retirement; these are also vital roles related to work directly – a student, an employee, a pensioner and indirectly – a parent. D. Super notes that a person's career is revealed only as it is being implemented and is unique for each person individually, consists of actions and inaction of a person throughout his life. Those, career is not only a professional life, it integrates pre- and post-professional life, as well as integrating the roles of the employee with other life roles [10].
Despite the various interpretations of the concepts
, the essence of the career as a process of progress, change of states, dynamics is clearly traced. Analyzing these approaches, we can say that a career is a process of personal and professional growth of a person, which is expressed in changing his status, developing skills and abilities, changing job duties and self-actualization as a whole.Under the management of a business career means a set of activities for planning, organizing, motivating and controlling staff growth, based on its goals, needs and socio-economic capabilities of the organization.
3.2 Models and types of business career of the organization's personnel
There are many types of business careers (pic.1) [12].
Рicture 1 – Types of business career
Intraorganizational and interorganizational careers can be specialized (professional development in one professional sphere) and unspecialized (involves the replacement of professional spheres).
Intraorganizational career is divided into:
- vertical – advancement to higher levels;
- horizontal –moving to another area of activity without raising the status of the organization;
- step carrer – a change in the stages of vertical and horizontal promotion;
- centripetal – movement to the
of the organization, the control center;- diagonal – simultaneous promotion vertically and horizontally.
The main task of managing a business career is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers [14].
There are four basic models of career development of personnel:
;. Within the framework of this model, the employee's work path consists of a long rise in the career ladder, which is accompanied by a gradual development of his potential and experience. Consequently, the position is changed to more complex and highly paid. At a certain stage, the employee occupies a high, in his opinion, position and seeks to stay in it for a long period of time. At the end of the worker's working life, there is ajump from the springboard
on retire [10].2)
. Each step of the career is a certain position, occupying the employee for a certain time, for example, no more than 3 years. This period is enough to study the new position well and work on it with full dedication. With the growth of skills, the development of their skills, skills and production experience, the leader or specialist ascends the career ladder. A new employee can take up a new position only after further training. The worker will reach the top step of the career ladder when his potential is maximally revealed, when a lot of professional experience is accumulated and high qualifications, professional knowledge and skills are acquired (pic.2) [13].Picture 2 – Business career model
Human Resources Manager
(animation: 6 frames, 10 cycles, 116 KB)
. This career model is suitable for both managers and professionals. It provides for a horizontal-vertical movement of an employee from one position to another, each of which takes a short time (1-2 years). Before becoming a director of an enterprise, an employee works for 6-9 years as a deputy director and studies important activities in this position. The advantage of this model is the ability to meet the employee's need to learn the management functions of interest to him in the organization and acquire the relevant skills and knowledge.4)
. This model assumes that the employees of the organization have completed an integrated assessment, which is carried out after a fixed or variable period of work. Based on the results of such an evaluation, a decision is made to increase, move or demote [7].3.3 The mechanism of personnel management at a modern enterprise
The mechanism of personnel management at the enterprise is a combination of means and methods that ensure the development of the professional potential of the individual and the ways to implement it in the interests of both the individual and the enterprise. Identify the main elements of the mechanism of personnel management: selection, development, training of personnel, as well as work with the personnel reserve. The mechanism of career management is based on the principles of management, legal norms that strictly regulate the procedure for the application, organization and use of the results of personnel technologies and the means and methods of working with personnel that are used.
In modern conditions, one of the most important elements of the personnel management mechanism is the work with the personnel reserve.
Personnel reserve is a group of employees who are potentially capable of leading activities that meet the requirements of a rank assigned to a certain rank, who have been selected and have passed systematic targeted qualification training [10].
Work with the personnel reserve consists of the stages:
1) analysis of the existing and prospective needs for the personnel reserve;
2) formation and drawing up of the list of the personnel reserve;
3) preparation of candidates.
Thus, the formation of the personnel reserve is not a separate process, but an integral part of a complete career management system (рic. 3).
Picture 3 – The relationship between the formation of the personnel reserve and the processes of career management.
The main task of forming the personnel reserve is the stable work of the labor collective with the subsequent increase in technical and economic indicators and the social and psychological climate in the team when the leadership is changed. Thus, the formation of the personnel reserve plays an important role in the management of the business career of personnel [4].
