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Development of a software module for the process of planning the working hours of employees of the enterprise



Information technologies are playing an increasingly important role in the activities of modern enterprises, transforming the organization of their business, changing the tools of company management, as well as the methods of work of managers. Determining ways to improve the efficiency of enterprise management based on the use of modern information technologies is an urgent problem.

The main purpose of the work is the design and software implementation of objects that automate the process of planning the working hours of employees of the enterprise with subsequent control of its implementation, using the means of the 1C: Enterprise system.[1]

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to find mechanisms and tools to improve the efficiency of enterprise management. Information technology reorganizes management relations. An indispensable condition for successful work is the analysis of information about the company's position. The informatization of this process makes it possible to significantly improve the efficiency of preparation and management decision-making. The graduation project is presented by an explanatory note, which consists of five parts, which are presented below.

Analysis of the main processes of working time accounting, this section describes the main objects that accompany this process.

Description of the existing software systems for recording working hours. The presented description allows you to determine the requirements for the functionality of systems of this purpose.

Setting the task for the development of a system for scheduling the working hours of employees of the enterprise by means of the 1C environment.[2]

Designing a system for scheduling the working hours of employees of an enterprise using the 1C environment, this section provides diagrams for visualizing processes specific to this subject area, and a class diagram for objects that will be implemented in the 1C environment.

Description of the software implementation of the employee working time planning system by means of the 1C environment. This section contains the developed forms and modules of the objects of the 1C system that ensure the functioning of the planning and control system for the implementation of organizational and technical measures. The results obtained can later be used in the formation of a cost reduction strategy for the enterprise, in the development of enterprise development programs.


The purpose of this project is the design and software implementation of facilities that automate the process of planning the working hours of employees of the enterprise, with subsequent control of its implementation, using the means of the 1C: Enterprise system.

The object of the study is the process of planning the working hours of employees of the enterprise.

The subject of the research is models, methods, algorithms of the production management process, automation systems "1C: Enterprise".

The task set within the framework of the graduation project, the design and software implementation of a system for scheduling the working hours of employees of the enterprise, with tools for monitoring the performance of tasks.

In accordance with the analysis of existing event planning and time management systems, the following tasks are assigned to the system under development:

  1. To conduct a study of modern event planning and time management systems and artificial intelligence in the enterprise management system;
  2. Analyze the accounting of applications for various tasks within the workflow;
  3. To develop models and structures of an intelligent event planning and time management system;
  4. To develop optimization algorithms (coordination of applications between the customer and the contractor without the participation of management; control of the limits of customers and performers of the budget and labor resource, the ability to sort and filter applications according to selected criteria; automatic generation of plans of all types and for all departments) of management and planning processes that ensure increased productivity;
  5. To evaluate the effectiveness of algorithms and monitor its implementation using the tools of the 1C: Enterprise system.

Let's look at the description of each task in more detail.

Keeping records of event requests. The system should allow you to store all active applications for events and all their details.

Approval of applications between the customer and the contractor without the participation of management. The system should allow the contractor to see the applications left in his address. The contractor and the customer should be able to adjust such attributes in the application as "Deadline for execution of the application", "Priority", "Labor intensity", "Amount of financing".

Controlling the limits of customers and performers of the budget and labor resources. Information on the maximum possible volume of applications for a given period in monetary and labor terms should be entered into the system. When entering a new application, the system must monitor compliance with the cost limit and the complexity of planned activities for this period.[3]

The ability to sort and filter applications by all criteria. The system should be able to view applications with subsequent sorting and filtering by any attributes of the application.

Automatic generation of plans of all types and for all departments. Based on the entered primary information, the system should generate plans for all departments for any required period of time.

Ensuring the proper level of information security. The system must differentiate the rights of users. It is necessary to provide password authentication.


2.1 General statement of the problem

The purpose of this thesis project is the design and software implementation of facilities that automate the process of planning the working hours of employees of the enterprise, with subsequent control of its implementation, using the means of the 1C: Enterprise system.

The object of the study is the process of planning the working hours of employees of the enterprise.

The subject of the research is models, methods, algorithms of the production management process, automation systems "1C: Enterprise".

The task set within the framework of the graduation project, the design and software implementation of a system for scheduling the working hours of employees of the enterprise, with tools for monitoring the performance of tasks.

