Abstract on the topic of graduation work
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Innovative development of the organization's personnel management system
- 3.1 Theoretical foundations of enterprise personnel management
- 3.2 Innovative changes in the personnel management system
- Conclusions
- List of sources
Part of the success and efficiency of modern companies is associated with the introduction of innovative practices and personnel management systems. Companies are transforming new managerial and organizational concepts into operational realities by moving away from hierarchical structures and adopting agile management, accelerating the testing and implementation of innovations, and transferring authority and responsibility into the hands of performers. Human resource management is a key factor in supporting innovative workplace behaviors that contribute to the overall improvement of the organization's performance.
With special strategic and operational functions, the human factor plays a central role in the intellectualization and informatization of production.
It is the staff that is the main creative force of the organization, so its creative potential should be used to the maximum.
To run a successful business, you need to constantly work on your competitive advantages in order to be able to survive in today's market. Today, in the conditions of not just busy, but also in some places crowded market niches, the main asset of the company can be considered the competitiveness of its employees, and therefore it is extremely important not just, but innovative personnel management [1].
Thus, the study of innovations in the organization's personnel management system, the identification of the features of the personnel management system that predetermine the need for constant innovation, the development of solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of the implementation of new aspects of the activities of employees in the organization are of great scientific and practical interest and are extremely relevant.
1. Relevance of the topic
Achieving high performance results of the enterprise is impossible without the introduction of innovative approaches to personnel management processes. The potential of the used methods, methods and tools of personnel management is almost exhausted, therefore, the search for ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources is shifting to the development of innovative personnel technologies and their tools. Despite the variety of scientific research in this direction, modern innovative methods of personnel management are almost never used at the enterprise. Therefore, the issue of introducing innovative methods of personnel management is a very urgent problem.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
The main goal of the bachelor's final qualification work is to study the theoretical foundations and analyze the practical aspects of managing innovative changes in the personnel management system.
The need to achieve the set goal led to the solution of the following tasks:
- to consider the theoretical foundations of the essence of personnel management;
- to identify innovative changes in the personnel management system;
- the study of traditional approaches to the definition of the concept of "personnel management";
- study of innovative changes in the personnel management system.
The subject of the study is the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of managing innovative changes in the personnel management system.
The object of the study is the process of managing innovative changes in the personnel management system.
The methodological and theoretical basis of the study was formed by the work of domestic authors in the field of theory and practice of personnel management in an organization. When implementing the goals and objectives set in the study, the methods of factor analysis, principles, techniques and techniques of economic and statistical analysis, as well as methods of generalization, classification, comparison, tabular, graphical, systemic, elimination, etc. [2].
3. Innovative development of the organization's personnel management system
3.1 Theoretical foundations of enterprise personnel management
Personnel is one of the most important resources for the innovative development of an enterprise. The search for the latest approaches in personnel management is necessaryan essential condition for the successful functioning of any business entity. The solution of this problem is impossible without the use of innovative methods of personnel management, which today is an urgent task for managers [10]. In the context of the digitalization of the economy, the issues of applied application of modern forms of personnel management are of particular importance, which make it possible to increase the socio-economic efficiency of production, taking into account the use of domestic and foreign experience accumulated over many years. In the domestic literature there is no consensus on the definition of personnel management, but there are several traditional approaches (Table 1).
Table 1 - Approaches to the definition of "personnel management"
Approach Characteristic Institutional It is considered as a diverse activity of various subjects (among which most often there are specialized personnel management services, line and top managers who perform the function of management in relation to their subordinates), aimed at achieving the goals strategic development of a business entity and the implementation of tactical tasks for the most efficient use of employees employed at the enterprise. Content (functional) Based on the allocation of personnel management functions, its goals and objectives of functioning within the enterprise, it shows what actions, processes must be carried out in order to achieve these goals, which allows us to speak of personnel management as a special type of activity, that is, an integral system that has its own specific content. Organizational A complex of interrelated economic, organizational and socio-psychological methods that ensure the efficiency of labor activity and the competitiveness of enterprises. The object of the personnel management system The process of purposeful interaction and mutual influence in the joint productive activities of managers and staff. The approach defines the management system as a unity of the subject and the object of management, which is achieved as a result of not only self-regulation in complex social systems, but also the targeted impact of the management object on the subject. Based on the selected approaches, we can talk about personnel management as a system that has an object and subject of management, between which there are organizational and managerial relations, as well as management functions that are implemented through a system of certain methods.
The personnel management system (HMS) is a set of interconnected and interacting elements that make up a single whole and perform the functions of personnel management. It is implemented in the regulatory documents of the enterprise: the charter, its philosophy, internal labor regulations, collective agreement, regulation on remuneration, regulation on personnel service, etc. [3].
Aspects of enterprise personnel management are presented in Table. 2.
Table 2 - Aspects of enterprise personnel management
Aspect Content Technical and economic Reflects the level of development of production, features of the equipment used in it and technologies, working conditions, etc. Organizational and economic Contains issues related to planning the number and composition of employees, moral and material incentives, use working hours, etc. Legal Includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in work with personnel. Social psychological It reflects the issues of socio-psychological support of personnel management, the introduction of various sociological and psychological procedures into work practice. Pedagogical It involves solving issues related to staff education, mentoring, etc. In addition to the fact that personnel management has many aspects, it can be based on different conceptual provisions. Personnel management is based on the general concept of management, that is, a generalized representation of the interests of the enterprise and employeesin. There are four concepts in management practice:
- the concept of the use of labor resources (economic approach);
- the concept of personnel management (organic approach);
- the concept of human resource management (organic approach);
- the concept of human management (humanistic approach).
