DonNTU Masters's Pages rus ukr
Yura Sherstyuk
Master of DonNTU Sherstyuk Yura
Faculty:  Computer InformationTechnologied Automatics
Speciality:  Scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems
Theme of master's work:
"Methods and facilities of spatial object's orientation indication device"
Leader of work:  prof. N. I. Chichicalo


Shortly about me
  My mean ball during studying at university - 4,99. My native languages are Russian and Ukrainian. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. I’m getting the second education on a specialty "Finance". During studying I have mastered P-CAD, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Electronics Workbench, Visio, and Compass. I have skills of programming in languages Pascal, C ++, Delphi, Assembler.

The childhood
  I was born on October, 4th, 1985 in the nice city of Donetsk, Ukraine. This significant event was preceded with boundless love of my parents. My mum - Sherstyuk Flera Razizovna, 1954 year of birth, the doctor-therapist. Father - Sherstjuk Alexander Anatolevich, 1954 year of birth., the Deserved miner of Ukraine, that is great to be proud of.
  I was not the first child in the family, my brother Alexander, is five years elder, he has always been an example for me which I tried to imitate, the assistant in a difficult minute and the best friend. Mum wished to name me Yaroslav, however for my brother this name seemed too complex, and it has thought up another - Yura. Well, I needed to agree only.
  I grew the restless and inquisitive child. I liked to dangle in the whole days in the street in searches of adventures there. I remember that they were found without special problems. I was breaking completely the toys which I have got at home in the inheritance from the brother. In the evenings I liked to listen to reading mom’s fairy tales. I also went in kindergarten «Cheburashka» about which also there is exclusively light memoirs. My childhood passed cheerfully and carefree.

  I spent school days in school No. 91 of Donetsk with the profound studying of foreign languages. Warm and friendly relations in our class were generated from early days of study. Here I have met a lot of good and interesting people with whom I has gone through weight of the memorable and amusing moments. I had excellent teachers, I am grateful to them for the enclosed forces and the rendered care in formation of my person.
  I was decent and assiduous pupil, tried not to concede to comrades at the school desk. I studied with pleasure, progress grew from a class to a class. I graduated from the school in 2003 with a silver medal. During studying, I actively participated in school life, took part in set of various competitions and KVN’s, was diversified person. In the senior classes I participated in regional Olympiads in various subjects, it was awarded with letters, wrote work in SAS on jurisprudence. I had been going in for sports, especially I liked football. I got the first category on football for first place in the championship of Ukraine on football among youth. My school taught me to put the purposes and to overcome difficulties on the way to their achievement raised.
  In 11th form before me a question of choice of the further education. Documents on receipt were submitted to some high schools; however priority from them DonNTU got. In the university I preferred most of all the faculty of KITA, and it was more difficult to define the specialty. After long judgments of various reductions, the choice has fallen on NAP. The school played the role, and I acted on interview on the budget without problems.

  So, since September, 1st, 2003 I’ve been a student of DonNTU. On the first courses I hardly could imagine what we would learn and who I would b able to work after the graduation of high school, but all at once cleared up after subjects on a specialty started. It was appeared that it is very interesting specialty, and there are qualified and kind, always ready to help students in reception of new knowledge. So, I can tell, that I have never regretted about the choice.
  I was lucky not only with teachers, but also with group-mates. The group has been rather amicable and cheerful. We often gather during free time from study, we go together on rest. Only one point grieved me, our group has been becoming smaller with each educational semester; especially the greater academic load obviously affected the first rates.
  After the first year of study, I realized that study is not so hard, as at the first sight. It had been becoming easier and more interesting to study. On the 3rd course, as the best student of KITA faculty , I was invited to a meeting with rector of DonNTU Minaev À.À. and received the thankful letter from his hands. In following year I took part in II stage of All-Ukrainian student's Olympiad in «Electronic devices» direction which was held in the city of Kharkov, in KhNURE.
  Aspiring to reception of new knowledge, since 2007 I’ve been getting receiving the second higher education at the International University of the Finance.
  I perfectly protected baccalaureate work on a theme of «The Device of the express train-control of objects spatial orientation» under direction of Professor Chichikalo Nina Ivanovny in 2007. At present I am studying in magistracy and I go on the research work on the chosen subjects. My supervisor of studies is the excellent expert in this area and helps me very much in my magistrate work.

Plans for the Future
  In the near future I dream to end university, to protect successfully final work, and to embody all the knowledge in loving trade which would give me a basis for the further life.

© DonNTU, Yura Sherstyuk, 2008