рус укр
Babakina Elena


Faculty: of Ecology and Chemical Technology

Specialty: Equipment of enterprises of chemical production and enterprises of building materials

Theme the masters operation:
"The optimization of coke machines construction for example of door-extracting machine "

Leader of work: Toporov A.A., Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer

Autobiography DonNTU Master's portal


      Door-extracting machine is one of the basic machines in servicing of coke ovens on coke side to the battery.

       Door-extracting machine consists of two basic parts: door-extracting part and coke guide.

      Door-extracting machines can be divided into typical, intended for servicing of typical coke oven, and special, which are different from typical in overall dimensions and special requirements. Overall dimensions of door-extracting machine depend as on their design and arrangement mechanisms, so on overall dimensions of coke oven.

      As for device of door-extracting parts they are divided into machines with rod and with lever door-extracting device.

       Door-extracting machines were structurally the most imperfect to create lever door-extracting devices in comparison with other coke machines. The main disadvantage of design with rod door-extracting device, unlike lever, is insufficient stability of door-extracting machines parts.

      The door-extracting machine with lever door-extracting device hasn’t such disadvantages. It is more reliable and it is much more convenient both for servicing of coke furnaces and repairing of its mechanisms.


      Metal constructions of door-extracting machine are affected by aggressive factors, such as: corrosion, temperature pressure, considerable dynamic loadings.

      Disadvantages of door-extracting machine:

       1.1 Insufficient operational reliability of the device;

       1.2 High-energy mission for door failure;
       1.3 Steel intensity of machine.

      Having analyzed some patents of device for removal and installation of coke-oven door of the furnace, the possibility of increase of operational reliability of the device at the cost of reduction of dynamic loadings on details of the device at the moment of door failure, transfer of major loading parts at removal and installation of coke-oven door on the frame of coke-oven of the furnace and reduction of energy mission at the cost of more rational operating mode of the drive can be considered. Using such device dynamic loadings on the furnace lining and construction metal device are decreased in case of energy mission decrease.

      It is possible to decrease energy mission on door failure, steel intensity of service hardware and increase of work reliability at the cost of division of resistance efforts of the door at its removal on time of operation and in direction installation in the top part of the door of four- six-sided cams which is set in motion from the mechanism of failure of the door and wringing out the door from the frame of the furnace before its lifting. To achieve the purpose the device can be equipped with rigidity edges on the door and placed in the top part of the door on edges of rigidity the shaft equipped with the cam in the form of polyhedron, rigidly placed on the shaft with possibility of interaction with the furnace frame. The shaft is equipped with the ratchet and the lever co-operating with capture.

The scientific importance of work

       At the decision of problems of optimization I suggest to use economic and technical and economic criteria of an optimality. The economic concern: the minimum cost price, the least economic resulted expenses, the greatest profit, profitability, a minimum level of expenses for manufacture. To technical and economic: the minimum productivity, the least piece time, the basic and auxiliary time, equipment efficiency, reliability of work of system of the equipment or its separate elements, machining content products, firmness of the tool, physical and chemical properties of products. Also the important criteria of optimization is operational, including wear resistance, fatigue durability, contact rigidity and other indicators of durability of products.

       I consider developments in optimization and improvement of metal constructions of door-extracting machines to be necessary, because it is actively used in by-product-coking industry, but it often demands interruptions for planned and off-schedule maintenance.


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© Babakina Elena., DonNTU 2009