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e-mail: vady@ukrtop.com

Group EPR 97a
Subject of my master's thesis: "Motivation and stimulation of work at the factories"
Teacher: Doctor of Economy Science Stepanova T.A.

I was born in Jenuary 29 in 1980 in village Great Novoselovka, of the Donetsk region, which is located in the east of Ukraine. I suspect, that a title of "city" do not appropriate because it has a small population. And so, all my childhood and youth are connected to this fine place.

In kindergarden I didn't go, and not regret about it. As rather cheerfully spent time in a yard, eternal somewhere climb or being engaged "forbidden proceedings". Imperceptibly time has flown and in 1986 I have gone to school. At school, besides the basic lessons, I visited different sections. In the period from 1 on 3 class it were struggle and musical school. In 4 class I changed my flame on basketball and heavy athletics. Durin staying at the school I earned a heap of diplomas. Diplomas on struggle, the callisthenics here enter. In 9 class took part in competitions on fire-station in which our team has occupied 3 place and it was awarded tennis racket. In 10-th class - took part in Olympiad in mathematics. The last school bell has rung out in my life in 1997 of July 21. In which I won a gold medal and was detached to the university.

According to the place of my study I was hasitated for a long time. But my destiny was defined of my parents, so they detached me to the Technical University which situated in Donetsk.. Time has gone and soon we have attracted each other and we have begun to live cheerfully and happily. Here I continued my sport occupation. I have visited the conference in Sevastopol city, whence has brought the creditable letter.

The theme of my master's thesis-"Motivation and stimulation of work at the factories". My choice is caused by a personal interest to this question and as that fact, that the given theme to be considered well investigated and ostensibly to find in it something brand new not probably. I hope to prove the opposite. There are even some basting already . I think that this theme will have huge value in the future.

Concerning further to my plans in this question all these covered with a gloom. I hope, that the fog will dissipate and it will be possible to see precisely appear prospect on horizon of highly paid vacancies.

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