In accordance with the analysis of existing event planning and time management systems, the following tasks are assigned to the system under development:

  1. to conduct a study of modern event planning and time management systems and artificial intelligence in the enterprise management system;
  2. analyze the accounting of applications for various tasks within the workflow;
  3. develop models, structures of an intelligent event planning and time management system;
  4. develop optimization algorithms (coordination of applications between the customer and the contractor without the participation of management; control of the limits of customers and performers of the budget and labor resource, the ability to sort and filter applications by selected criteria; automatic generation of plans of all types and for all departments) of management and planning processes that ensure productivity improvement;
  5. evaluate the effectiveness of algorithms and monitor its implementation using the tools of the 1C: Enterprise system.

2.2 Determination of the stages of solving the tasks

To solve the problems, it is necessary to reengineer the business process for the management of working time planning for employees of the enterprise. This will make it possible to prepare the main facilities and identify mechanisms for automating business processes, which in turn should allow improving the performance of the enterprise.

In accordance with the proposed concept, the following tasks must be performed.

Organize the process of compiling working hours directly between the customer and the contractor, without the participation of the CEO. This will significantly speed up the decision-making process on the event and its parameters. At the same time, this will not lead to uncontrolled appearance of applications, since the application gets into the plan only after approval by the CEO.

Assign the functions of monitoring the execution of applications to the heads of departments who are the customers of the events. Thus, the verification of the quality and deadlines of the application will be carried out directly by the person concerned. It is also necessary to assign responsibility for the execution of events to the event customers, and not to the performers. In this case, the customer will not submit unnecessary low priority applications.

Determine the limits of monetary and labor resources of departments, determine priorities between different plans. This will allow you to adequately assess the capabilities of departments and force you to rationally prioritize tasks, which in turn will avoid planning unnecessary activities.

2.3 Requirements for the development of the user interface and the main menu

When designing the menu, the following sequence of work must be performed:

  1. menu content design;
  2. menu form design;
  3. menu software.

Designing the menu content requires studying the subject area and substantiating the composition of the tasks that form the functional part of the system and their hierarchical relationship. To do this, you need to find out the job responsibilities of the user of the system, which depend on the assignments of the department in which he works.[4]

According to the CUA (Common User Access) standard, the following rules must be followed when designing the menu:

  1. menu items are not numbered;
  2. the name of the menu items must be short;
  3. frequently accessed items should be located at the beginning of the menu;
  4. logically interconnected pop-up menu items are grouped and can receive their own subheadings.

2.4 Requirements for the development of input and output information forms

The procedure for designing a screen form involves the following steps:

  1. designing the content of the screen form;
  2. designing its presentation form (screen shape);
  3. screen form software.

Designing a scenario for the dialog mode of solving a problem consists in developing an interconnected sequence of screen forms and rules for the transition between them. Special attention should be paid to checking the correctness of the information entered, since the majority of errors are the fault of the user, not the machine.

The universal method of control is visual control. To do this, it is necessary to provide for the preliminary input of information into temporary variables, otherwise correcting the error will require correcting the file.

The control of quantitative details may consist in checking for compliance with the range of acceptable values. An increase in reliability when entering the details of the signs can be achieved due to the fact that they are not entered from the keyboard, but are selected from the list offered on the screen. To complete the tasks set, the intelligent system requires the following input information:

  1. information about the departments of the enterprise: full name, abbreviated name, surname of the head, name of the head, patronymic of the head, city phone, local phone, e-mail, budget of the contractor, standard hours of the contractor, budget of the customer, standard hours of the customer;
  2. information about the categories of all types of plans: type of plan, abbreviated name of the type of plan, type of plan, abbreviated name of the type of plan, section of the plan, abbreviated name of the section of the plan, responsible;
  3. information about applications for events: type of plan, type of plan, section of the plan, name of work performed, customer, contractor, date of receipt of the application, date of inclusion in the plan, deadline for execution of the application, priority, labor intensity, amount of financing, agreed, approved, % of completion, date of completion, note.

As a result of its operation, the system must provide the following output information:

  1. a list of applications for events with all the details with the ability to sort and filter them by all the details;
  2. a list of applications awaiting approval from a specific contractor;
  3. list of applications ready for approval by the CEO;
  4. list of applications awaiting execution by a specific contractor;
  5. event plans of all types and reports in accordance with the forms approved at the enterprise: permanent plans, one-time plans, monthly plans by departments, reports on completed applications by performers, reports on incomplete applications by performers, reports on completed applications by customers, reports on incomplete applications by customers, reports on the execution of applications throughout the company.

