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Khomotyuk Victoriya

Department of an ecology and chemical technology

Faculty of chemical technology of fuel

A subject of the master activity: "Problems of safety of disequipment and utilization of
                                                    articles that contain the trotil"

The scientific supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor Prazdnikova T.N.


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I was born on May 8, 1981 in Makeyevka of Donetsk region. My father, Khomotyuk Alexander‚ is a miner. My mother, Khomotyuk Galina, is a worker.

In 1988 I entered to school ¹ 15 of Makeyevka. At school teach professional teachers, which one can interest and is accessible to inform knowledge the schoolboys. I want to express thanks to the teachers - Gurova Tatiana (Russian language and the literature), Piyunkina Anphisa (physics), Leonchenko Nadezhda (history), Ermolenko Zinaida (chemistry), Ageyeva Lyubov (mathematics). I participated in school in urban olympiads on a history, chemistries, visited optional course on chemistry to deepen knowledge on this subject, also visited optional occupations on mathematics, that very has helped at further study in university. I graduated from the scool with honours in 1998.

In bridge with occupations in school I was trained with 1988 in to musical school ¹ 2 of Makeyevka to the game on accordion, played an orchestra, went on concerts. I graduated from the school with honours in 1993, then follow-up studied till 1996.

I always liked exact sciences, therefore I decided to enter in Donetsk state technical university on CHEMICAL FACULTY.

. Spring of 1998 I passed entrance tests on chemistry and was entered on speciality "Technology of high-molecular connections" . This speciality was open in our university only since 1996 and at once has interested me. In university I tried to prolong school successes and to study on "Excellent". In 2001 I was invited to the meeting of the best students with the rector and the best teachers of our university, also is awarded by the deed for successes in study. In 2002 I handed examination on the bachelor and has received the diploma with honours. Now I study in a magistracy and I am the first master on the speciality.

Selection of a subject of my activity "Problems of safety of disequipment and utilization of articles that contain the trotil" is not accidental. The trotyl was one of the main explosives, with which one filled ammunition and now there is a problem about à disequipment of articles, for which one the warranty period of storage was finished, and about possible reuse of an extracted product in quality component of many industrial explosives. The problems of safety are not less relevant, which one need to be decided at realization these processes. My chief is the specialist in this area of science - Prazdnikova T.N.

Because in the world and our country, in particular, the increasing quantity of obsolete articles with expired warranty period of storage is stored, that problems of disequipment and utilization will remain actual and hereafter. And in connection with downgrade of economics, the closing of chemical plants will stand a problem about usage of products of utilization.

I hope hereinafter to apply capacity and obtained knowledge in the field of chemical technology or in research activity, probably prolonging to develop this subject further.

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