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Levitskaya Elena Aleksandrovna


Elena Aleksandrovna

faculty: physic-metallurgical
head: Kochyra Vladimir Vasilyovich

theme of work : " The ecology-economic estimation of injection
coke oven gas in the blast furnace "
e-mail: lena888-83@mail.ru

My biography

I, Levitskaya Elena Aleksandrovna, was born on January 6, 1983 in the city of Makeyevka. My mather, Levitskaja Irina Ivanovna, works as the teacher at musical school. My father, Levitsky Alexander Pavlovich, works. In 1990 as the majority of children, has gone to school. From the first on the eleventh class studied in lyceum of Makeyevka.

My mum the teacher of music and as you have guessed, I has acted and has left musical school ¹ 2 of Makeyevka on a class of a piano. I had not special musical abilities that is way it was pleasant for me only to the third class. I was possible hopes of my mother in this direction has not justified. In addition, I went on national dances within one year for the general development. However, to me occupations by chess became more interesting. I was engaged in chess five years and have achieved the certain successes. I had second category of chess and many records. I participated and have received prize-winning places in regional, city and regional competitions on chess.

At school, my favorite subjects were mathematics, chemistry and physical culture. The mathematics liked me as the exact science. In chemistry, I always liked laboratory works on which we put interesting experiences, mixing various chemical substances. In chemistry, laboratory works for some reason did not like the teacher. It was strange… I had always five on physical culture because I participated in competitions on basketball, to volleyball and table tennis. However, all these hobbies were forgotten after leaving school.

In the eleventh class, there has come time to choose in what high school to act. I have decided to go in the steps of my grandfather and in 2000 have acted in Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) on physic-metallurgical faculty. I study on a specialty « Ecology of metallurgy » as I think that questions of ecology now are actual. In 2004 has received diplom with mark bachelor's degree, than has pleased parents, and has decided to go to magistracy.

In institute I at me new friends have appeared. During five years our friendship has got stronger also I hope, that we shall frequently meet and after the ending of institute.

Now I study in magistracy of DonNTU. The head of my work is Kochura V.V. Theme of my work is « The ecology-economic estimation of injection coke oven gas in the blast furnace ». I think that the given theme is actual as injection coke oven gas in the blast furnace promotes substantial improvement of ecological conditions in areas of an arrangement metallurgical and cokechemical the enterprises, economy of coke, to increase of blast furnaces productivityand liberation of natural gas resources.

Having finished stopped a magistracy I plan to work on a specialty. As the trade of the ecologist is rather young, I hope to realize myself in the given area. Now, when the various organizations and firms were created, work in ecological examination is perspective. Functioning of any organization is impossible without this service. And competence of the expert - ecologist allows to define with the maximal accuracy influence of object on an environment. To realize itself on this field, it is necessary for me to receive the juridical education.

Having achieved the certain results in work, I would like to use the knowledge and experience in creation of the firm. To be the head, the person should possess the certain character traits, such as purposefulness, confidence of the forces, persistence, and skill to convince of the correctness. I think that I possess such qualities and I shall cope with objects in view.

on the start