2.5 Justification of the choice of the development environment

The development of the system will be carried out in the 1C: Enterprise environment, this is due to the following advantages of this system:

  1. the ability to make informed management decisions based on convenient reporting forms with detailed interpretation of any indicators and interactive analysis tools;
  2. improving business efficiency through automation of routine operations, real-time accounting, quick and convenient preparation of information for decision-making at different levels;
  3. li>
  4. without major expenditure of time and money, the system is reconfigured when changing the scale of business, management approaches, and the development of the territorial structure;
  5. guaranteed professional support of the system;
  6. high efficiency of daily work in the preparation of working documents and reports;
  7. a single information space facilitates the organization of clear interaction between departments and employees;
  8. reduction of routine work;
  9. accounting is closer to the needs of real business;
  10. full compliance with current legislation is ensured by regular information and methodological support of 1C: Accounting;
  11. a modern set of tools and technologies for development, modification, administration and maintenance;
  12. the real openness of the system, all application solutions are supplied with open source code – you can always see how the program works and, if necessary, change the business logic;

All this suggests that it is convenient to use the 1C: Enterprise platform to develop the system.

2.6 Defining requirements for the database structure of the system under development

The following reference books are required for the functioning of the designed system:

  1. "companies";
  2. "projects";
  3. "contracts";
  4. "users";
  5. "tasks";
  6. "types works".

Documents that need to be worked out:

  1. "tasks";
  2. "projects";
  3. "act of execution".

Reports required to obtain information:

  1. "tasks plan";
  2. "tasks fact".


3.1 Definition of the general concept of the designed system

Competent formulation and timely control of the execution of orders in the organization are one of the most important components of its success. There are many ways to set and control tasks, these are Gantt charts and various reminders and task management tools, and even a chalkboard and daily meetings when a task is set for half a day.[5]

But even good task planning and control tools are often not used centrally throughout the organization, but, as a rule, locally, by individual employees. This is because an organization does not always manage to purchase expensive server licenses, invest considerable amounts in hardware, hire a staff of system administrators and train all employees. As a result of this decentralized approach, some of the employees work well, and others, as best they can, with constant deadlines and poor-quality execution of orders.

The designed system will allow you to monitor the execution of orders, which will make it possible to monitor the execution of plans separately for each subordinate or for one or more departments of the enterprise at once. The developed software will have expanded functionality and will allow you to control the execution of orders, identify the responsible executor and supervising employee, set deadlines for reporting on tasks, systematize and manage the entire set of information in the system. Thus, the developed system for scheduling the working hours of employees of the enterprise will be an effective tool that allows solving a number of management tasks with minimal time resource costs.

In addition to monitoring the execution of orders, the system will also manage tasks, which involves the creation of a unified information structure, the functionality of which allows not only to appoint executors for certain decisions or orders, but also to control the process of their work. As practice shows, in-house control increases the efficiency of the execution of assigned tasks, improves discipline in the enterprise and allows you to obtain accurate information about the effectiveness of an employee's work.

The designed task management system becomes an indispensable tool in management activities, not only optimizing the flow of standard processes, but also increasing the efficiency of using management resources.

After determining the basic requirements for the system of scheduling the working hours of employees of the enterprise, it is necessary to analyze the business processes.[6]

3.2 Business process analysis

In the process of analysis, a model of information needs (an entity-relationship diagram), a functional hierarchy diagram (based on the functional decomposition of the IP), a cross-reference matrix and a data flow diagram are built.

At the design stage, a detailed IP architecture is developed, a relational database schema and software modules are designed, cross-references between IP components are established to analyze their mutual influence and control changes[7]. To perform charting, we will use the Case methodology, BPwin are the most popular CAC tools. BPwin supports three modeling methodologies: functional modeling (IDEF0), business process description (IDEF3), and data flow diagrams (DFD).

Within the framework of the IDEF0 methodology, a business process is represented as a set of work elements that interact with each other, exchanging information and material flows with the help of human and production resources consumed by each job. With the help of functional modeling, you can conduct a systematic analysis of a business, focusing on regularly solved tasks or functions, on indicators of their correct implementation, the resources necessary for this, results and source materials.[8]

BPwin has a fairly simple and intuitive user interface. The BPwin model is considered as a set of works, each of which operates with a certain set of data. The work is represented as rectangles, the data is represented as arrows. The arrows can be of several types: input, output, control and mechanism.

