I am

Nosach Kostya


Faculty of CITA, group TSN00

e-mail: bio@icm.dn.ua

Theme of the work :


Teacher: Degtjarenko I.

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    I was born on the 20th of June in 1983 in the town of Makeyevka, where I still live. At the age of 18 months I was sent to the nursery school and then to the kindergarten. I was a very energetic child, I defended weak children and respected adults. My parents took care of myself. My Mother – Nosach Tatyana Dmitrievna graduated DPI (Applied Mathematics), my Father – Nosach Victor Konstantinovich graduated DPI (RPM).

    I entered secondary school ¹22 in 1990 in Makeyevka. I was a pupil of 1st “B” form. A lot of my friends know, the parents of my girl-friend brought us there. From the beginning of my study I paid more attention to Mathematics that is why I was not interested in Russian, Literature, etc. My first form monitor was Lyudmila Semionovna, she was our teacher up to the 3rd form , then she left for Israel. In the 5th form our form monitor became Larissa Albertovna, a teacher of English, a very kind end sociable woman. Under her guidance we studied up to the 9th form. By the way, she went abroad too. My schoolmates and I became friends and it was very sad to leave school.

    In the 10th form we were organized in the Physical-Mathematical form. Though I was a pupil of this form I was fond of Biology (after having seen “Chicago Hope”). At that very time the president program, which included the development of the internal-external school «Erudite», was carried on. My Math and Biology teachers suggested me to participate in competition and I chose Biology. So I was studying at this school during 18 months. The greatest achievement for me was my participation in the Regional Olympiad on Biology, though I didn’t know the place I won.

    Learning school I decided to enter the Don STU. I was very eager to enter the specialty of ASU, but the competition was very high, I changed my mind. I chose the specialty of AT because the competition was less and I could move to ASU. I passed my exams well and entered AT. Having studied a year I moved to the German group of TSN-00g and two years I moved to the group of TSN-00a. I was very glad not to be a student of ASU, because TSN was a very perspective specialty.

    Being a second-year student I decided to enter the magistracy, because the Diploma of a Master is highly appreciated abroad. And now I study at the Magistracy. I don’t say I like the subjects, which taught me, but I have no choice.

    There are two ways for me:

  1. To continue my study on my specialty in Germany and after graduating return in Ukraine. I think with the Diploma of a German University I will have more choices to find a good job.
  2. To graduate from the magistracy and find a job on specialty in a telecommunicational company or an enterprise with the post connected with my specialty.

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