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Котяш С. В. Svetlana V. Kotyash

Speciality:    Economical cybernetics
Group: EKI-00

A theme of the dissertation: "Mathematical models of increase of efficiency of methods of displaced estimation"

Supervisor:Olga A. Dmitrieva


I was born 10/24/1984 in Donetsk. Father: Kotyash Vladimir Grigorjevich. Mother: Kotyash Elena Vladimirovna.

In 4 years I have engaged in dances. Concerts were carried out in many cities, and in the summer we went in wood camp.

In 1990 I have acted in school. During same time began to be engaged in music.

In 1999 has finished 9-th class of school and has acted in an economic-mathematical class of liceum "Intelligence".In liceum has studied 2 years.

In the summer of 2000 has acted in Donetsk National Technical university on a speciality «the economic cybernetics». On 3 and 4-th hens participated in Olympiads on management.

During all training in university participated, and I hope I shall participate in the future, in preparation and carrying out of annual traditional evening of faculty of applied mathematics and computer science.

In 2003 I have received qualification of the bachelor of economy and business and have acted(arrived) in a magistracy.

In 2006 I plan to finish training on speciality "Economic cybernetics".