- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Essence and tasks of personnel policy and personnel strategy of the enterprise
- 4. Methods of complex evaluation of personnel
- 5. Measures to improve the personnel policy of the enterprise Conclusions
- Source list
The main purpose of personnel management is to be guided in the implementation of personnel management activities not only the interests of the enterprise, but also to act in accordance with labor legislation and orientation on the adoption of social programs.
An important feature of the development of the theory and practice of domestic personnel policy in the transition to the market is that its formation takes place under the influence of stereotypes of personnel management, inherited from the ideological personnel policy of previous years, as well as the inability of many managers to adapt foreign experience to our state of social relations.
1. Relevance of the topic
The relevance of the chosen topic is that the personnel policy in the modern enterprise is a powerful tool to ensure competitiveness and development. Competent personnel policy allows not only to control the current situation, but also to model the necessary reorganization of management structures resulting from changes in the needs of the enterprise.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose of the study is that on the basis of a systematic approach it is necessary to develop a mechanism for improving the formation and management of personnel policy.
The work includes the following tasks:
- The study of scientific and methodological literature, the existing experience of personnel services of other enterprises, as well as the current labor legislation;
- Clarification of the essence of personnel policy and algorithm of its development;
- To analyze the state of personnel policy of the enterprise, to identify its main shortcomings, the study of existing directions and methods of work with the staff;
- Proposal of a plan of specific personnel activities within the framework of the recommended personnel policy.
As an object of research is the process of formation and management of personnel policy of the enterprise.
The subject of the study is the design of personnel policy of the enterprise, as an opportunity to improve the personnel management system.
3. Essence and tasks of personnel policy and personnel strategy of the enterprise
Assessment of the personnel management system of the enterprise is still problematic because of objective factors, which primarily include the diversity of different approaches to this question [1, p. 106].
Personnel policy of the company determines the goals necessary in relation to the external environment, as well as the company to manage the staff. The basis for the personnel policy of the enterprise is the connection with the function of motivation and the main direction is the creation of an effective workforce [2].
The essence of the personnel policy is to work with the staff, which meets the concept of development of the enterprise, namely, is a component of the strategic policy of the enterprise.
The function of the personnel strategy is to determine the methods that will contribute to the enterprise in obtaining the necessary personnel [3].
Enterprises that are more serious about creating personnel policies need to adhere to the principles, namely, the basic principle is characterized by the fact that individual and organizational goals should be achieved in equal parts.
The main principles of personnel policy of the enterprise are given below.
- Personnel management of the enterprise (basic). The same need to achieve individual and organizational goals (the need to find fair compromises among the administrative Department and the working staff);
- Selection and placement of personnel. Compliance with professional training and individual achievements (employee opportunities corresponding to the scope of work and responsibility. The level of knowledge required for a particular position. Experience, leadership skills, etc.);
- Creation and preparation of a reserve for appointment to senior positions. Competitiveness, testing of knowledge for compliance with the position and regular assessment of individual qualities and abilities (recruitment on a competitive basis. Creation of a reserve for a certain position. The level of compliance of the candidate for the position at the moment. Analysis of performance, etc.);
- Assessment and certification of personnel. Selection of indicators and qualification of evaluation, execution of tasks (a system of indicators based on evaluation objectives, as well as criteria and frequency of evaluations. Identification of professional suitability necessary for a certain type of activity. Performance measurement);
- Personnel development. Professional development, self-expression and self-development (the need for a systematic review of job descriptions necessary for staff development. Ability and possibility of self-development)
- Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration. Remuneration corresponding to the scope of work and a legitimate combination of incentives and sanctions of motivation (effective remuneration system. The specificity of the description of tasks, responsibilities and indicators. Incentive factors affecting the improvement of labor efficiency).
In order to create a personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account both external and internal factors affecting the work of the organization (their current state and forecasts of changes).
- Stability in the sphere of economy and political factors, and laws that create an atmosphere for the work of enterprises.
- Likely jumps in demand for goods or services of the organization, as well as increased competitiveness.
- Labor market conditions (the level of qualification of specialists of the regional market, the degree of payment in the sectoral and regional labor markets, etc.).
- The level of impact of trade unions on the work of organizations.
- Requirements of labor legislation, as well as legislation on employment and social protection of the population, the degree of "rigidity" of sanctions in this area.
- The quality of employees in the region where the organization operates (the ratio of personnel to work, work schedule, etc.).
- Tasks of programs of social and economic development of the Republic, and also tasks of regional programs of social and economic development and programs of employment of the population (in the most part for the enterprises of the state form of ownership).
- Promotion strategy of the organization.
- A feature of the work of the organization, the specificity of the technology and form of government.
- The economic condition of the organization, its capital and the level of staff costs.
