Yakubovskyy Andrey Vjacheslavovich
DonNTU -> FCIS -> Portal of masters
Faculty: Calculating Technics and Informatics
Speciality:Computer systems and networks
Theme of masters work:“Operating automatic devices with rigid logic on PLIS”
Scientific headmaster:
Krasichkov Alexey Aleksandrovich


• Date of birth:   15 May 1985
• Birthplace:   Donetsk, Donetsk region.
• Education:
      • Donetsk school of UVK ¹ 1.
      • In 2006 with the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) obtained the bachelor's degree in "Computer Engineering".
      • Since 2006 the student of the magistracy of Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), faculty of computers and information science in the specialty: "Computer systems and network".
• Habits of work:
      • In 2003 - 2004 system administrator on SLL "Spectorg".
      • From 2004 to 2006 the system administrator and the advisor in system "1C:Enterprise" on SLL "Itil".
      • Since October 2006 till May of 2007 the programmer-advisor in "X-CAFE", by the occupied in automation of restaurant business on the basis of "1C:Enterprise".
• Experience of the programming:   in languages Assembler, Basic, VBA, Pascal, C/C++, Java.
• Language:   Russian and Ukrainian fluently, and can communicate in English with a help of a dictionary.
• Personal qualities:   communicable, responsible, purposeful, ability to fast training.


   I, Yakubovskyy Andrey Vjacheslavovich, was born on May, 15th, 1985 in the city of Donetsk, to a family of students. At that time my mother studied economy at Donetsk State University (DonSU), and my father majored in automobile facilities at Donetsk Polytechnical Institute (DPI), present Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU).

   During a three-year term, from 1989 to 1992, I attended a kindergarten “Romashka” in the Kiev area of Donetsk. In the kindergarten I enjoyed participating in various sports competitions. Every year I went to Kalinin for 2-3 months. This is why a strong Russian accent could be heard in my pronounciation for a long perod of time.

   In 1992 I entered a Donetsk school of UVK ¹ 1. At school my favourite subjects were history and geography, and I repeatedly participated in school theatrical performances and sports competitions. Outside of school I was engaged in various kinds of sports: swimming, judo, football, basketball. In the senior classes I got interested in weightlifting. In 1996 my brother Nikita was born. I was very flattered, and since then I help my parents with his education. I left school in 2002.

   In 2002, having passed rating examinations, I entered Donetsk National Technical Universitie’s (DonNTU) faculty of computers and information science (FCIS), where I major in Computer Systems and Networks (CS). The choice of a major has been caused by my interest in computer and electronic technics.

   Since January 2004 till March 2004 I was passing driver’s education in the Donetsk driving school, and received the certificate of the driver of a category "B" at the end of study. Since then I have become a skillful driver.

   In 2003 I entered a military faculty at Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), to a major of the commander of a platoon of antiaircraft self-propelled installations ZSU-23-4m and has successfully ended it in 2006 in a rank of the second lieutenant of a stock.

   In 2006 I also received the bachelor's degree in "Computer Engineering".

   In December of 2006 I participated in a second International Student's Scientific and Technical Conference "Computer science and computer technologies" in a Donetsk. My report was on the topic "Joint management-control of network databases", and I was among winners of conference in a section ¹ 6 "Databases and knowledge".

   In May of 2007 I participated in a third International Student's Scientific and Technical Conference called "Computer monitoring and information technologies" with the report on a topic "System of the automated synthesis of operating automatic devices".

   I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently, and can communicate in English with a help of a dictionary.

   Achievements in sport: in 2001 I have received a second II youthful category on powerlifting (weightlifting).

   I have programming experience in following languages: Assembler, Basic, VBA, Pascal, C/C ++, Java.

   I possess skills of work with following environments of development of appendices: Turbo C, Borland C, Turbo Pascal, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, C ++ Builder, 1C:Enterprise.

   There is an operational experience with such SAD: P-CAD, Active-HDL, Microcap.

   In independent labour activity before receipt in university was not engaged.

   In 2003 - 2004, combining with study, I worked on SLL "Spectorg" as a system administrator.

   From 2004 to 2006 I worked at SLL "Itil" as the system administrator and the advisor on system "1C:Enterprise".

   Since October 2006 till May of 2007 I worked in "X-CAFE", which was engaged in automation of restaurant business on the basis of "1C:Enterprise", the programmer-advisor.

   At present I work on my Master’s academic paper on a theme “Operating automatic devices with rigid logic on PLIS”, which will be probably used in educational process. A topic was chosen with the help of my supervisor, the senior lecturer of FCIS Krasichkov A.A.

   In the future I plan to find an interesting, perspective, highly paid job with foreign investments and to have a strong family.

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