This abstract is used as an example, with the permission of Olga Karuk.
Original: http://masters.donntu.ru/2011/fknt/tatolov/diss/indexe.htm
- Introduction
- 1. The essence and content of the development of the personnel of the enterprise
- 2. Competence-based approach in the process of developing the personnel of the enterprise
- 3. Modeling the competencies of the enterprise personnel and the main stages of their implementation
- Conclusion
- References
The results of the enterprise, first of all, depend on the use of the labor potential of its personnel. In addition to the selection of employees, the most effective way to unlock the potential is the development of personnel. Within the framework of this system, training, stimulation and evaluation of employees take place. At the moment, there is a rapid development of innovations, which makes it necessary to expand the knowledge, skills and personal qualities of employees. The result is an increase in labor productivity, the creation of new technologies and techniques, which is reflected in the entire production process. In this regard, the problem of personnel development is relevant and creates an objective need for appropriate scientific research in this direction.
A significant number of scientists deal with the problems of personnel development at the enterprise. This is due to the fact that this system is recognized as necessary for the activities of enterprises and contributes not only to economic efficiency, but also creates a social effect and favorably affects the quality and standard of living of the population. Various aspects of this problem were studied by domestic scientists: S. Apenko, E. Eremenko, N. Artamonova, I. Golovtsova, T. Bazarov, G. Bakirova, I. Basinskaya, O. Radyuk, V. Vesnin, A. Zotkin, Yu. Nateikina, S. Kucherova, O. Leonova, A. Stolyarova, E. Rudneva, I. Savitskaya, T. Sukhorukova, O. Chulanova and others. The works of these scientists highlight the theoretical aspects of the development of the enterprise’s personnel, however, at the moment, the studies conducted have not provided exhaustive answers to topical issues and new forms and methods of personnel development at enterpris.
The main purpose of the study is to study the theoretical foundations and analyze the practical aspects of the development of enterprise personnel based on competency modeling and the development of a competency model to improve the personnel development system.
The need to achieve this goal led to the solution of the following tasks:
- Explore the theoretical foundations of the concept of "personnel development", reveal the essence of this category, its principles, a set of measures.
- To study the competence approach in the development of the personnel of the enterprise, the features and differences of this approach, its principles.
- To study the process of modeling the competencies of the enterprise personnel and the main stages of their implementation.
Object of study: the processes of development of the personnel of the enterprise.
Subject of study: a set of theoretical and practical foundations of personnel development based on competency modeling.
When implementing the goals and objectives set in the study, the methods of logical analysis (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), factor analysis, principles, techniques and techniques of economic and statistical analysis, as well as methods of generalization, grouping, classification, comparison, detailing, tabular, graphical methods, etc.
The information base of the research was the reporting and statistical data of the enterprise, Internet resources. The processing of information obtained during the study was carried out using modern information technologies.
1. The essence and content of the development of the personnel of the enterprise
Personnel development is one of the main functions of the personnel management system and is a system of interrelated elements and actions of an organizational and economic nature, the purpose of which is to develop a strategy, forecast and plan the need for personnel, manage careers and professional growth, organize the process of adaptation, training and formation of an organizational culture [4].
The purpose of personnel development is to increase the labor potential of employees to solve personal problems and tasks of the organization in the field of its functioning and development, increase labor efficiency, reduce the rate of staff turnover, gradual and detailed training of the management personnel needed in the future, attract and educate young and new employees, compliance technologies of scientific technological progress, the growth of social qualities of employees and their job satisfaction [9]
A set of measures included in the personnel development system is shown in Figure 1.
To obtain positive results from activities aimed at personnel development, you should understand what parameters should be included in development technologies and what product you want to get as a result.
Each enterprise determines the system that is suitable for itself individually, based on its goals and financial capabilities. Some firms train staff continuously, others organize short-term courses during which specialists are told about new methods of work and promising technologies in production.
It is necessary to develop the learning ability of employees, that is, a positive attitude towards the acquisition of new knowledge. This quality is also necessary for professionals, including, despite the opinion of many employers that there is no need to train an employee who is a professional in a certain area [4].