- Quantitative and qualitative assessment of jobs.
- Personnel potential of the organization (quantitative and qualitative assessment of employees, gender and age structure of working personnel).
- Quality, isolated culture enterprises (the collective, where "workaholism" is the norm, and workers which have family is considered the primary value, will be difficult "take root").
- The form of ownership of the enterprise, due to the fact that the personnel policy of public and private companies is significantly different.
- Subjective assessment of company owners: their values, beliefs and attitudes about employees, elected style in management, etc.
Methods of complex evaluation of personnel
Personnel assessment at the enterprise is one of the important aspects of management practice and theory. The staff of any enterprise should be able to realize the company's goals based on its values. In order to form and maintain a strong team, to achieve the strategic objectives of the administration, it is necessary to systematically assess employees using various existing methods.
Popular methods of personnel assessment:
- Personality questionnaires-consist of a list of questions or opinions. Due to the fact that the questionnaire can ask about anything, there are many different types of questionnaires for different purposes. The personality questionnaires and are such "monsters" like Hogan, MMPI and 16-PF, diagnostics of temperament, Strelau, Eysenck, Rusalova and simple questionnaires, consisting of 10-20 questions. As a rule, personality questionnaires diagnose features of character, temperament, interpersonal relationships, motivational and emotional sphere.
- Ability tests-battery of questions aimed at diagnosing the level of General or specialized abilities: intelligence, creativity, verbal abilities, abstract thinking.
- Competency interview - obtaining information about a person's behavioral characteristics.
- S (situation) – situation. What was the General context?
- T (target) – target. What was the goal of the interviewee?
- A (action) – action. What exactly did he do?
- R (result) – result. Where did that lead?
- Problem-problem, difficulty;
- Action-actions taken;
- Result-result;
- Learned-lesson learned, conclusions drawn;
- Applied-how this experience was subsequently applied.
- The method " 360 degrees "allows you to evaluate the employee from all sides,"in a circle." Ideally, the list of evaluators looks like this:
- the employee who puts themselves assessment criteria;
- immediate superior;
- colleagues or other leaders;
- subordinates (if any);
- in some cases, clients that communicate with appreciate.
- The assessment center standardized multidimensional evaluation of personnel, based on modeling of the key points of the activities of individual employees to identify their existing personal business of professionally significant qualities and determine the conformity of the competences of personnel of the organization with its objectives, strategies, corporate culture.
- Certification of personnel-periodic examination of professional suitability and compliance of the position of each employee of a certain category.
- Based on the KPI. Performance Management technology (performance management) is an improved version of the method of management by goals (MBO - Management by Objectives), which increases the manageability of the organization.
Prince STAR:
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Measures to improve the personnel policy of the enterprise
At present, the economy is facing the task of making an unprecedented innovation breakthrough. In these circumstances, the key importance in the economy begins to play a personnel policy, because it is professionally trained personnel can ensure the success of the modernization of the economy. It should be taken into account that the personnel policy of the enterprise is determined by the objectives of its activities, and the primary task of each organization in the free market is to increase the efficiency of production, guaranteed by the achievement of maximum profit [6, p. 98]..
The tasks of the personnel policy, along with the current administrative issues, include the following tasks:
- training and staff development;
- planning of production cooperation between different departments;
- staff motivation to work;
- information support of employees ' activities;
- measures aimed at improving the social climate in the workforce.
Systematization of a set of elements included in the controlling system consists of four subsystems: methodology, structure, process and controlling techniques.
The controlling process includes: communication system, development and implementation of management decisions, information support.
The structure of the controlling system includes: functional and organizational structure, the scheme of organizational relations, specific schemes of interaction of the Supreme governing bodies and the professionalism of the staff. Controlling technique includes: computer and organizational equipment, communication networks (internal or external) document management system.

Figure 1 – model of effective personnel polic
Thus, the model of effective personnel policy includes: the method of personnel management by precedents, when the state of the object of management is compared with precedents from a pre-accumulated database; to solve the problem of duplication of functions, it is necessary to release the accountant from the need to solve personnel issues and to hire a personnel Manager; in order to improve the process of determining the need for personnel, it is proposed to use a method based on the complexity of the workflow; to predict the number of personnel can use the method of extrapolation.; the introduction of the enterprise controlling system will improve the efficiency of the entire process of personnel management [7, p. 56]..
Personnel policy is based on the General concept of the enterprise development and includes the whole complex of conditions affecting the personnel activity and its development: financial and technical policy, commercial and innovative activity, analysis of External and internal environment, etc.
On the basis of the review of economic literature the essence and tasks, factors, methods of personnel policy of the enterprise are defined.
Personnel policies should not only create favourable working conditions, but also provide opportunities for promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.
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