Kizimenko Tatyana Mihaylovna

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Kizimenko Tatyana Mihaylovna

                    Faculty:       mechanical
Specialiti      "The technology of machinebuilding"
The theme of masters work:      "Increase of accuracy and productivity of processing of apertures at work as the axial tool"

Cand.Tech.Sci. Kovalenko Valery Ilyich


Master's dissertation
Electronic library


    I was born on August, 17, 1982, in the city of Gorlovka of Donetsk region. Father, Kizimenko Michael Mihajlovich, mother, Kizimenko Valentine Vladimirovna, and elder brother, Kizimenko Roman Mihajlovich from the moment of my birth have surrounded me with the love and care, and till today they are my reliable support in my life. From the earliest childhood I was the mobile, active child. In a kindergaden my educator has suggested my parents to develop my ear for music, but I preferred notes figures. This interest to mathematics was kept and further.

    In 1989 I went to a comprehensive school nomber 2 of Gorlovka city.The first teacher Olga Petrovna Kovalyova enclosed in our children's heads such concepts as friendship, respect for grown-ups, aspiration to a victory over all and always. Under her management our class became the mast advanced class at school. She tried to open and develop talents in each pupil. With Olga Petrovna lessons passed cheerfully and interestingly that as why they were easily acquired. In the senior classes such subjects as mathematics, physics, chemistry, literature, a history most came easily. I accepted active participation in a life of school. I participated in school statements of performances, and was also engaged in choral singing, went to a dancing circle, and participated in sports competitions.

    In 1997 I left school with distinction, and with ease "Processing of materials on metal-cutting machine tools and automatic transfer lines" has acted in « Machine-building collegy Gorlovka » on a specialist.Ina such way new stage in my life - a student's life. Difficult minutes we always could rely on our curator of group Legejdu Vera Vasilievna who helped us to adapt in the new world that surrounds us. Have imperceptibly flown by four years of training in college. The most interesting and fascinating subject for me became « Technology of mechanical engineering », and all due to the fine teacher - Smooth to Eugeny Georgievichu. I activele,took part in command competitions on table tennis between the supreme and average educational institutions of our city and repeatedly won prize-winning places.

    In 2001 I left GMC, received a honours degree and according to the contract between DonNTU and GMC "The technology of mechanical engineering" has arrived on the third rate of mechanical faculty DonNTU as a specialist. I passed two years of training at university, and successfully passed examinations, I received the bachelor's degree. I decided to continue the education in a magistracy.

    Theme of miy magistral works is « Increase of accuracy and productivity of processing of apertures at work as the axial tool ». I am engaged in this question under the direction of Cand.Tech.Sci. Kovalenko Valery Ilyich. In the nearest future, I hope adequately to make and protect the magistral work.

     After craduating of a magistracy I would like to find worthy application of the received knowledge, to be useful to the society and achieve all put by me is more whole in a life.

Master's dissertation
Electronic library

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