Personnel development management is considered successful if the team associates its own achievements with the good results of the company, a favorable atmosphere reigns in the company, employees are ready to use their intellectual, creative potential, show responsibility and initiative. If the above factors of personnel development are present, it means that the tasks set in the company are being solved qualitatively. An integral part of any ongoing activity in the organization is the analysis [7].
Among the basic principles of personnel development, it is worth highlighting the following: 1) the integrity of the system; 2) continuity of types and forms of development by personnel; 3) a leading factor regarding the development of the organization; 4) flexibility and a large number of forms of development; 5) stimulation of personnel, both professional and social; 6) keeping records of the capabilities of the enterprise.
2. Competence-based approach in the process of developing the personnel of the enterprise
The choice of the competence-based approach in many organizations is due to its integrativity and flexibility. It is worth noting the interaction of all personality attributes and their implementation in production, which allows you to quickly respond to changing environmental conditions and find non-standard solutions to certain issues.
Competences are individual characteristics of a person, which include knowledge, skills, abilities and motivational attitudes that can be measured through behavior and that contribute to high quality and productivity.
We can say that they hire this or that employee for the sake of the competencies that he possesses. It can be based on a variety of qualities, knowledge, skills, motivational attitudes, beliefs, values, principles, views of a person [3].
Competence should be distinguished from competence, which is a characteristic of a position and is a set of powers (rights and duties) that a certain body and officials have or should have in accordance with laws, regulations, charters, regulations [8].
The competence-based approach was first applied in the field of education during the formation of the National System of Professional Qualifications in Great Britain. To meet the set requirements, employees use competencies so that the results of their activities exceed existing standards. The presented vision soon succumbed to criticism. Later, a functional approach to understanding competencies arose, which began to combine knowledge, skills, personal values, and behavioral characteristics [10].
At the moment, the competence approach is considered an integral element of the personnel management system. The key moment of the competency-based approach is the transition from operational problems to tasks of the strategic level. The organization creates an environment in which employees develop their skills, personal characteristics, which can further affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. At the same time, the characteristics may not be directly related to the performance of duties. Thus, the creative behavior of employees is considered the main element in achieving the goals [1, 4]. The main principles of the competence-based approach are shown in fig. 2.
In the competency-based approach, the competence model occupies a central place - a set of competencies necessary for the effective performance of work by an employee. Most of the models are described by 8-12 most important competencies for a particular organization. A distinctive characteristic of competencies is that they do not lend themselves to wear and tear, like physical factors and skills, but rather improve and develop depending on their application [6].
The competence-based approach provides great opportunities for describing the type of behavior and those of its provisions that are necessary to obtain a high level of efficiency. This approach allows you to determine the professional, behavioral requirements for an employee, depending on his leadership skills, profession, position and tasks performed. Therefore, the development and implementation of a competency-based approach to personnel management processes should become an integral part of the work with the organization's personnel and contribute to improving the efficiency of the entire company.
Among the obvious advantages of the competency-based approach are:
Consideration of a person as an "independent object of nature": a person is studied as a person, a subject who has certain unique values, personal needs, motives, knowledge, and has behavior that leads to the effective performance of work.
The implementation of the ideas of equality and tolerance, since the concept of competencies makes it possible to shift the emphasis from the psychological properties of a person to the external elements of his activity, to shift the assessment from qualities and transfer it to behavioral manifestations.
Orientation to accounting for the personal effectiveness of the employee.
Support for staff mobility, both vertical, in terms of career development, horizontal in terms of rotation between sectors, and spatial, that is, territorial position.
Combining the interests of business, personnel management and the tasks of the modern education system. In other words, the integration of the competencies of the organization, staff and learners.
Theoretical and methodological substantiation of differences in the results of activities of various subjects: employees, organizations, industries and the economy as a whole.
The competence-based approach has an innovative focus. However, despite this, there are also problems with its application. In order for the competency model to become effective and objective, its development requires the involvement of qualified specialists, as well as the development of reasonable evaluation criteria. Formation of a model by adapting general competence models to the needs of specific organizations can be, on the one hand, an argument in favor of a competence-based approach, and on the other hand, a serious source of risk.
