- Introduction
- 1. Analysis of the experience of developed countries on storage and processing of solid waste
- 2. Analysis of the existing regional normative and legal acts on the issues of allotment of land plots for municipal solid waste
- 3. Recommendations in accordance with the legal and regulatory acts in force in the region on the storage and processing of solid domestic and industrial waste
- Conclusions
- References
The problems of solid waste disposal have appeared almost simultaneously with the advent of human society and have not yet been finally resolved. Wherever people settle, there are always landfills of household waste. Moreover, for such a long time of human existence, the nature of waste has changed – industrial waste (PO) has been added to solid waste (MSW). The conditions of storage of solid waste for large cities are becoming more complicated every year due to the lack of funds for processing waste and the dishonesty of the population in the organization of separate garbage collection.
Today, it is difficult to challenge the relevance of this problem, as the proper quality of life is deteriorating, and many functional aspects of the state are lost, namely:
- economic (loss of profit in case of non-use of waste recycling, etc);
- environmental (loss of usable agricultural land, etc);
- social (detrimental impact on the world around us and the health of the population).
The solution of the problem should take place gradually and therefore it is urgent to solve the problems aimed at improving the regulatory framework for the regulation of further practical actions with the allocation of territories for the storage and processing of solid waste.The global goal is to minimize the area of landfills and ensure not only the correct storage of garbage, but also the maximum use of all its properties. Since the solid waste landfill concentrates significant amounts of pollutants, it always poses a serious risk of potential environmental pollution (Image.1). To eliminate this danger, landfills include a number of protective structures. Their presence distinguishes the landfill from an ordinary landfill and gives a number of positive qualities.

Image 1 – Impact of untreated household waste on the environment and human health
In order to ensure that the landfill does not turn into a conventional landfill, it is necessary to develop measures for the protection of the environment from the decomposition products of solid waste, i.e., the following requirements must be taken into account:
- storage of solid waste should be isolated from the places of residence and work of people for one hundred percent to ensure their safety;
- conditions of storage of solid waste must provide the balance of the processes, Pro outgoing in the landfilled waste, namely to consider the speed of gas evolution, growth and compacting of garbage;
- construction of landfill should be calculated taking into account the possibility of land use after the termination of its work (reclamation).
Each LDP landfill is tied to the specifics of the area (ravines, plains, etc.) and projects for their preparation are developed in accordance with the current standards, taking into account all the features of the area to completely eliminate the risk of pollution of the surrounding environment.
The purpose of research in the master's work – based on the analysis of world experience in the privatization of solid domestic and industrial waste to develop proposals in the legislative and regulatory acts on land allotments in the region for landfills, taking into account the requirements of rational use of land.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- study of the positive experience of developed European countries on the issues of territory allocation for storage and processing of solid waste for its application in the region;
- analysis of existing in the region regulations and legal acts on land allotments for landfills of solid domestic and industrial waste in order to identify shortcomings for the development of proposals for their elimination;
- development of recommendations in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in the region on the storage and processing of solid domestic and industrial waste to minimize their impact on the environment and reduce the area of landfills through waste processing.
1. Analysis of the experience of developed countries on storage and processing of solid waste
Currently, the environmental problem associated with the disposal of industrial and domestic waste has become global: the national policy of developed countries is necessarily aimed at the implementation of rational waste management. Moreover, the best option to ensure environmental safety is recognized as the possibility of ensuring the processing of waste, reuse, utilization and recovery of energy (the political system of States for the development of renewable energy sources).
The Basel Convention was adopted at the Basel conference on 22 March 1989 with the aim of protecting human health and the environment from the harmful effects caused by the production, use, transboundary movement and disposal of hazardous wastes. Currently, national legislation in the EU countries is in full harmony with this Convention and environmental law. In developed European countries, three basic principles can be identified for solving waste-related problems:
- recycling of valuable waste components and reuse of waste as recyclables;
- the use of waste as secondary and energy resources under the condition of inefficiency of recycling;
- landfill waste in case of impossibility of their processing and use as energy.
In EU countries, the waste management system involves an integrated system of different aspects (Image 2).