Internal arrows are used to connect the works with each other, that is, arrows that do not touch the border of the diagram begin at one and end at another work.

After describing the system as a whole, it is divided into large fragments. This process is called functional decomposition, and the diagrams that describe each fragment and the interaction of fragments are called decomposition diagrams. Figure 3.1 shows the decomposition of the work process of the company's employee time planning system.[9]

Figure 3.1 – Decomposition diagram of the projected system

The figure shows the general concept of the designed system. Let's define its basic principles. In the course of work, customers have problems related to various organizational and technical measures. The problems may be of a different nature, it may be incorrect user actions, system failure, incorrect replication wiring. The customer forms an application for an event or task. All customer requests come to the head of the department (centralized department management). The head of the department receives the task and analyzes it. After that, the head of the department draws up an action plan to solve this application and distributes the task among the employees of the department. Employees of the department perform tasks. The result of the activity of the head of the department is the department's action plan. The result of the activity of the department employee is the execution of the application. The system of planning and monitoring the fulfillment of the work schedule of an employee of the enterprise will contain the following roles.

Based on the presented concept and the definition of the roles of the system, in the future we will design subsystems for an intelligent system for planning and monitoring the implementation of organizational and technical measures. Figure 3.2 shows the decomposition diagram for the "Customers" object.

Figure 3.2 – Decomposition diagram "Customers"

After that, the message is placed in the problem monitor. For further monitoring of the state of the problem, with the possibility of constant monitoring in order to identify its compliance with the desired result. When viewing the problem monitor, the author of the task can view the status of the problem he created: under consideration, completed, not completed, on confirmation, etc. (we will consider more details about the states below). After completing the task and fixing the problem, the customer receives a notification from the department about the completion, in order to familiarize the author with the change and the corresponding confirmation. If the user is not satisfied with something in the execution or the problem has not been fixed, then he does not confirm the completion of this task, and it is sent to the enterprise department for re-execution. If the user is satisfied with everything and the problem has been solved, then he assigns the status "Completed" to this problem and the problem is closed. The head of the department performs the following functions. Manages the development and implementation of projects to improve production management based on the use of a combination of modern computer technology, communications and communications.

Organizes research on the management system, the procedure and methods of planning and regulating production in order to determine the possibility of their formalization and the expediency of transferring the relevant processes to an automated mode, as well as studying the problems of servicing automated management systems of the enterprise and its divisions. Provides preparation of design plans and control over their implementation, setting tasks, their algorithmization, linking organizational and technical support for all IP subsystems, creation and implementation of standard blocks. Organizes work to improve document management at the enterprise (determination of input and output documents, the order of their input and output, reception and reformulation, transmission via communication channels, document optimization, rationalization of the content and construction of documents that meet the requirements of IP and the convenience for the work of relevant performers), design of technological schemes for information processing using computer technology. Having studied the functional responsibilities of the head of the Automated control System department, we will form requirements for the head of the designed system. Figure 3.3 shows how the head of the department works using flow diagrams.

Figure 3.3 – Flow diagram of the head of the department

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) represent a hierarchy of functional processes related to data flows. The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate how each process converts its input data into output, as well as to identify the relationships between these processes. Two different notations are traditionally used to construct DFD, corresponding to the Jordon-DeMarco and Gein-Sarson methods. These notations differ slightly from each other in the graphical representation of the symbols.

Figure 3.4 shows the decomposition of the "Contacting the customer" process. The figures show the main functions of the head of the planning and control system for the implementation of organizational and technical measures.

Figure 3.4– Decomposition diagram of the "Contacting the customer" process

Figure 3.5 – Decomposition diagram "Forming a task for an employee"

When managing roles, the manager has the ability to create a new role or delete an existing one. The planned task planning and control system will implement three types of user roles: administrator, client and performer. Each of these roles has its own specific functionality, which was described earlier.

List of sources

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  5. Kafidov V. Personnel management / V. Kafidov. – Academic Project, 2003. ? 144 p.
  6. Komisarova G.A. Human resource management: a textbook / G.A. Komisarova. – M.: Delo, 2003. ? 45s.
  7. Leonenkov A. SAMOSUCHITEL UML / A. Leonenkov. ? St. Petersburg. BHV-Petersburg publ., 2001.
  8. Posherstnik N.V. Personnel of the enterprise / N.V. Posherstnik. ? M.: Prospect, 2008. ? 488 p.
  9. Mazmanova B.G. Wage management: a textbook.