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Abstract on the topic of graduation work



Measurement of the success of an organization is possible by considering objective indicators of business performance, such as, for example, turnover, profit, market position, and so on. At the same time, today the success of any company depends largely on the success of the employees of this company.

The success of any organization depends not only on the correct selection and placement of personnel, but also on their effective management. Therefore, HR specialists of any organization must clearly understand the nature of the work and the requirements for employees. Their abilities and skills, as well as personal motivation and the ability to motivate people to get the job done, are all necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. The competency assessment approach is a proven and appropriate method. It can also be used for training and development, in working with a personnel reserve, in determining ways of motivation, compensation and benefits. Personnel assessment methods are necessary to control and make personnel decisions. The level of competence and efficiency of the employee is analyzed.

Competences are characterized by knowledge, skills, values, personal characteristics. Efficiency is quantified, for this KPIs are used, which stands for key performance indicators. The most difficult thing is to evaluate the behavior of an employee. The most common methods of personnel assessment are interviewing, testing, certification, business games, as well as a complex method.

1. Relevance of the topic

Relevance of the research topic. The personnel assessment system is a relatively new personnel procedure in assessing the professional competencies of employees. The introduction of personnel assessment technology makes it possible to objectively assess the professional level of employees. The most important component of the personnel management strategy is the development of professional and qualification skills of employees through the use of interactive methods of training, assessment and certification of personnel. That is why the problem of forming an organization's personnel assessment system is relevant and creates an objective need for appropriate scientific research in this direction.

2. Goals and objectives of the study

The main goal of the final work is to study the theoretical foundations and analyze the practical aspects of the formation of a system for assessing the professional competencies of personnel.

The need to achieve the set goal led to the solution of the following tasks:

• explore ways to assess the professional competencies of staff;

• identify measures to develop tools for assessing the organization's personnel;

• analyze the effectiveness of the proposed measures in the context of economic modernization.

The subject of the study is the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the formation of a system for assessing the professional competencies of the organization's personnel in the context of economic modernization.

The object of the study is the process of forming a system for assessing the organization's personnel.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study was formed by the work of domestic authors in the field of theory and practice of the organization's personnel assessment system.

Research methods - in the implementation of the goals and objectives set in the study, methods were used: tabular, generalizations, surveys, observation, analysis and synthesis, graphical, as well as quantitative and qualitative assessment.

3. Formation of a system for assessing the professional competencies of personnel

3.1 Methods for assessing the professional competencies of personnel

In the 90s, for the first time in the Russian-speaking world, the term “competencies” appeared, which replaced “professionally important qualities”. In 2009, a council of 45 highly qualified psychologists (candidates and doctors of science) was assembled, researched and evaluated 16 definitions of the term "competence" on 7 different scales. The final result was cluster and factor analysis.

Competence- this is such a combination of knowledge, skills, motivational factors, personal qualities and situational intentions, which provides an effective solution by the performer of tasks of a certain class in a certain organization, at a certain workplace, in a certain production team [ 4].

According to Yu.G. Odegov, competence is a set of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, skills, ways of activity, experience), is an alienated predetermined social requirement (norm) of a student's educational preparation, necessary for his high-quality productive activity in a certain area [10].

Foreign experts have defined the concept of "staff competencies" as a description of the behavior (mode of action) of employees necessary to achieve the goals of the company and the corresponding corporate culture [1].

The assessment of the professional competencies of personnel should be carried out in a comprehensive format, the approaches and tools used can be combined. To assess the level of competence, testing is used, which corresponds to knowledge in a particular area. Personal qualities can be determined in an interview or interview, as well as in the course of performing special tasks. Questionnaires and a test format are also used to identify certain traits, but such information must be able to analyze. Personnel certification allows to establish and confirm the area of ??professional employment of a specialist, gives a guarantee of the level of his professionalism [16].

Figure 3.1 shows the most popular methods for assessing the professional competencies of an organization's personnel.

Figure 3.1 - Methods for assessing the professional competencies of the organization's personnel

Personnel certification is included in the personnel management system, this is one of the components of the assessment. Evaluation and attestation are often confused. But there is a difference between them, and it is very significant: assessment determines the effectiveness of the company's employees in the implementation of tasks, and certification determines whether the employee's activity meets the standards of the position held [11].

There are four main types of personnel certification:

View 1. Another certification. This is a mandatory procedure for all employees. It is held at least every two years for managers and the company, and at least every three years for other employees.

View 2. Certification after the probationary period. Used to develop recommendations. The results of the appraisal will show how to use the employee more efficiently. Basis for conclusions, results of activities and labor adaptation at a new place of work.

View 3. Certification of personnel during promotion. This type allows you to determine the level of professional suitability of a person. The goal is to decide whether the employee is able to take a higher position in the enterprise. Take into account the features of the new position, requirements, new responsibilities.

