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Donetsk National Technical University
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Portal of masters DonNTU
Faculty of Computer information technologies & automatics ‘08


Faculty :

Computer information technologies & automatics

Speciality :

Information control systems

Theme of Masters Work :

Development of computer subsystem for decision-making during credit's volume definition on the basis of the analysis of the basic bank indicators

Leader of work :

associate professor Svetlichnaya Viktoriya Antonovna


During my four year at the university my average grades is 4.98 .
Freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages. In sufficient size know English.
I am experienced in:
  • Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, Linux;
  • Borland Pascal, C, C++, C++ Builder, Delphi, Visual Basic, Assembler;
  • Access, Visual FoxPro, SQL Server, InterBase;
  • MS Office 2000/2003,OpenOffice;
  • BPwin, ERwin, NetCracker, MathCAD, Matlab;
  • Flash, Corel, Photoshop.
Now at the same time I`m a student of the Organisation`s Managment speciality.


I was born in 1985 on April, 19th in the city of Myrnui, that is situated in the Yakytia republic. Since birth I lived there (with my parents, of course). In 3 years we moved to Donetsk where my grandparents lived. There I went to a kindergarten ¹ 37 with joy. It was a very bright period of my life, full of games, happiness and joy. When I was about 7 I went to school ¹ 4. 


In elementary school I took part in various competitions and events, but then my family moved to another district and I had to enter school ¹ 95. From the fifth to the eleventh form I actively went in for such kinds of sports as football, volleyball, table tennis, but especially I was fond of basketball, that`s why I took part in different competitions and several times our amicable team took the first places. I also participated in the life of my native class and school. As for studies I took part in regional competitions in Ukrainian, mathematics, physics and chemistry. In spite of new system of marking school achievements and some problems, connected with such subjects as biology and drawing, that weren`t very entertaining for me, I completed every school year with excellent marks and corresponding deeds. Eventually I took the gold medal for magnificent studies. Our last school ball was bright and unforgettable but it was very sad to say good-bye to light-hearted school life, because a big amount of emotions and warm memories are connected with my second home: real strong friendship, first love etc. But this period of life will always stay in my heart and my soul.


But life speedily goes forward, and I had to enter a university, by the way, I had already been a student of the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics of Donetsk National Technical University, because I successfully passed exams when I was a pupil of the eleventh form. I decided, to learn computers and everything that is connected with them and the internet. I think this period of life is one of the most interesting, I was elected the monitor and became the activist of trade-union organization of the faculty and the whole university itself. In my opinion, my group was a strong foundation for unforgettable student years, because we took part in a great amount of events, marked all holidays together in a warm friendly situation. We visited such places as Alypka, Kiev, Svyatogorsk, Yalta etc. Now at the same time I`m a student of the Organisation`s Managment speciality, because I`m also very interested in business and economics. In 2008 I took part in the student's championship of Ukraine on strategic management “Global management challenge” by which results our command has divided 9-16 place among 512 commands from all Ukraine. It is hard to combinate studies, but I do it with a great success.


In the nearest future I`m planning to receive a degree in economics and computer science, to find interesting and perspective work, then I`d like to create strong loving family, I believe I can do everything I want and achieve my aims, but I clearly understand, that for it I have to change myself and try to change world around us and I feel I can do it!

©DonNTU, Boris Prihodchenko.