Abstract - Hardware optimization in logic circuits of control units - Ivan Ivanenko
Abstract - Innovative development of the Russian Federation in the context of the EAEU - Anna Morozova
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The Eurasian Economic Community is an international economic organization that is endowed with functions related to the formation of common external customs borders of its member countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan), the development of a common foreign economic policy, tariffs, prices and other components of work common market.One of these integration associations, in which the Russian Federation is an active participant, is the Eurasian Economic Union, which began functioning on January 1, 2015.

The work of Avdokushin E. F., Sizov V. S. is devoted to the problem of innovative activity. The works of Frolova T. A., Khasbulatov R. I. are mainly devoted to the general provisions of international economic integration. Ziyadullaev N.S., Mansurov T.A. paid special attention to the process of formation of the EAEU. Glazyev S.Yu., Kozlov A.V., Kundryukov S.S. and Tkachuk S.P. . Grishina O. A., Evsyukov S. G., Zoidov K. Kh., Irishev B. K., Misko O. N., Naryshkin S. E., Ustyuzhanina E. V.Falchenko O. D. identified and analyzed in detail the problems and prospects for the development of Eurasian integration. A general assessment of the potential of the economies of the EAEU member states was made by Vinokurov E. Yu., Baibolotova R. Sh., Tsukarev T. V., as a result of which Ziyadullaev N. S. summed up the overall results of the existence of the Union.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the sustainable development of the Russian Federation in the context of the EAEU based on innovations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

• to study the theoretical foundations of economic integration;

• consider the governance structure of the Russian Federation in the context of the EAEU;

• to establish the socio-economic potential of the activities of the Russian Federation in the context of the EAEU;

• to analyze foreign and mutual trade in goods of the EAEU member countries;

• to identify problems and prospects for the development of economic integration within the framework of the EAEU.


1. Global scientific achievements in the chosen direction and object of research.

International economic integration is a complex of economic relations of cooperation between countries in various fields of activity, which is characterized by deep interpenetration of economies and leads to long-term technical, technological and economic interdependence. [1]

Economic integration is a process of interpenetration, merging of the economies of neighboring countries into a single economic complex based on stable economic ties. [2] At the interstate level, integration occurs on the basis of the formation of economic associations of states and the harmonization of national policies. Integration processes cover primarily countries that are territorially included in one region.

As a rule, not only geographical proximity is necessary, but also economic, cultural, religious, ethnic similarities. Integration is a process of movement and development of a certain system, during which the number and intensity of interactions of the elements of this system grows, their mutual connection and relative independence in relation to each other decreases. The development of integration presupposes the presence of certain prerequisites. [3]

As a rule, integration is the most durable and effective if developed countries integrate. The second most important prerequisite is the complementarity of the economies of neighboring countries. It manifests itself primarily in the diversity of export structures of integrating countries. [4] The prerequisites also include the so-called demonstration effect, that is, the more countries are included in the integration group and increase intra-regional trade, the more difficulties third countries outside the group experience.

The main goal of the economic development of the union in the long term, first of all, is to promote the achievement and maintenance of high-quality and sustainable economic growth of the participating countries.

The possibility of achieving the above goal in the union is determined by the fact that the general long-term guidelines for the economic policy of the participating countries (maintaining macroeconomic stability and increasing the competitiveness of economies) form the prerequisites for the implementation of a wide range of integration measures and actions, including structural ones, in all areas of development. [5]

The development of the EAEU is carried out along several vectors: the creation of commodity agricultural exchanges, the development of interconnected energy systems, end-to-end transport systems, gas and oil pipelines, and the building of an adequate financial system. [6] These strategies used in the framework of the formation of an economic union are based on two main principles: - a coordinated trade policy in relation to other countries; - formation and functioning of a single customs territory. However, such processes are not only not always implemented in accordance with the set plans, but also do not always have an unambiguously positive characteristic for Russia.

The basic principle of organizing the EAEU as an economic union has come into conflict with the political motives of sanctions, which is incompatible with the declared priorities of economic, food and, finally, national security of the EAEU member countries. Moreover, Belarus has become one of the main beneficiaries of the food embargo by starting illegal re-exports. In this regard, the problem of a clearer theoretical and legal substantiation of the problem of the institutional organization of an integration union arises. [7]

The development of strong integration is impossible without unified political institutions, without unified legislation, without a unified currency and governing bodies and socio-cultural cooperation. Thus, Russia's economic ties with Ukraine were the strongest of all the CIS countries. The integration of the economies was enormous, and the cultural and ideological divergence turned out to be catastrophic. Therefore, as G. M. Timofeev emphasizes, only the creation of a single political, social and humanitarian space will ensure further deepening and strengthening of Eurasian integration. [8]

All post-Soviet integration with Russia by the newly independent states was forced because of their economic dependence on Russia and the desire to receive Russian loans and raw materials. Therefore, in the event of more favorable economic proposals from other states, they are ready to abandon integration led by Russia.

Fruitful cooperation and the creation of a full-fledged effective union is possible only on the basis of a real unity of the economies of the participating countries, and this requires coordination of the functioning of national production systems. At the same time, I believe that integration should not be limited to financial and economic motives and methods. It is important to harmonize the interests of preserving national sovereignty in the implementation of a thoughtful, accurate and systemic impact on the elites and population of the EAEU countries in order to minimize political-ideological or nationalist-social discrepancies. [9]

2. Existing unresolved scientific problems in the chosen direction and object of research.

The future of the EAEU and its member countries is associated with an increase in the competitiveness of the applied technologies and the structure of manufactured products, which is the most important condition for national security, successful scientific and technological and effective socio-economic development. Practice shows that we have relatively few successes in these areas, and the number of unresolved problems in these areas does not decrease. [10] Unfortunately, both Russia and other EAEU countries lag far behind developed countries both in the development and implementation of already adopted programs in the main scientific and technological areas and global development trends.

