- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Research and development overview
- Conclusion
- References
In the last decade, the problems of providing the world's population with food, falling food prices and the resource intensity of agriculture in the long term have become especially acute.
Food security is the state of the economic situation in the state, which guarantees the provision of the population with the necessary volume of food for normal life and the uninterrupted provision of the food industry with agricultural resources.
The strategic goal of food security is to provide the population of the region with safe agricultural products and food. The guarantee of its achievement is the stability of domestic production, as well as the availability of the necessary reserves and stocks. Improving the provision of food to the population is an important socio-economic challenge. The solution to this problem is of great importance for the development of any state.
When solving the problem of providing the population with food, it becomes necessary to take into account the requirements of environmental safety. This problem is important for our region, especially in recent years.
Environmental safety is a state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, and their consequences.
One of the sources of food security in the region is the production of environmentally friendly sunflower oil.
1. Theme urgency
Currently, the problem of the quality of food products and food raw materials is acute. To improve food security in the region in an unstable situation, it would be advisable to grow sunflower and produce sunflower oil.
Sunflower oil is a plant product that is obtained by pressing or extracting from oilseed sunflower varieties.
The demand for this product always remains high due to its widespread use. Sunflower oil is used in cooking, in the food industry (for the manufacture of fats, in the production of canned food), as well as for technical purposes (for lubricating bearings, in soap making, in the paint and varnish industry).
The big advantage of sunflower oil production is that there is no waste. The pulp formed in the production process is sold to enterprises specializing in the production of bricks as fuel for biogas plants. Along the way, the cake, obtained after pressing, and the meal undergo the necessary processing, and are also subject to sale.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
Integrated production of environmentally friendly sunflower oil is a comprehensive project that combines the cultivation of sunflower seeds with the production of sunflower oil from it.
Research object: agricultural complex.
Research subject : the efficiency of the object functioning.
The purpose of this work is to improve environmental and food security through the introduction of a resource-saving project.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:
- To reveal the relevance of the topic.
- Analyze the relationship and interdependence of environmental and food security.
- Carry out a feasibility study for a project for growing sunflower and sunflower oil production.
- Analyze the possibility of introducing resource-saving technologies on an ongoing project.
- Recommend ways to improve the performance indicators of the complex.
Planned scientific novelty: the opening of an integrated enterprise for the cultivation and production of sunflower oil using resource-saving technologies, which will improve food security and environmental safety of the region, provide the population with an environmentally friendly product.
3. Research and development overview
In the last decade, the problems of providing the world's population with food, falling food prices and the resource intensity of agriculture in the long term have become especially acute.
Food security is one of the important components of the national security of the state. The quality of nutrition of the population affects the level of economic development of the country as a whole, since food production satisfies the basic human need for food and the demand for food tends to increase. Meeting the needs of the population in food products contributes to the development and diversification of industrial production [1].
Food security is the state of the economic situation in the state, which guarantees the provision of the population with the necessary volume of food for normal life and the uninterrupted provision of the food industry with agricultural resources.
An increase in the level of food security is primarily associated with the effective development of agriculture, namely, with an increase in the output of agricultural products, an increase in its quality and environmental safety. It is agriculture that occupies a leading place in the life of society, since it is here that most of the food is produced.
In recent years, the demand for products of domestic producers has been increasing due to restrictions on imports and political instability, and the production of sunflower oil was no exception [2].
One of the ways to improve food security in the region in an unstable situation is the cultivation of oily sunflower for the production of sunflower oil.
Sunflower oil is a plant product that is obtained by pressing or extracting from oilseed sunflower varieties. The demand for this product always remains high, due to a wide range of areas of its use. Sunflower oil is used in cooking (for frying, salad dressing), in the food industry (for the manufacture of fats, in the production of canned food), as well as for technical purposes (for lubricating bearings, in soap making, in the paint and varnish industry).
The big advantage of sunflower oil production is that there is no waste. The pulp formed in the production process is sold to enterprises specializing in the production of bricks as fuel for biogas plants. Along the way, the cake, obtained after pressing, and the meal undergo the necessary processing, and are also subject to sale.
The project for the creation of an agricultural complex is aimed at increasing the food security of the region through the production of environmentally friendly sunflower oil.