View 4. Attestation when transferring to another structural unit. This type of certification is resorted to when a person is transferred to a fundamentally new position. If the new responsibilities change appreciably, then the test will determine whether the employee is suitable for the position [6].

Methods used in personnel appraisal:

Method 1. Ranking. This method involves the placement of subordinates according to a certain criterion. Typically, this is the rank. The key parameter is the ability to perform a certain job.

Method 2. Classification. The achievements and merits of employees in the performance of work are taken into account.

Method 3. Rating scale. For the rating scale, a special table is formed. It includes the personal and professional qualities of the employee. Each scale has a specific score. Most often, a 5-point system is used.

Method 4. Method of open certification. The method of open certification was developed not so long ago, it is new. Instead of scoring, oral or written characteristics are used.

One of the most important resources of the organization is the personnel, which is characterized by a certain level of quality in the performance of a particular production task. Personnel management technologies are aimed at increasing the efficiency of using the existing labor potential of employees and at the constant development of their professional and qualification level. One of these technologies is personnel certification, which is aimed at establishing an objective assessment of the level of professional qualifications of an employee to the requirements of production and the type of economic activity established by the relevant professional standard, confirming his ability and right to perform specific types of work, regardless of the place, time and method of obtaining a qualification.lifications [12].

The certification process is quite complex and time-consuming: it places high demands on personnel, requires a significant amount of working time for both department heads and personnel management specialists. The certificate determines the employee's compliance with the requirements and the level of competencies, which becomes the basis for his further professional development [8]. At its core, a certificate of competence is a document indicating the compliance with the actual competencies that are required from an employee in a certain area of ??the professional and qualification structure of personnel. The personnel certification procedure should be presented in several stages (Fig. 3.2):

Figure 3.2 - Stages of certification of the organization's personnel

Personnel certification is carried out within a certain system and according to the chosen scheme. The generalized scheme of the certification process according to the schemes most frequently used in practice is represented by five main stages: an application for certification; assessment of compliance of the object of certification with the established requirements; analysis of conformity assessment results; decision on the results of certification; inspection control [14].

Testing is a process in which various characteristics of prospective employees are assessed using psychometric tools called tests [6].

Various types of tests are used that are aimed at assessing the personnel of an organization:

- the level of knowledge, the amount of information about the company;

- ability to perceive new information;

- intellectual abilities;

- ability to perform assigned tasks;

- interests;

- character;

- ability to work in "stressful" situations [13].

After determining the necessary competencies of an employee, HR managers select the appropriate tests. In the practical activities of personnel management, the following groups of tests are distinguished:

- qualification, allowing to determine the degree of qualification of an employee; psychological, making it possible to assess the personal qualities of an employee;

- physiological, revealing the physiological characteristics of a person;

- tests aimed at testing - certain tasks, situations that the candidate needs to complete. The examinee must offer a number of solutions. The results of these tests quite accurately assess the professional qualities of future employees;

- personality questionnaires [13].

Competency interview is a modern and effective approach to the selection and evaluation of personnel. The methodology is based on the analysis of typical situations - cases. A list of questions is compiled to check whether the applicant has the basic qualities (competencies) required for this position, scores are given for each of the competencies and the results are analyzed. At the same time, the emotional assessment of the interviewer does not affect this analysis in any way [2].

3.2 Measures to develop organization personnel assessment tools

The main problem in assessing the level of professional competence, as a combination of characteristics of professional qualifications and personal characteristics of an employee, is the search for effective assessment tools. Professional competence consists of the following components: cognitive, associated with the level of professional knowledge; scientific, showing the level of theoretical and practical readiness for professional activity; activity, which determines the formation of practical skills based on professional knowledge; personal, representing the motives and value orientations of the individual, manifested in the process of implementing activities [15].

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine the general provisions and requirements for the employee to be assessed. Such provisions can be developed in the form of normative documents both at the republican level and at the level of the organization.

In an organization, the assessment of the professional competencies of personnel should take into account the specifics of the type of economic and economic activity, as well as certain qualification requirements for employees, depending on the level of their professional duties.

The organization needs to develop a "Regulations on personnel assessment", which will be a local and regulatory document throughout the organization. The “Regulations” should include the following sections, shown in Fig. 3.3.

Figure 3.3 - An approximate list of sections "Regulations on personnel assessment"
(animation: 9 frames, 208kb)

Let's define the main goals of assessing the professional competencies of personnel in an organization: assessment of the professional level of employees; identification of existing problems in the personnel management system; development of an employee training and development plan [3]. Let us designate the accompanying goals of assessing professional competencies, which are aimed at assessing a certain employee and improving the quality of his work in the organization (Table 3.1.) [7].