Image 2 – Waste management System
According to statistics, less than 40% of waste is currently subject to disposal in the EU countries (most of it is incinerated or recycled), but in the Russian Federation and Ukraine the main (most) part of the waste is subject to disposal. However, the technology of disposal of solid domestic and industrial waste has a number of significant drawbacks, namely:
- contributes to the spread over the large territory dangerous substances (human health, flora and fauna) through contact with soil, surface and ground water, atmospheric air;
- does not provide bacteriological and epidemiological safety;
- in the combustion of solid household and industrial wastes are formed the dioxins – highly toxic substances that cause problems in reproductive health and development, destruction of the immune system, mountains monilinia disorders and cancer;
- the significant costs of reclamation of closed landfills are not comparable to the results.
Analyzing the positive experience of developed European countries, it can be concluded that at present, unfortunately, there is no ideal solution for the elimination of MSW, which would allow economically efficient and maximum utilization of secondary raw materials or energy without the formation of industrial waste, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and wastewater discharges. Therefore, the priority is given to the technology of combustion in incinerators of solid waste at a temperature of from 850 to 1200C with the production of electricity and heat (Fig.3, table.1). This technology can be recommended for use in the region.
Table 1 – Data on thermal processing plants of municipal solid waste in Europe (IWSA data)
Country | Territory, thousand sq.km. |
Population, mln.people |
Number of plants |
Plant, thousand sq.km. |
Plant, mln.people |
Denmark | 34.1 | 5.20 | 36 | 1.0557 | 6.9231 |
France | 544.0 | 58.00 | 88 | 0.1618 | 1.5172 |
Germany | 356.9 | 81.70 | 57 | 0.1597 | 0.6977 |
Britain | 244.1 | 58.60 | 36 | 0.1475 | 0.6143 |
Hungary | 93.0 | 10.50 | 1 | 0.0107 | 0.0952 |
Netherlands | 41.2 | 15.40 | 12 | 0.2913 | 0.7792 |
Spain | 504.8 | 39.20 | 22 | 0.0436 | 0.5612 |
Sweden | 450 | 8.80 | 23 | 0.0511 | 2.6136 |
Portugal | 92.4 | 9.90 | 2 | 0.0216 | 0.2020 |
Switzerland | 41.3 | 6.99 | 18 | 0.4358 | 2.5751 |
Austria | 83.9 | 8.00 | 2 | 0.0238 | 0.2500 |
Denmark | 301.3 | 57.30 | 70 | 0.2323 | 1.2216 |

Image 3 – The Data of the study group COGERSA SAU about placement of plants for thermal processing of solid household waste in Europe
2. Analysis of the existing regional normative and legal acts on the issues of allotment of land plots for municipal solid waste
According to the statistics given in the report of the Deputy Chairman of the state environmental Policy Under the head of the DPR Bondarenko A. in 2016 in Donetsk people's Republic formed about 6 million tons of waste, of which: 10.1 tons of waste of hazard class 1, 409.9 tons of waste of hazard class 2, 2394.9 tons of waste of hazard class 3. About 50% of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes were in the city of Donetsk.
The list of hazardous wastes approved by Goskomecology from 01.08.2017 No. 265.Among the most common hazardous waste in recent years, it is possible to remove fluorescent lamps (mercury compounds, class 1), waste oil products (hydrocarbons, class 2), batteries (sulfuric acid, antimony, lead-2-3 classes).
At the moment, there are no specialized enterprises in the Republic for sorting, processing, recycling or neutralization of production and consumption wastes (including hazardous and recyclable materials), and therefore economic entities are forced to accumulate the generated waste on their territory in places or facilities that are intended for temporary storage of waste and are not designed for large volumes. In addition to the additional financial burden on business entities, this situation can lead to the emergence of unauthorized waste dumps (including hazardous), which, of course, will have a significant negative impact on the environment and the health of the population of the Republic.
Currently, the region has a number of laws and regulations governing issues related to solid domestic and industrial waste. One of such acts is the DPR Law of 09.10.2015 "on production and consumption waste" (hereinafter the Law). The main principles and priorities of the state policy in the field of waste management are given in article 3 of the Law (Image.4).