In systems for assessing the level of competencies, it is the result that becomes important, without taking into account the method of learning. This, in the future, opens up new prospects for career development not only through obtaining an elite education, but also on the basis of self-education or through the acquisition of professional experience.
In general, it should be emphasized that the competence-based approach is directly related to changes in the nature and content of work, vocational training and education. Its development is aimed at creating conditions for the integration of education and training in accordance with the needs of the labor market, as well as to ensure staff mobility.
Modern management is characterized by a constant change in strategies, organizational structure, methods and tools, which is due to the dynamics of transformations in the external and internal environment, occurring under the influence of macro- and microeconomic factors. To ensure competitiveness, strategic changes in approaches to management are needed - from managing functional subsystems and processes to managing based on a competency-based approach.
3. Modeling the competencies of the enterprise personnel and the main stages of their implementation
The competency model is a complete list of behavior indicators, a set of competencies that an employee needs to successfully perform work. It can be based on a variety of qualities, knowledge, skills, motivational attitudes, beliefs, values, principles, views of a person. Most models are described by 8-12 competencies - the number that is most often used in practice [6].
The presence of a competency model in an enterprise greatly facilitates the recruitment of personnel, and also works as one of the assessment tools. It helps the employee to determine the direction of personal development to maximize compliance with the goals and needs of the company, that is, it contributes to the formation of a clear development plan.
The main stages of building a competency model:
1. Project planning: goals, resources, deadlines are determined, and the project is sold to employees within the organization.
2. Formation of the project team and working groups.
3. Collection and analysis of information. In the course of analyzing the information received, it is necessary to create a single structure and identify priorities. The result will be a ready-made list of competencies.
4. Listing and determining the level of importance of competencies. At this stage, it is important to determine the number of levels of behavioral indicators for each competency, as well as the minimum starting stage of development.
5. Development of a competency model for each position. An individual reference model is created that is necessary to achieve success in a particular position. It is important to identify the most significant competencies, to eliminate duplication or contradiction between them [6].
The use of a borrowed model, or its construction using a competency directory, can cause its inefficiency.
The study of the theoretical and practical aspects of personnel development based on competency modeling allows us to draw a number of conclusions given below.
It has been determined that personnel development is a system of interrelated elements and actions of an organizational and economic nature, the purpose of which is to develop a strategy, forecast and plan the need for personnel, manage career and professional growth, organize the process of adaptation, training and formation of organizational culture.
Among the basic principles of personnel development, it is worth highlighting the following: the integrity of the system, the continuity of types and forms of development by personnel, the leading factor regarding the development of the organization, flexibility and a large number of forms of development, staff stimulation, both professional and social, keeping records of the enterprise's capabilities.
To organize an effective learning system, a model is created that includes the following main steps: identifying needs, allocating resources, drawing up a training plan, drawing up a curriculum, implementing a curriculum, justifying training and evaluating the learning process. Such modern concepts as production (the concept of improving the process of accumulating human capital), product (the concept of improving the quality of human capital), trade (the concept of stimulating the use of increasing human capital), traditional marketing (the concept of the effectiveness of satisfying the desires and preferences of the employer), social (the concept of social -ethical development of personnel), career guidance (the concept of searching for professional talents), communicative, the concept of workforce service, the modern concept of personnel development.
The essence of the competence-based approach to the development of the enterprise personnel is revealed. The distinctive features of which are the transition from the reproduction of knowledge to their application, the acquisition of skills to work in the absence of ready-made solution projects and the development of creative, individual algorithms for resolving non-standard and unforeseen situations, the formation of a working environment conducive to unlocking the potential of employees, exchanging information and generating ideas, retreat from classical methods of development in favor of modern ones, or their collaboration, the focus of development on solving the set production tasks by developing the skills and competencies necessary for this. The main principles within the framework of the competence-based approach are the principles of consistency, complexity, relevance, continuity, continuity, advanced development, self-development, and efficiency.
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