Personnel management includes the following areas of implementation:
- determining the need for personnel, taking into account the development strategy of the enterprise;
- formation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel (recruitment, selection and placement of personnel);
- personnel policy (principles for the selection and placement of personnel, conditions for hiring and firing, training and advanced training, evaluation of personnel and their activities);
- a system of general and professional training of personnel;
- adaptation of employees in the enterprise;
- payment and stimulation of labor (forms of remuneration, ways to increase labor productivity);
- performance evaluation and certification of personnel;
- personnel development system (training, career planning);
- formation of a personnel reserve;
- corporate culture of the enterprise.
The personnel management system is a mandatory component of the management and development of any business entity. Being, in fact, one of the most important subsystems of an enterprise, the personnel management system determines the success of its development. For the most effective functioning of the personnel management system, it must be considered in the unity of all approaches to management [4].
3.2 Innovative changes in the personnel management system
Innovative changes in the personnel management system are aimed at improving the efficiency of the staff. The development of innovations should be carried out on the basis of evidence-based studies of the current personnel management system, identifying opportunities and shortcomings, as well as taking into account the requirements of the latest trends in the field of personnel management and depending on the specifics of the enterprise[5].
Among the main reasons for innovations in the personnel management system are:
- appointment of a new leader;
- transformation of enterprise goals;
- changing the needs of counterparties, production technology, actions of competitors;
- development of scientific and technological progress;
- directives.
Innovative transformations in the personnel management system of an enterprise may relate to various organizational changes in the personnel management service or as a result of the introduction of various personnel technologies (selection, adaptation, personnel assessment, labor movement of personnel, business career planning) into work with personnel, which are absent in the current system.
The need for changes in the personnel management system should be realized under the influence of external factors (for example, the development of the practical application of the latest developments in the field of personnel management) and changes in the financial subsystem of the enterprise.
Innovations in personnel work are management innovations, which mean any target activity, organizational decision, system, procedure or method of personnel work management, which differs significantly from the established practice and is used for the first time in the conditions of this enterprise. Innovations should be aimed at increasing the level and ability of personnel to solve the problems of the effective functioning and development of the enterprise and its structural divisions in a competitive environment[6].
The basis of innovation can be: an ordered innovation developed by an external specialized organization; own innovation developed as a result of own research; a practice-tested innovation implemented in the personnel work of another business entity[7].
Innovations in personnel work can be classified according to the following criteria (Table 3)
Table 3 - Classification of innovations in the personnel management system
Attribute Characteristic By objects In relation to individual employees, structural divisions, enterprises. Innovative potential Radical, improving, modifying. To scale Global, medium, small. Depending on the area of analysis and system building enterprise management Target programs, functional and linear subsystems that provide subsystems. Depending on radius actions Intraorganizational, interorganizational. By awareness employees Necessary, unwanted. If necessary and time preparation Without long preparation, with long preparation, without preliminary preparation. Depending on the necessary training Requiring organizational, financial, personnel, psychological, material, informational or complex training. According to the level of isolation and connection with other innovations Separate, complex (carried out in combination with other innovations) . According to the stages of personnel management technology Planning of work with personnel, marketing of personnel, recruitment and selection of personnel, business assessment of personnel, adaptation of personnel, organization of labor and workplace of personnel, use of personnel, release of personnel . According to the stages of personnel development management technology Management of social development of personnel, organization of systems for training, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, certification of personnel, management of career and professional promotion of personnel, formation of a reserve for promotion to a managerial position. In the field of behavior management of the organization's personnel Management of motivation and stimulation of the labor activity of personnel, conflict and stress management, safety and health management personnel, organization of working conditions, regime and discipline of personnel. By the degree of consequences Effective (economic, social effect), neutral, inefficient (financial, temporary, social losses) . In order to choose the most appropriate type of innovation, it is necessary to analyze in detail the factors that would determine the need for them. This is what will allow you to accurately determine the desired type of personnel innovation and predict its possible consequences, determine the duration, possible reaction of employees [8].
Effective management of innovations allows you to solve such tasks in personnel management:
- development of a strategic innovative concept of personnel management in accordance with the long-term goals of the enterprise development;
- determination of directions for the development of personnel work and the formation of innovative projects and programs of innovations in personnel work;
- organization of the development, implementation and maintenance of innovations in personnel work; selection, placement, adaptation, use and development of personnel in accordance with the program for the implementation of innovations in personnel work;
- creating and improving conditions for innovative activity.
The main goal of innovations in personnel management is to provide the organization with employees who continuously generate innovations in all areas of their activities, their effective application by creating conditions for the introduction of innovations, professional and social development of personnel for the benefit of both the employees themselves and for the company and society as a whole[9].
There are many innovative technologies. The most significant, providing high innovative activity of the staff, include: a grading system of remuneration, including public recognition of merits and achievements; evaluating individual contributions based on organization-specific competency models; technologies for career planning and individual development of employees; effective feedback techniques, especially from the bottom up; development of the organizational knowledge system.
Thus, innovative changes in the personnel management system are managerial innovations or any target activity, organizational decision, system, procedure or method of managing work with personnel that differs significantly from the established practice and is first used in the enterprise in order to increase the level and ability employees to solve the problems of effective functioning and development of the enterprise and its structural divisions in a competitive environment. The organization of innovative changes is a set of structural units, groups and individuals permanently or temporarily involved in the personnel management system, as well as the ways and norms of their interaction in the development and implementation of personnel innovations. Once a decision on an innovation has been made, the problem of its evaluation, as well as implementation, use and support arises.driving. The main areas of application of innovations in the personnel management system are: recruitment, employee performance evaluation, training, reward system and business career management.
List of sources
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