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Grevtsova Ann

Grevtsova Ann

Faculty: Ecology in chemical technology

Speciality: ecology in chemical techologies

Theme of master's work:

"Using convertible joining of molecular oxygen by the complexes of cobalt(II) in ecology"

Scientific adviser: Gannova Julia

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The work purpose is studying of complexing reactions and reversible joining of molecular of oxygen with formation homogeneous and mixedligand cobalt complexes(²²). It is necessary to note the necessity of achievement given purpose from the ecological point of view. Coordination connections of transitive metals in low degrees of oxidation are capable to connect an oxygen molecule reversible. These connections are models of the active centres in difficult biological connections (haemoglobin, myohlobine, gemeritrin, hemocyanin, hlorokruorine, gemovanadin). Especially close to natural carriers of oxygen are complex connections of cobalt which are capable to attach reversible oxygen molecule in water’ environments, similarly to natural active centres, and represent models of natural carriers of oxygen.

Synthetic carriers of oxygen, such as complex connections of cobalt, can find application at creation of new medical products, be applied in oxygen therapy. Also, they have wide application in industry sphere. They can serve as sources of pure oxygen for the different technological purposes. Pure oxygen or air that is enriched by oxygen, is used at reception of many other metals. The urgency consists in the following: first of all the ability of complex connections of cobalt reversible to attach an oxygen molecule is important from the ecological point of view. As these connections are models of the active centers in difficult biological connections (haemoglobin, myohlobine, gemeritrin, hemocyanin). Therefore they can be considered as natural carriers of oxygen. Such preparations, such as perphtoran, perphykol on a basis perforated hydrocarbons are already developed, however they are not perfect and have a number of defects which interfere with their usage in clinical conditions. In many countries search of complex multifunctional substitutes under the name "artificial blood" is led which have the components ensuring stable filling of vessels, carrying over oxygen, nutritious and biologically-active substances, preservation of a water-salt exchange, removal of products of an exchange.

Therefore, for the decision of this problem is necessary to search more optimum synthetic carriers of oxygen. For this reason studying of properties oxygenic complex connections of cobalt with possibility of usage as synthetic carriers of oxygen is actual. Secondly from the complexes known now which are reversible connecting molecular oxygen a particular interest represent the mixedligand oxygen complexes containing in internal coordination sphere in a kind of ligand the glicilalanin and dipyridyl. The approach to process research complexing and oxygenation in the cobalt system – glicilalanin – dipyridyl – oxygen is actual also. The scheme of balance includes not only reactions of formation mixedligand complexes, and the process of their oxygenation, but also formation and oxygenation process similar complexes with each of ligand. The scientific importance of work consists in studying of processes complexing and reversible joining of molecular oxygen in system of cobalt – dipyridyl – glicilalanin. The given process includes reactions of formation not only mixedligand complexes, but also similar complexes both with glicilalanin and with dipyridyl. At a result of the liding researches schemes of processes complexing and oxygenation of similar systems, and also mixedligand systems of cobalt – dipyridyl – glicilalanin are constituted. The scheme of balance of process and also mathematical model complexing in the atmosphere is constituted. Practical value of the results of the work. The received results of the conducted work expand existing submissions about processes of complexing and reversible adjunction the molecular of oxygen, in the difficult systems containing salt of cobalt and two various ligands (glicilalanin and dipyridyl). And also supplement knowledge of structure formed depending on ðÍ solution oxigenire complexes in mixedligand systems. The received constants can be used as independent help sizes, and the data about the greatest concentration of a complex at everyone advanced ðÍ can be used for reception of a necessary complex – a synthetic carrier of oxygen.

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