Personnel development is also an important element of the career management mechanism. Personnel development is a process of changing the qualities, skills and abilities of employees for their preparation for the performance of new production functions, changing positions, solving new tasks. The purpose of staff development is to increase the labor potential of employees to solve personal tasks and tasks in the field of activity and development of the organization.
In modern conditions, the factors that affect the need for staff development in the organization should be attributed:
- high competition in various markets in the context of globalization and integration of the economy;
- rapid development of new information technologies;
- complex solution of human resources management problems and all strategic tasks on the basis of a unified program of the organization's activities;
- participation of all line managers in the implementation of a single personnel policy and the strategic objectives of the organization;
- the presence of a broad specialized network of consulting firms in various areas of human resources development.
Thus, the development of personnel is a combination of organizational and economic activities in the field of training, skills development and professional skills of staff, stimulating creativity, etc. [6].
Another integral element of the career management mechanism is staff training. It can be carried out both in the workplace and outside it. Depending on this, the following methods are distinguished:
1) Methods of training in the workplace:
Mentoring – practical training in the workplace, conducted by a more experienced, highly skilled staff (mentor). Its goal is to help newcomers to adapt to the team, acquire practical skills, and contribute to their comprehensive professional development.
Production briefing is the clarification and demonstration of working methods directly at the workplace, which can be carried out by both an employee who has long performed these functions and a specially trained instructor. Instruction is, as a rule, short, focused on the development of specific operations or procedures that are part of the professional duties of the student. Instruction in the workplace is an inexpensive and effective means of developing simple technical skills, so it is widely used at all levels of modern organizations.
Rotation is the horizontal movement of employees from one position to another within the organization, to study another profession, to acquire new skills. Rotation also helps to save the employee from routine, to motivate him to self-development.
Delegation – the transfer of authority to the head of the staff to achieve any specific objectives of the company. With the help of delegation, employees are included in the process of making strategic decisions, self-fulfilling.
Thus, on-the-job training is associated with production functions and provides opportunities for repetition and consolidation of the newly learned. However, at a low cost and simplicity, on-the-job training may prove ineffective in the lack of knowledge, time, responsibility or authority from more experienced colleagues [11].
2) Methods of teaching outside the workplace:
Listening to lectures – the lecturer expounds the material in a short time, working with a large group of listeners at the same time.
Participation in business games – training in behavior and skills in various production situations, when negotiating. At the same time, employees can identify their weaknesses and strengths, assess the positions and reactions of other participants, develop communication skills, and also understand specific work situations.
Examination of practical situations (cases) – involves analysis and group discussion of specific situations, which can be presented as a description, video. To effectively use the method of practical situations, participants need a certain level of professionalism and theoretical knowledge that must be developed in the workplace or through other methods of development.
Participation in conferences, seminars – active method of development, involving participation in discussions. Develops logical thinking and develops modes of behavior in various situations.
The method of teaching the leading cadres is based on the independent solution of specific tasks from the production practice. Allows you to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, provides information processing, constructive critical thinking, development of creativity in decision-making processes.
Working group – a group of specialists is created, which develops specific proposals for solving the problems of managing the organization. The method develops the ability of working in a group, decision-making skills.
Training of personnel outside the workplace creates new behavioral and professional competences for personnel. There is no universal teaching method, so for a career advancement plan, you should develop a program that includes combinations of different methods [15].
An effective mechanism for managing the business career of employees positively affects the performance of the enterprise: improving the quality of work and services, increasing incomes, increasing staff stability.
In the process of research, the basic concepts, essence and technologies of the personnel management mechanism in the modern enterprise were studied. After analyzing them, it can be concluded that there are many career management technologies that are widely available for use in organizations. But, unfortunately, many enterprises use typical established technologies that do not give the desired result, the possibility of individual growth, promotion on the career ladder. This reduces not only the return that the organization can receive from its staff as a result of development, but also the motivation of employees to perform their production functions.
Therefore, further research will be aimed at developing an improvement in the personnel management mechanism that will be effective and efficient for the company's operations.
When writing this essay, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: May 2018. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
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