Despite the adoption by the President and the Government of a number of important decisions and the determination of specific measures to organize national research centers, innovation clusters, technology parks, special economic zones and others, they did not bring quick results. [11] Measures aimed at improving the activities of the structural elements of the scientific and technological complex also did not lead to an explosive increase in efficiency by stimulating and intensifying innovative activities. Unfortunately, there have been few significant and serious achievements in recent years, among them, for example, the development of vaccines against COVID-2019 can be noted.In this regard, it is advisable to identify problems and determine the main reasons for such a lag both in Russia and in other EAEU countries. It is necessary to outline the main measures, the implementation of which will increase the effectiveness of the implementation of previously adopted decisions in the field of deepening scientific and technological integration and cooperation both in Russia and in the EAEU countries in order to overcome the existing technological gap with developed countries, and to respond to technological challenges with developed countries.

The development of integration rests on administrative barriers that impede the movement of goods, services, capital and labor. [12] Technical barriers in mutual trade have not been eliminated, technical regulations are being slowly developed, despite the existing agreements. Therefore, the priority tasks for the EAEU at the moment are joint measures for import substitution, a coordinated macroeconomic policy, reducing barriers to mutual trade, stimulating exports to third countries and improving the efficiency of the work of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The Union has yet to decide whether it should follow an extensive path, expanding the union by accepting new members, or an intensive path, deepening integration within the EAEU. Of course, there are disadvantages and advantages in both ways. The best option would be a combination of elements of both strategies, both outside and inside the Eurasian unification. And the right combination of these elements will depend on the specific political circumstances in the participating countries and on the international scene in the near future. Only in this way will it be possible to make the EAEU a leader in world development, make it competitive in the global economy and one of the important subjects of the multipolar world that is being built.

3. Existing unresolved scientific problems in the chosen direction and object of research

The emergence of a new socio-economic association in the post-Soviet space, which is the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), is of great interest in the world. [13] The paper analyzes the potential of the EAEU member states, identifies some of the existing economic problems and proposes measures that can help strengthen the EAEU. In particular, it is proposed to solve a number of problems in industry and agriculture through the creation of transnational companies by joint efforts, as well as through the establishment of supranational sectoral governments.

Whether the EAEU will be able to become a steadily developing integration union, be a center of attraction for neighboring states and effectively defend their interests in an increasingly complex world, depends on how dynamic the economic development of its members will be, how much the processes of Eurasian integration will affect the solution of their internal economic problems and strengthen economic ties within the EAEU.

A very important indicator of the development of integration associations is the degree of involvement of member states in mutual trade. [1] By entering into an integration union, each state expects that the conditions for the movement of goods, services and capital in the free trade zone will have a beneficial effect on economic growth and improving the welfare of the population. [14]

To successfully implement the tasks of pursuing a unified industrial policy on the territory of the EAEU countries, it is necessary to create a special supranational body endowed with the functions of planning and regulating a common industrial policy.

The proposed measures relate only to certain areas of the development of the EAEU and cannot be considered complete and sufficient for the implementation of the global tasks facing the EAEU. Nevertheless, their successful implementation would contribute to the sustainability of the development of the EAEU.


1. The economy of the Eurasian Economic Union has a number of significant nuances that distinguish Eurasian integration from European. The EAEU, initially, unites states - exporters and importers of resources. In contrast, the EU unites only resource-importing states, that is, this association of states poor in natural resources.

2. Also, the EAEU formed states with a low level of monetization of the economy, and the EU united states with a significant level of monetization. As a result, business entities in the EAEU have advantages, as they acquire inexpensive resources at domestic prices of exporting states. [15] In the EAEU, resources are purchased at world prices. But credit resources in the EAEU are provided at higher interest rates than in the EU. This attracts some CIS states to participate in the European association, despite the clear advantages of the Eurasian choice.

3. For Eurasian unification to be successful, a number of different views need to be brought to a consensus. Let us consider in more detail the features of the territorial, sectoral and financial contradictions of the Eurasian Union. Territorial and sectoral features determine two groups of different views in the Eurasian Economic Union: between exporters and importers of resources and between exporters. The first group of contradictions is manifested in the interest of importers to resell resources purchased at domestic prices outside the Eurasian Economic Union at world prices. [16]

4. Different views of resource importers are manifested in different export duties. So, in the Russian Federation, the duty on the export of oil, with its significant price, was 10 times higher than a similar duty in Kazakhstan, in the Russian Federation, the duty on the export of scrap metal was 9 euros, and in Belarus there was none at all. Without the permission of these views, it is impossible to form a common market for electricity, oil and gas, i.e., to ensure the same business conditions for the business of various states of the Eurasian Economic Union in the fuel and energy complex.

5. It would be possible to follow the path of EU practice and transfer the main part of export duties to the EAEU budget. After that, these funds could be directed to the integration programs approved in the budget. But in the Eurasian Economic Union, in contrast to the European Union, there is still no common budget created not only by the share contributions of the participants, but also by delegating part of the national income to the integration center. [17] For this reason, the problems of the various views under consideration can be cardinally solved only by aligning the level of domestic prices for resources with the level of world prices, using all kinds of tax maneuvers (for example, by increasing the MET).

When writing this essay, the master's work has not yet been completed. Final Completion: June 2023. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.


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