Kompanets Dmitry Olegovich

Masters of Donetsk State Technical University
Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Speciality: Telecommunication Sistems and Networks
E-mail: dimadonetsk@ukrtop.com
Scientific headmaster: Turupalov Victor Vladimirovich

I was born on October, 17, 1983 in Donetsk. I started to remember myself from 4-5 years. Therefore on preschool age I shall not stop. In 1990 I went to the second class of school ¹2. Till now I can’t understand, why I was not in the first. From 5-th class I beat out in excellent pupils and in a result have left school with a gold medal. New knowledge were given to me easily. Participated in school competitions on English, Russian, mathematics. The borrowed places I do not remember, but farther than city competitions did not pass. School days have passed cheerfully and quickly …

Being in 11-th class, I saw myself as a student of economic faculty DonNTU. But clever people in time have overpersuaded me, and I have aimed the a look at speciality of TeleCommunications and Networks(TCN) not less interesting to me. Now I am grateful to those «clever people ». I do not regret about the choice.

Entering appeared rather intense. For ratings started to prepare late, therefore on all three has received insufficient quantity of points. Competition that far 2000 was mad. On interview of me I got "not through passage" four. Parents, without thinking twice, have signed the contract with university and have sent me on the south …

The first years in a body of the student were given with the big work, but I was gradually involved in educational process and have reconstructed the thinking together with a way of life. Presence of only two girls in group firstly depressed. Only later I have understood, that such situation is better for course of educational process. The speciality of "Telecommunications" appeared even more interesting, than I assumed. Therefore the motivation to studying new subjects was present always. And not only under fear of session.

On the third year I have found out, that my far relative in Poland is closely engaged in studying of a human face asymmetry. After my trip to him I have become interested in a question of application of biometrics to a problem of the control of network users access. The question on a choice of a masters work theme did not stand any more. Together with my scientific headmaster of studies the senior lecturer of faculty AT Turupalovym Victorom Vladimirovichem we have decided, that the given question rather actual and demands the further research and studying. I was very glad, that my headmaster has supported me though the theme of work is not absolutely typical for speciality TCN. In fact on a joint of sciences new ideas, which further do not seem strange, are born. I see the future of the speciality in integration of telecommunications into all spheres of a human life.

Plans for the near future: After the ending of university it would be desirable to find work in sphere of telecommunications and to continue studying problems of protection of the information. Also I do not exclude an opportunity of continuation of researches on a question of the control of users access on the basis of person’s asymmetry characteristics.

The nearest 10 years I shall put a maximum of efforts to gain a professional reputation in the field of protection of the information. I shall gradually pass from hired work to own business. The subjects and area of interests will be prompted with time.

In the far future I am aimed at achievement of success in the field of the interests and I hope not to get lost in huge (for that moment) branches of protection of the information. It is confident, that my efforts will not be gone for nothing and my name will be forgotten.