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Guletskyy Olexandr Igorevich
Master of DonNTU Guletskyy Olexandr Igorevich

Faculty: Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master’s work:

"A reverser of the main centrifugal fan of airing of named after Kalinin M. I."

Leader of work: Professor Caras Stanislav Vasilevich

Materials on the theme of master's work:
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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Guletskyy Olexandr Igorevich
Date of Birth: 26 January 1985
Nationality: Russian
Address: Shorsa str. 9/4, Dokuchaevsk, 85740, Ukraine
Telephone: (+38062) 75-35-93, E-mail: sasha.gang@mail.ru
Marital status: Single
2006 to present: Master’s Degree studying (Donetsk National Technical University)
Department of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation
2002-2006: Bachelor of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies (Donetsk National Technical University, diploma with Excellency)
1991-2002: Comprehensive School Ή4, Dokuchaevsk
February 2007 to present: Closed Joint Stock Company "UKRBUDTRANCE" (manager of a commercial department on tented and onboard transport)
October 2006 – May 2007: "Donevrotent" (the master)
June 2004 – April 2006: "Image Holding" (merchandiser)
July 2004 – December 2005: Shop "Shahtar" (shop assistant)
January 2003-2005: Bar "Gang bazz" (the manager and the PR-manager)
May 2003 – September 2004: "AERODESIGN" (huge designs from spheres on "Dorstroy", "Gefest", "TNC", "City construction")
October 2002 – March 2003: "ALEX Z" advertising agency
November 2002 – May 2004: Cinema "ZVEZDOCHKA" (a server-controller, mechanic assistant)
December 2006 – February 2007: A prediploma practice in the Mine named after E. T. Abakumova
January 2006 – February 2006: A training production practice in the Mine named after A. F. Zasyadko
May 2003: Diploma I of a degree at the international scientific and technical conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists "Progressive directions of development of machine-tools-making branches and transport" for work "Magnetic actuators in an automatic control system of technological processes on mines"
May 2003: The Diploma for participation in competition of student's scientific works of 4-th international interdisciplinary scientifically-practical conference "Modern problems of a science and formation" in section "Information systems and technologies in a science, formation and education"
April 2003: The Diploma of II degree for a high level of reports and active participation in the international scientifically-practical conference "Applied problems in the mechanic, economy, ecologies"
2003: The Letter for III place in II stage Ukrainian to student's reciting contest on marketing
1998 – 2002: Diplomas in school, regional, city reciting contests
1994-1999: Section of the American football
1993-1996: Sports school of hand-to-hand fight
Computer skills: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Micro-Cap, Mathcad, Matlab, Internet, "Accent", Compass, "1Ρ"
Languages: Fluent Russian and Ukrainian; good working knowledge English
Interests: Cinema, football, boxing, computer games, music


      During my study at the university my average mark markes 4.3. I speak fluent Russian and Ukrainian. Level of my English is enough to read and to write. I am an experiented user of the following programs: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Micro-Cap, Mathcad, Matlab, Internet, Compass. I have an operational experience with internal and the outdoor advertising, accounting programs "Accent" and "1Ρ", in supply of a public catering, manufacture and repair of polyvinyl chlorid, merchandiser, in logistics and commerce (work with tipping, tented, onboard and container machines).

Short biography

    I, am Guletskyy Olexandr Igorevich, was born on January, 26th, 1985 in Dokuchaevsk. My parents; Guletsky Igor Vladimirovich and Guletskaja Lyudmila Anatolevna. The father worked as electromechanic DFDK, mother – the cook in a kindergarten Ή 1. I went to a kindergarten constantly, my grandmothers and grandfathers have borrowed in my education. The Great value was given to my preschool development: Iwas learned to read and, studied by heart poems, plaed games directed on training of logic thinking and development of erudition.

    I went1 to the first class of a comprehensive school 4 in Dokuchaevsk. My first teacher was Oksana Aleksandrovna. I am grateful to it for that warmly and caress, that it gratuitously gave all to us.

    From the second class has started to be engaged in the Greek-Roman struggle, participated in competitions, there are prize-winning places. I never was the honours pupil, studied on 4 and 5.

    Grawe at the same time the father has video, tape recorder, and I have grown fond of the film-industry: collected video, collected the information on actors and directors, looked various transfers about cinema and in the fifth class has started to script to film.

    In the fourth class parents have made a decision to give me on football, mum was against struggle. In same to year has started to study history (has especially grown fond aincient rome and ancient greek).

    In the fifth class has gone on section of hand-to-hand fight, parents were not so glad to it; was engaged 6 years, participated in every possible competitions, is gratitude and prize-winning places.

    In the sixth class to a favourite subject history the geography, and later philosophy and the right were added. In the same year I took 1 place in city reciting contest on history.

    In the eighth class I aimed to act in National University named after T. G. Shevchenko on archeology, I won first place in contests on right.

    In the ninth class my sights changed, and I aimed to enter in DonNTU. Has started to learn mathematics and the physicist. In addition was engaged in mathematics and plotting.

    I have chosen the tenth and eleventh classes with the profound studying ofmathematics and physics, have taken the third place on the physicist and the fourth in chemistry in city reciting contest. And even before the termination on results of rating tests (having typed 51 point from 60 possible) has acted in Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) of speciality "Automatic control of technological processes" and faculty "Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation".

    I have finished school with one four, have received a creditable leaf on the mathematician, the physicist and chemistry, history, the right and geography.

    At receipt I was not mistaken in a choice of a specialty. Without exaggeration it is possible to tell, that with the knowledge received on AUP, the young engineer is demanded at any modern enterprise. The big list of the enterprises and the organizations in which I worked testifies to it and has received wide experience and has got many friends:

    The teacher of Higher mathematics Kazakova Elena Ivanovna has influenced me very much who learned me to love maths from the first year of studing, thanks to her we participated at the conferences across Ukraine. One of the major disciplines, "Electric machines", was read by Donchenko Konstantin Pavlovich. This remarkable teacher has teached me the bases of engineering thinking. A greater role in my destiny played the professor Caras Stanislav Vasilevich, who made me to write an independent scientific work. Therefore that helped me to choose him as a supervisor of my scientific work.

    During 2-nd and 4-th year of studing I was learning on military faculty, I became a rank of the second lieutenant of a stock of air defence forces.

    For all years spent at the university I participated at 12 scientific conferences, including 5 international. I have 2 diplomas and 1 letter.

    In the future I plan to reach significant achievements: to receive the richest experience and a plenty of operating time, together with the partner to establish the private enterprise, but to make such plans is hard as I live in Ukraine, and with our political situation it is heavy to think of such things.


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