Table 3.1 - Associated goals for assessing the professional competencies of the organization's personnel

Goals aimed at assessing a particular employee

Goals aimed at improving the quality of work in an organization

Determining the motivation to work

Improving the socio-psychological climate in the team

Determining the suitability of the position

Improving work efficiency

Assessing career prospects

Developing the process of personnel management

Assessing team involvement

Increasing the level of responsibility of employees, the level of labor discipline

Personnel assessment should be carried out by a special commission formed on the basis of an order. The approximate composition of the commission should include: chairman (general director, director, head, etc.); members of the commission (deputy head, head of the personnel department, head of the quality department, labor protection specialist, security officer, lawyer of the organization, etc.); secretary (this may be a secretary or any other employee of the organization from the professional category).

Thus, measures to develop tools for assessing the organization's personnel require the development of local regulatory documents (regulations on personnel assessment); establishing levels by qualification; determining the objectives of the assessment; formation of a model of the procedure for assessing the professional competencies of personnel; establishing persons responsible for assessing the professional competencies of employees.

3.3 Justification of the effectiveness of the proposed measures in the context of economic modernization

Measures for the development of tools for assessing the professional competencies of the organization's personnel are aimed at increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor, improving the level of professional competencies, increasing profits and the level of competitiveness of personnel.

The development of the "Regulations on personnel assessment" will clearly formulate the purpose of the procedure, the procedure for individual information, the timing, the definition of employees subject to certification, as well as the regulations of the assessment commission. Therefore, this document regulates the assessment procedure in the organization in the form of one of the main regulatory documents.

For an organization, the primary goal is to increase profits and minimize costs. The effectiveness of the employee assessment procedure depends on the form of assessing the results of professional skills.

A theoretical exam can give a result, but only if the assessment of the employee's professional competencies is not a big question. The practical part shows the real level of professionalism, it can determine the level of theoretical knowledge, supported in practice by an employee [5].

The effectiveness of these activities will improve the quality of the organization's personnel, confirm the knowledge and skills of the employee, give the manager confidence in the level of professional competence of the staff [9]. Tools for the development of personnel assessment will improve the quality of labor resources and develop a differentiated approach to motivating and stimulating labor activity. Personnel assessment will allow: to reduce the cost of personnel recruitment; increase the educational and qualification level of personnel and the level of competitiveness of personnel; to create prerequisites for the growth of efficiency and labor productivity; increase labor mobility.

Passing an assessment of the professional competencies of personnel provides a number of advantages both for the organization as a whole and for an individual employee (Table 3.4).

Table 3.4 - Benefits of implementing the personnel assessment procedure

On the part of the organization

Employee side

Improving the image of the organization, allowing to increase the interest of investors, getting the opportunity to participate in international tenders and projects.

This is an additional reason for wage increases.

The opportunity to get an objective assessment of the quality of training, the level of competence and professional suitability of employees.

It is a confirmation of the quality and reliability of all performed by the employee of labor actions and operations.

The ability to encourage staff to improve their skills, enhance their professional growth.

Gives priority to career progression.

The opportunity to form recommendations on the prospect of in-company training, develop proposals for adjusting the educational standards of the system of professional training of skilled workers.

Provides psychological comfort and confidence in one's own abilities.

Thus, the rationale for the effectiveness of the proposed measures is to determine the economic and social efficiency. For an organization, social efficiency makes it possible to improve the image of the organization, attract investors, obtain a real assessment of the professional competencies of an employee, the ability to stimulate staff to improve their skills, and form recommendations for the prospect of in-house training. For staff, social efficiency is to increase the level of wages; provides psychological comfort and self-confidence.


Thus, the analysis of the procedure for assessing the professional competencies of personnel draws a number of conclusions. Based on the generalization of a number of definitions by various authors, the author's approach to the essence of the competence of the organization's personnel was formulated as a set of interrelated qualities of personnel according to the developed standards, in order to determine the professional level of an employee or personnel as a whole. The personnel assessment procedure is based on professional standards that contain the necessary requirements for a profession or position in terms of skill levels and a set of professional competencies.

The main tools for developing the assessment of professional competencies include: developing a provision on personnel assessment, determining requirements for the employee's qualification level, establishing the sequence of assessment, and creating a special assessment commission; determination of the form of final control for each employee; establishment of qualification categories, development of a personnel assessment mechanism.

The social effect of the introduction of the personnel assessment system is: improving the image of the organization, getting the opportunity to participate in international tenders and projects; the possibility of obtaining an objective assessment of the quality of training, the level of competence and professional suitability of employees; enhancing the professional growth of employees; opportunities to form recommendations on the prospect of in-house training; development of proposals for adjusting the educational standards of the system of professional training of qualified specialists. For an employee, the social effect is the prospect of career growth and the possibility of increasing wages, providing psychological comfort and confidence in their own professional capabilities.

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