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Oleynik Andrew Aleksandrovich

Computer Science
Computer Systems and Networks
Master's work topic:

"Reserching of the methods of digital sygnal processing in the training system."

Associate professor of chair of CS
Samoshenko Aleksandr Viktorovich
Group: CS-06m
About me:

     My average mark is 4.69. I can freely speak on Russian and Ukrainian. I read and write English. I am keen of walking tours.



     I was born in 1985 on the 30 of July in the city Donetsk in the family of physicists. The earliest remembrances of my childhood are from that period, when I already have been going to a kindergarten. Teachers always complained about my restlessness and unwillingness to sleep in the afternoon. But they always praised me for the passion to constructing of various buildings from large wooden blocks. I constructed everything, what only came to my mind, showing all the breadth of my engineering thought of my own.

     The brightest impression from kindergarten was the instructional wall sheet. There was an aquarium with fishes drawn on the wall sheet. Fishes meant different letters. Thus vowels floated on the top, and consonants at the bottom of the aquarium. I liked that wall sheet very much.

     But my relationships with electronics at their beginning were not very friendly. The first experience was connected with a radio plug. I inserted it into the normal electrical wall outlet. The firework was great and impressed naive child's consciousness so much. But, unfortunately, the «explanation» of my wrongness spoiled all the impression from the conducted scientific and technical experiment.

      When I was seven, I understood that it was time to conclude my childhood. A temple of science – the nearest school waited for me. The world waited for my achievements, and I could not say no to him.


     It appeared that studying at school is a very tiresome business. Numerous hyphens of writing was so difficult for me. My marks varied in the limits from two to three.

     The multiplication table also did not want to help me in my learning for a very long time, but nevertheless it appeared far more amenable than grammar. And at last I learned it. And after that the mathematics became clear. All tasks which a textbook in mathematics could give me one way or another were finally reduced to the simple operations of multiplication table.

     But, unfortunately, it was a difficult time, and financial issues often worried teachers. Those issues were quite often solved with the help of parents of pupils. That’s why and also because of not the cleanest local air, I was sent in the third form to my grandmother and grand-dad to the town Sumi where I had to study in Ukrainian language.

     At first it was difficult. To memorize the translation of all terms of all subjects in Ukrainian was a real torture. But, sooner or later, I memorized everything possible, and declared myself to the teachers from the best side. Especially I pleased the teacher of Russian, as this language was native for me, and all other pupils could make mistakes even on the simplest rules of spelling.

     I made off the third class on four and five.

     It was then necessary to go back to my home town, where I was sent to the secondary school ¹17. I am very thankful to the teacher of mathematics for the contribution which he made in the process of my school studying.

     However, a studying tendency was such, that I was not a friend of humanitarian subjects, but often took part in various competitions in mathematics and physics, on which, unfortunately, did not achieve success because I had no ability to concentrate at that time. After that the training of exactly this ability became my purpose. And I achieved it on my first year of the university.

     The brightest impression from the school life was our walking tours in the mountains of Crimea. They were organized by our teacher in physics.

     To completion of the eleventh form I already understood perfectly, that the world did not waited on my performances, but I was still full of the unrealized forces and resolution.


     At the moment of choice of I had no possibility to study in other town. So I had to select between Donetsk National University and Donetsk National Technical University. Due to the presence of department of military training at DonNTU I selected this university.

     But I had no concrete plan of my further study at that moment. In the senior classes I programmed in programming language «Perl». So I decided that my future specialty necessarily would be related to programming. Thus, I have chosen the faculty of the Computing Science and Informatics. And the choice of a concrete specialty was also conditioned by my personal interest to the internal arrangement of computer devices.

     Then there was the real student life. There was everything: lectures, teachers, course works, examinations, new friends and new impressions. Understanding that it is not a school came quickly enough. That nobody here will compel you to learn lessons, to make a laboratory work, to sit for an examination. Here you are free to act as you consider necessary, but also to carry all responsibility for the acts.

     The number of impressions is so big that the enumeration of all of them will take a lot of time. But the most special impression is connected with the time that has been spent at the department of military training. It is that part of teaching, which is different from other lessons. It is something special.

Ideas about the future

     We - masters - are often told that we must become directors. Frankly speaking, desire to continue to cognize new, to create something with my mind and hands, form my seeing of myself, not as a director, but as a «lead-programmer» of a large company. Exactly this position combines in itself both a creator and a leader.

  Ðóññêèé Óêðà¿íñüêèé English DonNTU > Masters