Yevstyunicheva Anastasiya ðóñ    óêð    eng
Faculty of the Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Spesilty Automation System of Control
Automation System of the access control based on fingerprints identification
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Yevstyunicheva Anastasiya, master of the DonNTU fCITA 2006
group ASC-01à


I was born on the 4th of August, 1984. When I was a child I was calm and taciturn girl. I visited kindergarten with pleasure.

In 1991 I went to the first form, 1-«Æ» in the school ¹135. I finished the 1st and the 3rd with excellent marks. Frankly speaking, studying at school was not difficult for me at all. I had bad marks only in drawing. I was sure that I could draw very well that’s why I couldn’t understand why somebody was trying to make me do it.

In 1998 I went to a profile school (it is gymnasium now). At that time I thought about my future profession (I had a lot of variants – from a doctor to a pilot). Most of all I wanted to be lawyer. That’s why I chose economic and lawful profile, although I wanted to study physics and mathematics. I really like mathematics. That’s why my choice of the faculty is obvious =)

Alter Ego

At that time ballroom dance circle was opened in our school, and I entered it at once. So, my creative life began when I was in the 9th form. I combined my studying and dance hobby, and even was going to a theatre circle for some time. After that I went to a local creation house to take guitar classes. After some time I went to a model circle and dress-making circle. By the way, with this circle we were taking part in different competitions. Especially I remember one of our fashion shows in the town creation house! We didn’t take any place, but we were really impressed by other collections (respective conclusions were also made)!

I also visited classes in practical psychology in the Pioneer Palace. By the way, I was a member of a literary circle, where collections of our poems were published.

Of course, I didn’t have enough time for all my hobbies. I had to make a choice and so the moment came. When I was in the 11th form our dance circle was closed and I was lucky to enter a hobby-class of the exemplary ballroom dance club “Prolisok”. This club teaches not only to dance. As our teacher Lyudmila Victorovna says “The dance is life”.


In 2001 after mathematics courses I passed exams and entered Donetsk National Technical University.

Then I became a monitor, so I had to take care of my group. It was really wonderful time! Time, full of sleepless nights with laboratory works and tests, happy birthdays and disappointment in friendship, time of freedom, time when you start to realize who you are and what place in life you want to get, when you are adult, but dependent person.

But the main, I have ASC-01a, whitch I proud of!

Diploma and Privalov M.V.

Maxim Vladimirovich became my science leader not by accident. If you visit his laboratory lessons, you’ll understand why.

The subject based on a real order of development the fingerprints identification system. Unfortunately the order was recalled, but the idea stayed. And after that it was re-born into my master work theme "Automation system of the access control based on fingerprint identification".Detailed...


To tell the truth, I want to be a good designer! It's the main thing for me.
I want to continue dancing in the "Prolisok" and stay as I am no matter what happens =)


I want to thank my papa, mum and Katya. I wouldn’t be such as I am now without you.
I want to thank my friends. Thanks for you are always alongside! I’m grateful to all of you for being by my side!
"Nash Dom - Decor", "Osanna Design" and especially people, I work with.

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