Стародуб Валерия Валериевна

Starodub Valeria Valeriivna

Faculty of Economics

Speciality: Economy of Enterprise and Marketing

Theme of the master's thesis: "Customer's psychology as the factor of advertising strategy"

Scientific adviser: associate professor, candidate of economic science, Kalinichenko Zoya Dmitrievna


In the thesis work of "consumer psychology as a factor in the advertising strategy solves the problem of development of the advertising firm handling at a time when current is to draw attention to the advertising of consumer products.

The paper deals with the processing of information to consumers, which consists of five phases:

  1. contact;
  2. attention;
  3. understanding;
  4. adoption;
  5. memorization.

Contact can be defined as the proximity to the advertising stimulus, which allows to use one or more of the five human senses. Increased feelings occurs when the stimulus corresponds to the lower threshold of sensation or exceeds it.

Attention is a cognitive focus resources on processing of incoming stimuli. Limitations of these resources causes selective attention. Attracting the attention of consumers - one of the major challenges to overcome to help understand what factors affect the mind (personal and related to the incentives). Effect of personal characteristics is that they make note of the very selective. Personal factors should be considered as limitations and obstacles to overcome which speaks of the effectiveness of the strategy.

Factors Related to stimuli are characteristics of the stimulus. Among them - size, color, intensity, contrast, position, direction, movement, change of climate, isolation, the novelty of the "conditional" incentives, well-known personality ad. These factors can be used by the competition to attract the attention of consumers.

At the stage of understanding is the interpretation of consumer incentives. Gestalt psychology reveals several important principles of organization incentives: the simplicity, the image and the background, integrity. The main thing to understand - this is the classification of the stimulus consumer. Follow-actualization is an incentive in the form of semantic or imagery processing.

Understanding of the impact on the following factors: the level of knowledge, motivation or interest (involvement) consumer expectations. Factors Related to stimuli, such as psycholinguistic characteristics of the stimulus or the handling of incentives can also affect the understanding.

At the stage of adoption is the belief the consumer in the form of new or partially updated knowledge or attitudes. Acceptance depends on the specific cognitive and emotional reactions that arise when processing information. The adoption of the more likely the stronger these reactions.

The last phase of information processing - memorization, is to transfer information into long-term memory. Memory consists of three different storage media:

  • sensory;
  • short-term;
  • long-term.

In memory of incoming sensory information undergoes a preliminary analysis is largely based on physical characteristics such as volume or tone. Visual processing at this stage is called a portrait, and sound processing - onomatopoeic. Once the stimulus is going through sensory processing, it enters into short-term memory, which is regarded as a "desktop" for operations to process information. Long-term memory - is not limited, permanent repository of all our knowledge.

Chapter 2 The practical issues develop advertising strategies, which include market segmentation and the formation of communications policy. Segmentation of the market - a process that is aimed at the design or manufacture of goods or services that they have become particularly attractive to some identifiable part of the total market. To segment the market, you can use many of the variables. Some of them include the following categories:

  1. geographical - city, suburb, district center, etc.;
  2. demographics - gender, age, size and lifestyle of the family;
  3. psychographics - the type of personality and lifestyle;
  4. behavioral - benefit (or profit), the volume of product and customer loyalty.

Communication policy includes advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, propaganda. Advertising - any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas goods and services a particular customer. Advertising has two interrelated goals: to acquaint potential customers with the company, products, services, to convince people to try a product or service, and after the test - to make repeat purchases. The main types of advertising:

  1. commodity;
  2. Institutional (aimed at creating the image of the firm);
  3. comparative (comparing the parameters of goods);
  4. competition (showing the benefits of goods in comparison with analogues).

As a practical validation of the results of work - the study of singularities of outdoor advertising in the local sales offers eight recommendations of the company "Infiompeks".