Chumakova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Pulpit to applied ecology and guard surrounding ambiences

Chumakova Tatyana Vladimirovna

The theme masters work:"Synthesis and studying of properties of high-temperature superconductors on a basis YBa2Cu3Ox"
Leader Udodov I.À.

I was born on October 17, 1983 in Donetsk. My parents are Chumakova Svetlana Mihaylovna, engineer, employee of the Donetsk National Technical University .She works at the department of physical and organic chemistry; it is the faculty of ecology and chemical technology. Chumakov Vladimir Victorovich pensioner (retired serviceman).

Got primary education at the 74 school in Donetsk, where studied till the 3rd grade. After the 3rd grade I got to the high school ¹ 21 and graduated from it with a silver medal.

I always liked studying, although not all subjects were easy. Very often I had to study till late at night, to understand the depths of cognizable.

At school I participated practically in all competitions in which frequently was a leader. In a 10 class on an Olympiad took 2th seat on history and chemistry. I also went to the drama club and dances.I devoted the heap of time for reading. From my favourite authors I can choose A.Ahmatovu, B.Pasternaka, M.Tsvetaevu, K.Bulicheva, S.Ìîeì, A.Azimova, S.Lukyanenko, M.Bulgakova.

I also like different music. The choice relies on the mood. But when it's absent, levitates Mylene Farmer or Picnic with Nautilus.

Generally, I like hang out with my friends, interesting, and unboring people. Many ofthem I met in the high school ¹ 21.

The school years ended and I had to make a decision.. I made it easily. I had two variants of universities: Medical national university or native DPI. Thinking over all "for" and "against" I chose the Donetsk national technical university.

I entered DTU in 2000 and my specialty is: " environment guard in a production sphere" on the faculty of ecology and chemical technology.( I must mark that to enter the university was quite difficult). I chose the specialty considering that the planet must be rescued. On the first year I began to participate in research work devoted to the synthesis and research of properties of high temperature superconductors on the basis of YBa2Cu3Ox with the partial substitution of Ba and Cu, under the head of associate professor Udodova I.A. Besides that he is the deputy of our faculty and also possesses magnificent qualities of teacher and scientific leader!!!!!!!!!

I also took part in the conferences organized by our Institute, and MISSI.

In 2003 at the student conference devoted to "Physics and scientific and technical progress" I got a diploma for the best lecture at a conference. After the second year I went to the "Technology of hard non-metal, refractory, ceramic materials" specialty, on that reason, that it corresponded with the chosen theme. On the same specialty got the diploma of bachelor and entered to the magistracy.

I continue doing my research work on a theme offered by the department of general chemistry. I always had allowances, except for the second course, when to the enormous shame did not pas a test on Eshinoy V.V. culturology. This event strongly touched my proudness, therefore from the third course and for today I get raised allowance.

But the most interesting part in the student's life was spending time after a study. We often went with my friends to the dormitory and marked holidays there. It was unforgettable. I can't say anything about our holidays in a student health camp "Petrel" in 2003 and 2004 years. The sun, air and water, dances on a beach under a moon, day of Neptune - we had a great time! There we felt, what the real merriment is. In winter 2005 we rested in Slavyanogorsk in "carnation". The weather was great, therefore our rest turned out very active and interesting, with skis and sledges.

For such good rest it is desirable to say THANK YOU to student trade- union committee! In future I hope successfully graduate from the university, find interesting well-paid work and to realize my skills and knowledge. In the personal life it is desirable to create family with my boyfriend.


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