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Ссылки " Исследование фрактальных свойств микрорельефа обработанных поверхностей "

Выполнил: Abdul-Jaleel Hamad Majeed.


Дополнительные сведения о фракталах, способах построения геометрических фракталов, расчетах фрактальной размерности, показателя Херста вы можете посмотреть на сайтах:

Additional data on fractals, ways of construction of geometrical fractals, calculations fractal dimensions, Hurst 's parameter you can look on sites:

Додаткові відомості про фрактали, способи побудови геометричних фракталів, розрахунки фрактальної розмірності, показники Херста ви можете подивитися на сайтах:



1- http://www.bearcave.com/misl/misl_tech/wavelets/hurst/The Hurst exponent occurs in several areas of applied mathematics, including fractals and chaos theory, long memory processes and spectral analysis.


2- http://cse.naro.affrc.go.jp/sasaki/fractal/fractal-e.htmlThis software can generate % image of RGB and thinning image, extract red or green area, calculate fractal dimension and coverage, from color image, gray scale, binary, 3D sliced (layer).

3- http://www.spatialanalysisonline.com/output/This Guide addresses the full spectrum of spatial analysis and associated modelling techniques that are provided.The objective is to be comprehensive both in terms of concepts and techniques (but not necessarily exhaustive), representative and independent in terms of software tools, and above all practical in terms of application and implementation.

4- http://www.bearcave.com/misl/misl_tech/wavelets/daubechies/index.html  The Daubechies wavelet transform is named after its inventor (or would it be discoverer?), the mathematician Ingrid Daubechies. The Daubechies D4 transform has four wavelet and scaling function coefficients.

5- http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ergreen/honors_thesis/fractal.html Fractal research is a fairly new field of interest. Thanks to computers, we can now generate and decode fractals with graphical representations.

6- http://www.theory.org/geotopo/3-sphere/html/  For examining general mathematical and a unique dissection of which takes advantage of a certain triangulation and the Clifford Tori. This dissection can be used to explain surgery on the unknot in an interesting way.

7- http://www.math.uri.edu/~kulenm/honprsp02/dimension.html It helps to think of images or objects when thinking about dimension. We are all familiar with objects that are one-dimensional (a line segment), two-dimensional (a square), and three-dimensional (a cube). We can also say that these objects have dimension 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

8- http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3400731 Roughness of discontinuities and relations between shear strength and roughness are of major interest in rock mechanics. Options to characterize roughness of a discontinuity, in terms of a fractal and/or fractal dimension, are investigated mathematically and by simulated roughness profiles.

9- http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Stu/nkilb/fractals/IChing.html A fractal is an image or set that has been created by applying a simple, recursive rule to a mathematical set.


10- http://www.fractal.org/Bewustzijns-Besturings-Model/Fractal-systems.htm Gradually as scientists of all disciplines explored these phenomena a new theory emerged – fractal theory, a theory based on relationships, emergence, patterns and iterations.

11- http://blogs.springer.com/frac/?p=46 Drilling perforations and tool wear are intimately and mutually connected by fracture propagations at different size-scales. To study this interaction phenomenon, we propose an ad hoc developed fractal coupled theory.

12- http://www.complexity.org.au/ci/vol06/jelinek/jelinek.html Aim to clarify several fundamental terms used in fractal  analysis and examine how the estimates of the fractal dimension  can be made clearer to best serve as descriptive indices.

13- http://fractalworld.xaoc.ru/article/whoisfr.html
     В связи с этим вводится другое определение фрактала. Фрактал – это объект, фрактальная размерность которого больше топологической. С этим связано и само слово фрактал: от английского "fractional" – дробный.

14- http://home.ural.ru/~shabun/fractals/fractals.htm Понятия фрактал и фрактальная геометрия, появившиеся в конце 70-х, с середины 80-х прочно вошли в обиход математиков и программистов. Слово фрактал образовано от латинского fractus и в переводе означает состоящий из фрагментов.

15- http://www.asuper.nm.ru/ Материал по окончанию чтения придется перечитать заново, потому, что невозможно ввести сложные понятия сразу, а использовать сложившуюся терминологию необходимо с самого начала.

16- http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?&verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADD149925

The fractal dimensions of fractured surfaces of CK45 steel subjected to different heat treatments have been determined. A relationship between the fractal dimensions and some mechanical properties has been formulated.

17- http://www.pms.ru/chto_takoe/641.html  Фракталы и в мир хаоса (ковер Серпинского, кривая дракона, кривая Коха, множество Кантора). Самоподобные множества и размерность подобия .

18- http://bsfp.iszf.irk.ru/bsfp2002/articles/Balchanov.htm  Термин фрактал отражает изломанный, фрагментарный характер фрактальных объектов с дробными размерностями, служащими количественной мерой негладкости фракталов.

19- http://oldsite.vislab.usyd.edu.au/education/sc3/1998/cdoyle/report.html#films This report looks at the fractal properties of surfaces produced by ballistic deposition simulations of film growth.

20- http://www.cultinfo.ru/fultext/1/001/010/001/275906254.jpg

     General fractal dimensions diagram .

21- http://blogs.springer.com/frac/?p=278

A complete method of determination of the fractal dimension for fracture surfaces of ferrous alloys has been proposed.