Магистр ДонНТУ Сазанова Ирина Игоревна

Sazanova Irina Igorevna

Faculty: Ecology and chemical tecnologies

Speciality: Ecology in chemical techologies

Subject of the working the master:

Development of measures for averting of endogenous fires under the conditions of mine

Scientific leader: Panasenko Anatoliy Ivanovich


Electronic library References Individual task


Curriculum vitae

Personal details

Name: Irina Sazanova

Date of birth: October 23,1986

Citizenship: Ukrainian

Marital status: Single

Address: 15, Dzerjinskogo str., Makeevka, Donetsk region, 86193, Ukraine

Telephone: 8(095)5305283


1993 - 2003 Comprehensive School №10 in Snejnoe, Donetsk region

2003 to 2007 Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine Department of ecology and protection of environment Specialization: management of ecology safety Bachelor of Science in ecology safety

2007 to present Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine Department of ecology and protection of environment Specialization: management of ecology safety Masters degree course

Work experience

September 2007 Temporary job as assistant in ecology engineer at the Mine named after S.M.Kirov, Makeevka, Donetsk region, Ukraine

July 2006 Temporary job as assistant in ecological inspector in ecology at the board of ecology and natural resourses in Donetsk region, Ukraine First ecological practice, an assistant

July 2005 Donetsk botanical garden Education practice


Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, basic English

Computer scills: PC user (MS Word, MS EXCEL, Mathcad, EOL+, Statgrafics, Statistica 6.0)