masters donntu ru ua

Sidorov Alexandr Vladimirovich


Alexandr Vladimirovich

Donetsk National Technical University

Department: Mechanical

Faculty: The mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy factories

Group: ÌÅCH-00à

Theme of masters works: "Development of expert system for an estimation of metallurgical machines technical condition on vibration parameters"
The head of work: the senior lecturer of faculty "The mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy factories", Ph.D. Oshovskaya Elena Vladimirovna


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I was born on January, 27, 1983 in the city of Donetsk (Ukraine). My father is Sidorov Vladimir Anatoljevich. He is a Ph.D., the senior lecturer of faculty «The mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy factories» in Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). My mother is Sidorova (Patoka) Tatiana Vasiljevna. She is marketing expert in "OTIS". They gave me good upbringing. It has allowed me to achieve many successes. I am very grateful to them for it!

In 1990 I have entered in a comprehensive school ¹33 in the city of Donetsk. I have well recommended myself. I was the capable and attentive pupil. Every year I received creditable sheets «for excellent successes, diligence in study and socially useful work and good behavior». I participated in school and regional Olympiads on different disciplines. In eighth class I have set up a record. I have received the first places in four subjects at the same time: on mathematics, on Russian, on geography and on chemistry.

In 1997 I have entered in Donetsk Technical College. I accepted active participation in Minor Academy of Sciences work in mathematics and technical section. I participated in Soros's Olympiad in chemistry. I published the poetry in college literary collections two times. I have finished college with a gold medal.

In 2000 I have entered in DonNTU on mechanical faculty on a speciality «The metallurgical equipment». I have made such choice because the qualified experts on the mechanical equipment are necessary always and everywhere.

On faculty «The mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy factories» intensive research work is constantly conducted. Here it is projected new and improved the old metallurgical equipment, technological processes and the equipment for out-of-oven processing are developed, the line fault service structure is developed, line fault service organizational problems, technical diagnostics and the metallurgical equipment balancing are improved and automated, repair influences technologies, the equipment operational reliability and others are developed.

I have finished four rates in 2004. I have received the bachelor's degree with honors. My average mark was 5.0. Now I study in magistracy on the same speciality.

I took part in Olympiads on materials resistance, the electrical engineer and other disciplines. I quite often took prize-winning places. I think special achievement the second place in Olympiad on Ukrainian.

From the second to the fifth rate I have been awarded with the Donetsk Regional Council grant. I participated in the rector annual meetings with students three times. It is very prestigious, because I represented my faculty.

At the same time I have got the second speciality. In 2005 I have received the bachelor's degree with honors on a speciality «The software of the automated systems». I am able to program in different languages. They are Pascal, C, C ++, Assembler, Lisp, Prolog, AutoLisp (AutoCAD), AWK (Linux) and others, but I like C ++ Builder 5.0 more. I use this knowledge in my practical and scientific activity.

During studies I took part in student's and thematic conferences. Together with students and teachers of university I have published 9 articles about development of the software for an educational process intensification, about technical diagnostic and creation of expert systems in this sphere.

I would like to note program complex «ESVD» («Expert system for vibrodiagnostic») which allows keeping and analyzing the statistical information on vibrodiagnostic parameters, to receive diagnoses and recommendations on the mechanical equipment technical condition improvement.

Now I finish development of «Automated control repairs system» («ASUR») which is intended for the equipment repairs management at the small industrial enterprises. Still I do the expert system for the rotor equipment technical conditions recognition on the spectral analysis method. It enters in my master’s work.

Except for study, during the period from 2000 to 2003 I was engaged in the state youth politics and student's self-management realization. Three years I was the Donetsk Regional Center of Social Services for Youth volunteer. I have passed many rates and trainings on psychology, jurisprudence and others. I worked as the adviser in «telephone hotline». I am one of the youth organization called «Development Initiative Partnership» founders.

Since 2003 I work as the engineer in firm «Ksendzovsky ltd». I carry out vibrodiagnostic inspection of the mechanical equipment of Donetsk Metallurgical Factory. I train and advise colleagues on technical diagnostics.

Also I am fond of the literature. I like different genres. I like books with deep sense and good style. I tried myself in the literature too. Those who read my stories said that they are good. But I never had chance and time to engage in it seriously and to publish something. I like jazz and old films very much.

After magistracy I want to enter in postgraduate study. Then I want to enter in doctoral studies. I want to receive the doctor degree by 35 years.

Except for scientific activity, I am going to excel in business. I have decided to open firm on development and introduction of the specialized software products in the iron and steel industry, mechanical engineering and other fields.

In fifty-sixty years I want to depart from business. I would like to devote this time to literature and to write some books. In 70 years I shall go to the Himalayas. I shall be engaged in spiritual search and self-improvement.

I want to quote a fragment from Castaneda (Êàñòàíåäà Ê. Ñêàçêè î ñèëå. Âòîðîå êîëüöî ñèëû. Äàð Îðëà. – Ì.: Èçä-âî ÝÊÑÌÎ-Ïðåññ; Ê.: «Ñîôèÿ», 2001. – 736 ñ.). It became for me the motto in a life:

«Be ruthless, but charming.
Be artful, but delicate.
Be patient, but active.
Also be soft, but fatally dangerous!»

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