Image 4 – Basic principles of state policy in the field of waste management

Image 5 – Main directions of the state policy in the field of waste management
Currently, existing landfills in the region do not meet the requirements of regulatory acts. So, for example, in Fig.6 shows a fragment of the comic picture, where reflective-but Petrovsky landfill. It is in an old sand quarry. Water exposure to wind debris is carried through the yards of nearby villages and the treasure-forest.
Goskomecology have developed a new concept for improvement of solid household waste management, which laid the basis for:
- the creation of large regional landfills to service three read-tions Novoazovsk-Telmanovo-Starobeshevo, Donetsk-Yasinovataya-Gorlovka, Donetsk-Makiivka-Khartsyzk;
- construction of incinerators and waste processing plants;
- disposal of only those wastes that are not in any way to be used in secondary production and in the national economy;
- establishment of a single state or national enterprise, which will coordinate both the common tariff policy and the processes related to the operations with household waste.

Image 6 – Location of Peter's landfill
It can be concluded that at the state level, decisions are made about mi-kimitachi areas of landfills, incineration and recycling of solid waste, etc. This is consistent with the policy of developed European countries in dealing with problems related to solid waste. The implementation of decisions requires significant capital investments, which are very difficult to find in the current difficult economic conditions.
3. Recommendations in accordance with the legal and regulatory acts in force in the region on the storage and processing of solid domestic and industrial waste
To improve the organization of solid waste management (sorting, processing, disposal) and for the introduction of separate collection of resource components is necessary:
- to reduce the volume of disposal of solid waste;
- to choose sites and to develop projects for the construction of the complex on ne-processing of MSW;
- to organize the construction of the complex (incinerators and recycling plants).
Project waste processing plant (Fig.7) should be developed taking into account the following requirements:
- selection and allocation of the site for construction should take into account the current legislation and regulations;
- minimization of construction costs;
- construction to carry out by attracting investors, without a budget;
- full description of the technological process for MSW collection and subsequent processing;
- definition of requirements to technical characteristics of the equipment;
- taking into account the requirements of environmental services;
- detailed requirements for processed raw materials;

Image 7 – Typical project of waste recycling plant
Since not all MSW are suitable as recyclable materials, it is recommended to burn them in a waste incineration plant, which can simultaneously perform the function of thermal power plants with an integrated waste incineration, recycling and composting system (Image 8).

Image 8 – Flow diagram of a waste incineration plant
If we assume that approximately 700 thousand people live in Donetsk, the construction of a waste incineration plant will provide heat generation in the amount of about 300,000 Gcal/year (the equivalent of burning up to 35 million cubic meters / year).
According to the results of the analysis of the experience of European countries, using incinerators for the elimination of solid waste, it should be noted that for their environmentally safe operation it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of cleaning of residual combustion products emitted into the atmosphere. "Saving" on filters can lead to serious environmental problems.
In 2016, 5,940.12 thousand tons of waste was generated on the territory of the DPR, of which 1,447.47 thousand tons were disposed of (24.63%), 1.52 thousand tons were burned (0.03%), placed on specialized facilities 4428.28 thousand tons (75.34%). Thus, taking into account the previously accumulated amount of MSW, their volume at the end of 2016. will be 1,521 billion tons.
Almost a quarter of the waste is recycled, and the remaining three quarters are stored at special waste disposal sites.

Image 9 – Waste generation structure in the cities of the DPR
As can be seen from the presented data, the main cities that accumulate the greatest amount of waste are the large industrial cities: Enakievo, Do-nettsk, Makeyevka, Torez, Zhdanovka, which together formed 78.95% of waste in 2016.
The problem of waste management in the DPR is quite acute due to a number of factors:
- lack of a clear concept / program for waste management;
- lack of waste treatment facilities;
- a large number of unauthorized dumps;
- outdated methods of collection and removal of municipal solid waste (due to the fact that the waste is not sorted, extremely hazardous waste that endangers the environment and human health get to landfills);
- lack of disposal of extremely hazardous waste.
Analyzing the positive experience of developed European countries, we can conclude that, at present, unfortunately, there is no ideal solution for eliminating solid waste, which would make it possible to utilize secondary raw materials or energy efficiently and to the maximum extent without generating industrial waste. , emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and wastewater discharges. Therefore, priority is given to the technology of incineration in waste incineration plants at a temperature of 850 to 1200 ° C with the generation of electricity and heat. This technology can be recommended for use in the region.
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