Theme is

Research longevity and development suggestions on multiplying the resource of movement mechanisms travelling cranes.


Nazarchuk V.K.

Leader: c.t.s., prof. Sklyarov Nickolay Andreevich.



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   The modern line technological and automated lines, inters hop transport demand application of various types of the hoisting-and-transport mechanisms providing a continuity and cyclist of productions.  For this reason the hoisting-and-transport equipment now plays the main role in efficiency of modern manufacture. That is why to reliability and durability of mechanisms make special demands. The modern high-efficiency load-lifting and transport machines working with bigger speeds and possessing high carrying capacity, require a lot off care, especially in units with rubbing surfaces.


The actuality of the theme

On metal works the basic vehicle is the bridge crane at which mechanisms of movement are exposed to greater loadings. The basic lack of it is: fast deterioration and failure of rotating parts, especially plain bearings.


The purpose and problems

The given problem can be solved having replaced bearings on bearings of sliding that will lead to increase of durability of the mechanism of moving and will give economic benefit by way of service and replacements of units of moving.  The purpose and research problems: the Purpose is to increase durability of bearing’s units of the mechanism of moving of bridge cranes. The object in view can be reached by realization of following private(individual) tasks:

-       Definition of durability developed bearing unit with application of bearings containing fluoroplastic materials;

    -    definition of economic efficiency from application bearing units of a new technological level.


Practical value

    Necessity of maintenance of working capacity of various devices at extreme temperatures and at presence of bigger loadings stimulates wide industrial development self-greased radial spherical bearings.      Unlike the metal hinges used with lubricant, self-greased hinges carry out mainly from antifriction materials of type metalfluoroplast and fabric materials with fluoroplast a fibre. Self-greased materials have in the basis, as a rule (fluoroplast-4). Wear resistance and the lowered value of forces of friction at use metalfluoroplastic a material is provided with friction fluoroplastic, high durability is reached due to the steel basis, fast heat removal at friction takes place owing to application of a porous layer bronze skeleton. Unlike the metal hinges used with lubricant, self-greased hinges carry out mainly from antifrictional materials of type metalfluoroplast and fabric materials with fluoroplastic fibre.


The review and the analysis of literature

    Loading the hinge is characterized by the attitude of the enclosed loading to the area of a projection basic surface on a plane, perpendicular to a direction of action external loading, - average (conditional) pressure:


Pk=  ,           (1.1)


                             Where N - equivalent radial (normal) loading; dss = d1 - diameter of the spherical bearing (d1 - diameter of an internal ring); b - length of the bearing (the top ring) (pic.1.1).


       Actually average and the more so the maximal contact pressure will surpass calculated on the above-stated equation. Definition of the intense condition in a place of power contact, the sizes of a platform of the contact, the maximal pressure and size of rapprochements of adjoining bodies for the specified composite materials represents a challenge which is necessary for solving, combining settlement methods with specially put experiments.

radial spherical the bearing (animation)


              Figure 1.1. Self-greased radial spherical the bearing (animation: seven images, seven repeats).


       On bearing N, considering simultaneous action radial Nr and axial Na loadings it is possible to define equivalent loading under the formul:

N=Nr,                           (1.2)     


      On conditions of normal operation it is desirable, that the attitude (relation) of axial loading to radial did not exceed 0,6. If during one half-cycle loading on the bearing changes from Nmin up to Nmax equivalent loading we shall find from expression:


N=.                 (1.3)


      Static bearing ability (contact pressure) for motionless (inactive) are defined from a condition of absence of residual deformations and destruction of antifriction elements (rings), its value does not exceed usually 250 ÌPà. At vibrating influences and change of a direction of loading admissible average pressure it is necessary to reduce at 2-10 time.


Dynamic characteristics of bearing

     Number of expected cycles (fluctuations) n, falling a full cycle (a corner 2β) (ðiñ.1.2), it is defined under formulas:


n∑=   or   n∑=,                 (1.4)


where S – way of a sliding friction, sm; υ – number of fluctuations (full cycles) in a minute min-1; υsway of a sliding friction, sm/sec; [h] – admissible deterioration, sm; Jhaverage intensity.

Kinematic scheme.


                                       Figure 1.2. Kinematic scheme.


      Let's express intensity of wear process on a way of sliding friction S and on time τ dependences:

;                     (1.5)


                                     where h – deterioration; Jhintensity of wear process (on a way of friction);

                                           JIntensity of wear process (on a way of time).


      Operating time of the hinge we shall express dependences:


 (min);  (hour).             (1.6)


      Using parameters of intensity of wear process of a material and admissible deterioration, we shall find an expected operating time:


 (hour).                             (1.7)


      Average speed sliding (sm/sec) in contact of rubbing rings we shall define(determine) under the formula:


Vs= 2,9 10-5 ddsβυ,                                    (1.8)


where dds diameter of sphere, mm


      At expression of speed of sliding in m/mines it is had:


Vs= 1,74 10-5 dds β υ.


Supposed deterioration metalfluoroplast material.    

 Reliable forecasting of durability of the hinge mainly depends on correct definition of intensity of wear process of materials in expected conditions of operation. With a view of preliminary orientation to fig 1.1. The area which approximately characterizes value and its dependence on a primary factor – average pressure is given. In real conditions of operation self-greased bearings intensity of wear process changes approximately in range Jh= 5*10-7 – 10-9.      Admissible deterioration for metalfluoroplastic materials makes

[h]≈0,05-0,2 mm.

      The factor of a sliding friction on experimental data decreases with growth of average pressure and temperatures and increases with increase of speed of sliding. The approached calculation of factor of a sliding friction can be carried out under the formula:



      Factor of a sliding friction usually measure in a range f=0.025 – 0.35.


Development on the theme

Dependence of intensity of wear process fluoroplast a layer
from average pressure.

Figure 1.3. Dependence of intensity of wear process fluoroplast a layer from average pressure.           



Dependence of speed of sliding on average pressure.

Figure 1.4. Dependence of speed of sliding on average pressure.



 On the basis of the executed calculation it is possible to formulate following conclusions:

1.     Optimum set of properties have so-called metalfluoroplast the bearings consisting of a strong constructional basis, a porous layer of the antifrictional alloy (bronze) impregnated by fluoroplast.

2.     2. At loading Pk=246 MPà that corresponds(meets) to loading on bearing unit of the bridge crane carrying capacity 250t., for annual operation at maximal fluoroplastic layer h=0,2mm, intensity of wear process is in admissible limits Jh = -  is equal Jh=.

3.      At the received value of speed of sliding Vs=0,204 sm/sec the factor of friction is equal f=0,204, that is in a range of factor of a sliding friction f=0,025 - 0,35.




To investigate(research) parameters metal and not metal bearings. On carrying capacity of the crane to choose optimum parameters of the bearing. To develop new unit of movement of the crane.



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