DonNTU | Masters

Vostrykova Kseniya

Faculty: Mechanical
Speciality: : "Quality. Standardization. Certification"

Theme of master's work:

« Enterprise competitiveness increase by introducing a new quality management system »

Leader of work: Alexandr Momot


Quality of production or services is one of the major factors of successful activity of any organization. At this time requirements which are showed by the consumer to quality of production all over the world have appreciably amplified. Amplification of requirements is accompanied by the necessity of constant improvement of quality realized by all without what achievement and support of effective economic activities is impossible.

Why the buyer chooses that, instead of other product? What kind of criteria is he guided? How to decline him to a choice of the certain goods or service? Similar questions play the central role in commercial activity of each firm. And for all market economy as a whole they are equivalent to a question of principle about what goods will make in the given country. Answers to them are connected to concept of competitiveness.

Clearly, that research of competitiveness, its kinds, factors of influence, methods of an estimation is necessary and is actual now.

The purpose of the given work is definition and the analysis of major factors of methods of an estimation of competitiveness.

Realization of an object in view has demanded the decision of the following problems:

  • To offer methods of definition of competitiveness for the given goods;
  • To reveal factors of influence on competitiveness;
  • To define possible ways of increase of competitiveness of the goods which are let out by the given enterprise.

As a result of an estimation of competitiveness of production the following decisions on itsincrease may be accepted:

  1. Change of structure, structure of used materials (raw material, semifinished items), completing products or a design of production;
  2. Change of designing production;
  3. Change of manufacturing techniques of production, test methods, monitoring systems of quality of manufacturing, storage, packing, transportation, installation;
  4. Change of the prices for production, the prices for services in service and repair, the prices for spare parts;
  5. Changes of realization of production in the market;
  6. Change of structure and the size of investments in development, manufacture and selling of production;
  7. Change of structure and volume of cooperation deliveries at production and the prices completing products and structure of the chosen suppliers;
  8. Change of structure of import and kinds of imported production.

Today Ukrainians do not want any more to be consumers of any spoilage. They are united, on the basis of the current legislation, in societies on protection of rights of consumers that allows them to influence quality directly.

The level of inquiries of our consumers was compared, in essence, to a level of requirements to the goods and services in the foreign markets. The opportunity of a free choice, a rigid competition should influence manufacturers, forces them to think of quality.

Quality of production - the major economic category also is closely connected to various other economic parameters, such as the cost price, profit, profitability and others.

Improvement of quality of production should be considered in various aspects, including on makro and mikro levels.

Improvement of quality of production allows:

  • To increase improvement of quality of the goods and services;
  • To improve structure of export;
  • To carry out in practice STP and others [16].

It is already obvious, that competitiveness of any enterprise, irrespective of the form of its property and the sizes, depends first of all on quality of its production and a commensurability of its price with offered quality, that is from in what degree production of the enterprise satisfies to inquiries of the consumer. In work [16] it is spoken, that the most effective working model of quality now (and in a long-term future) is the model of Total Quality management (TQM). TQM is essentially new approach to management of any organization, aimed on the quality, based on participation of all of its members (the personnel in all divisions and at all levels of organizational structure) and directed on achievement of long-term success through satisfaction of requirements of the consumer and benefit as members of the organization, and society.

Total Quality management all in the greater degree becomes the ideology covering all layers of a modern society. According to [2]:

TQM is based on 6 principles [20]:

  1. Constant perfection of processes.
  2. Involving all personnel in work on constant improvement of quality
  3. Active participation of the top management.
  4. Constant improvement of quality.
  5. Accent on requirements of the consumer and a society.
  6. Development and certification of systems of quality.

However not all is so simple as it seems. On a way of introduction of concept TQM there is a set of obstacles.

But even if heads also try to do something, they suppose the roughest administrative mistakes, them Deming has named them " fatal illnesses " [12]:

  1. Illness which makes you the cripple - absence of the constant purpose.
  2. Accent on short-term profit.
  3. The style of a management based not on the help to people, but on an estimation of their work on end results, on performance of norms by means of certification. Such management is guided by achievement of momentary results, destroys long-term planning, derivates fear, disorganizes group work, stimulates rivalry and politics tricks.
  4. Fluidity of the administrative staff.
  5. Management on the basis only available figures, indifferently to absent or not giving parameters in to the quantitative account.

It is necessary to reflect above it.

The reasons of chaos in Ukraine are [20]:

  1. A weak level of morals in a society, absence of uniting idea.
  2. There is no experience of management in market conditions.
  3. There are no drastic measures on the part of the government.
  4. A low standard of living of the population.
  5. Conservatism of people and unwillingness to introduce something new.

All this promotes that the idea of quality in all its displays finally became national idea of Ukraine.

The international experience testifies, that only those countries achieve significant successes in social and cultural development which in a condition to provide the highest quality of production and services. Quality is a determining parameter of competitiveness and confidence of tomorrow's day of any organization [10].


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