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Donetsk National Technical University
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Portal of masters DonNTU
Faculty of Computer information technologies & automatics ‘08


Faculty :

Computer information technologies & automatics

Speciality :

Information control systems

Theme of Masters Work :

Development of computer subsystem for decision-making during credit's volume definition on the basis of the analysis of the basic bank indicators

Leader of work :

associate professor Svetlichnaya Viktoriya Antonovna



The banking system is one of the most important units of a national economy. And as in difference from Russia in our country about 85 % of all bank transactions it is necessary on a share of commercial banks then efficient control their activity which first of all consists in efficient control their financial resources and maintenance of their constant balance, at present is rather actual problem for Ukraine. The majority of commercial banks of Ukraine owing to a poor control the financial resources cannot maximise profit, suffer financial difficulties and losses, cannot provide liquidity of bank as a result some of them become even bankrupts. Thus, the question of perfection and implantation of new banking technologies is especially actual for a modern Ukrainian banking sector, and to approach to it it’s necessary from positions scientific knowledge, using modern reachings in a science and practice, however considering for it some features of our economy. Application of computer technologies on the basis of modern reachings in a science allows to use effectively financial resources of a commercial bank and to receive the maximum profit, having provided thus liquidity of bank. In the formed situation one of the most successful possibilities on an output on essentially new level of business dealing and reception of competitive advantages to commercial banks is creation of the computer subsystem of handle by financial resources.

The list of the tasks solved during work making

Work main objective consists in development of the computer subsystem of support of decision-making at crediting scoping. The object in view is reached by solution of following specific targets:
  • studying of the economic and technical literature on a case in point;
  • ordering of scientific knowledge about rise of liquidity of bank and profit mark-up;
  • the analysis of existing methods in handle of bank financial resources;
  • definition of features in handle of financial resources of the Ukrainian commercial banks in current market relations;
  • software engineering in which forecasting and planning of financial streams of a commercial bank will be realised.
As the research object financing activity of a commercial bank appear at creation and allocation of money resources. Object of research are various bank both economic indicators and legitimacies influencing handle on management financial resources of bank.

Perspectives of researches

At present there is a process of creation of the computer subsystem of support of decision-making at crediting scoping. This system will solve following tasks:
  • definition of possibility of granting of credit on the basis of the analysis of the main banks indicators for the certain period;
  • definition of optimal size of engaging of resources by commercial divisions of bank, proceeding from the profit maximisation purposes at support of liquidity of bank;
  • possibility of access to banks indicators interesting us (the submitted demands for credit reception and nearest periods and the sums of payments under deposits);
  • possibility of simple adjustment of weights of all indicators used at decision-making depending on change of a market situation
Creation of system of early reaction and possibilities for prevention of negative processes in activity of commercial banks is difficult enough, but at the same time is very perspective direction in handle of banking.

©DonNTU, Boris Prihodchenko.