

AMS department

Julia Martynovskaya

Julia Martynovskaya

Faculty: CITA
Croup: CSD-99а
Master's work: Development of methods and algorithms of procesing liver ultrasonic echograms for diagnostics of hepatitis
Supervisor: the senior lecturer, Cand.Tech.Sci. Adamov V.

E-mail: rtyett@mail.ru
ICQ: 153598924

I was born, like everyone :)

It happened October 10, 1982 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Actually, my life started 9 months before, but I don't remember any events before my birth, and nobody can know about them. Well, I can say a little about the first years of my life. I remember clearly going to a kinder garden and long-time playing with my sister Ann and neighbors' children. Sometimes all children of our yard made a little concert for our parents: we performed plays, declaimed verses and gave postcards to our mothers. Legends about inscriptions in these postcards are alive for now. I and my sister were spending much time with our grandmother in summer. Sandy castles and towns building was our favorite activity. Our cousin Vova, 4 years older than me, came to grandmother too. We were very naughty these days: we climbed a garret to research contains of bags with old staff here, got into lilac bushes to hide out from the adults, kenneled without any aim, ran round the house and knocked at windows in the evenings - we played. When I was almost 6 years old, my sister Valentine was born. She was better than all toys, and we were spending plenty of time together.

In 1989 I entered the secondary school №66 in Donetsk. It was easy to study, and I had much free time. I used this time in different ways: drawing, modern dancing, knitting and crocheting and even karate. But from all this activities I learnt knitting and crocheting only. As before, I often played with my friends and I have succeeded in two skills: to climb a tree as high as possible and to hide out from everyone. I had studied at the school for 7 years, and in 1995 I entered the Donetsk Technical Lyceum. Early childhood was finished. At that time neighbors moved in various directions. However, a few people remained, but they were a little older than me and had already became interested in things, which began being interesting for me about two years later.

I had less free time than before: the lyceum's educational system was very different from the school's one, and I had to go by two trams to get to the lyceum. It was quite difficult to study at the beginning, but I got used to it quickly. I took part in various competitions. It was a kind of entertainment, although I took part in regional competitions at math, chemistry and informatics. In 1999 I took part in pupils' research works at physics and won the 3rd place. That year I finished the lyceum with a gold medal.

It was really difficult to choose future profession. I wanted very much to enter a medical university, but this dream had no chance to be realized. I understood that most likely I wouldn't pass the entry exams, although since 10th form I had studied physics and biology hard. At the last parents' meeting in the lyceum my mother was given an issue of the "Donetsk Polytechnic", which contained description of all specialties of the Donetsk State Technical University (now Donetsk National Technical University). She read the newspaper and found out about specialty "The specialized computer systems" (specialization - computer systems of medical and engineering diagnostics). Students of this specialty are taught in two universities: Donetsk National Technical University and Donetsk State Medical University. She showed me the article, and my future fate has been determined. In 1999 I became a student of the Donetsk State Technical University. I have never regretted choosing exactly this way, although I was disappointed with amount of knowledge which we got in the medical university. Because of this very choice I have opened an amazing world of programming, databases, computer graphics, Internet and a great number of interesting things related to computers. Also, in the university I have met many wonderful people, and some of them have become my friends, like my best friend Vasislisa Razumnaya.

Having been studying in the university, I have taken a great interest in different kinds of fiction. I always liked reading, but now I'm so keen on reading that sometimes it's almost impossible to see me without some book with bright cover. I'm reading while going to the university; during the lectures, while don't writing summary; during interruptions; while going home and at home, if the book is interesting. Several months I live in such way and then a can stop until next assault of informational hunger. 4 years passed very quickly this way, in studying, reading and entertaining with friends. In 1993 I got a bachelor's diploma and decided to continue education in the magistrates.

I want a process of making a diagnosis to be accelerated, so I have chosen this theme of master's work. I hope in future modern diagnostics equipment and programs will appear in Ukraine thanks to graduates of our specialty.

What are my future plans? It can seem stupid, but I don't want to make any plans for future. I'll live - and I'll see. I can only say that I can't imagine my life without computer. Now I want to study some graphical packages. What next? Time will show!

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