It is planned to create a complex of two main parts: agricultural and industrial.
The purpose of agricultural production is to meet the needs of the republic in sunflower of a certain volume and quality. Having analyzed the varieties of sunflower seeds, we have chosen the variety "Albatross". These seeds are characterized by high drought resistance, adaptability to stressful situations, a shorter seed ripening period after flowering, and a high percentage of oil content (53%). [3] To improve the quality and yield of the grown products, it is advisable to use fertilizers, but taking into account environmental restrictions.
The calculations made it possible to conclude that at the first stage of the project, a land plot of 350 hectares is required for growing sunflower. The entire volume of grown sunflower will be directed for further processing to obtain a finished product for sale - sunflower oil.
The production part includes directly production shops, warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products. Also on the territory of the complex there are administrative buildings.
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the technological process for the production of sunflower oil.
![Block diagram of the technological process for the production of sunflower oil](images/animation_en.gif)
Figure 1 – Block diagram of the technological process for the production of sunflower oil
(animation: 8 frames, 6 cycles of repeating, 143 kilobytes)
To select the most effective equipment, a comparative analysis of its types was carried out according to certain criteria and the following result was justified:
- line of pressing LORM-450;
- refining line I-20 TPD;
- bottling and packaging line VD-75.
The principle of operation of the LORM-450 spinning line.
The seeds are unloaded into the head-hopper, from where they are fed by the bucket elevator into the crumbling machine, where the seeds collapse (for sunflower). In this case, the seeds are separated from the husk. From the crushing machine, the seeds go to the roller machine, where they are crushed, and in the form of mint are fed to the brazier by noria. The heated oil is fed to the oil press to squeeze out the oil. Through the slots around the perimeter of the press chambers, oil flows into the receiving container. The cake comes out of the press and is fed to the warehouse by a screw conveyor for sale as a feed additive. From the receiving tank, the oil is fed by the pumping station to the frame filter, where it is cleaned and then fed to the storage tank.
The line is controlled from the control cabinet. The occupied area of the LORM-450 line is 70 sq. m, with a ceiling height of 3.8 m, the line is a completely finished solution for pressing vegetable oil [4].
The projected sunflower oil production capacity is 10 tons per day. In order to rationalize production, a two-shift mode of work was chosen, an organizational structure of management was drawn up and the optimal composition of employees for effective activities was calculated (staffing of employees - 20 people).
To increase the ecological and economic efficiency of the operation of the sunflower oil production complex, it is planned to introduce resource-saving technologies - the installation of solar panels, which will allow the enterprise to increase the level of independence from external power supply. [5]
For the effective implementation of resource-saving technologies, the following principles must be observed:
- minimization or rejection of mechanical soil cultivation;
- preservation of plant residues on the soil surface;
- use of crop rotations to improve soil fertility;
- an integrated approach to pest and disease control;
- the use of quality seeds that are responsive to resource-saving technologies.
The introduction of resource-saving technologies allows:
- improve soil conditions for the development of crops and reduce the risk of erosion;
- save labor costs;
- reduce fuel consumption;
- reduce environmental and economic damage;
- to increase the efficiency of field work.
It should be noted that the research in the preparation of the master's thesis is not completed and is at the stage of economic justification of the project, which is divided into two stages: the first - economic calculations are performed without taking into account resource conservation, the second is aimed at the economic justification of the introduction of resource-saving technologies. Comparison of the results obtained will make it possible to draw a conclusion about the feasibility of the project and the cost-effectiveness of its implementation.
Increasing the level of food and environmental security is the most important factor in ensuring economic stability and social sustainability of the state. To improve food security in the region, it is necessary to introduce environmentally friendly technologies and, above all, in the agro-industrial sector. Along with the introduction of integrated resource-saving technologies that contribute to an increase in soil yields and productivity, it is necessary to provide effective information and staffing in this area of activity.
As a result of the implementation of this environmental project, the following types of effect will be achieved: social, economic and environmental:
- social: the creation of a number of new jobs;
- economic: increasing profits, profitability, prevented environmental and economic damage;
- ecological: development of environmentally friendly production.
When writing this essay, the master's work has not yet been completed. Final completion: May 2021. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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