ukr rus
DonNTU Masters of DonNTU

Master DonNTU Ryabov Aleksey

Ryabov Aleksey

Department: Electrical mechanical and Automation [EMA]

Speciality:Automatic control of technological processes [AUP]

Theme of master work: "Adjusting of speed of engine of the mine pod'mnoy setting by a microprocessor technique"

Leader of work: Sergy Dubinin, Ass. professor



About myself
   The average score àt university was about 4.36 (from 5, where "5" - highest score). I know an Ukrainian language and Russian languages very well. I know English at the level sufficient for reading and the writting. I have an experience with programs: AVR Studio3, Microsoft Office, MathCAD, MatLAB, Micro-Cap, 3dmax, Adobe Photoshop.

The childhood
   I was born on June 29, 1987 in the Donetsk. When I was 4 years old I went to the kindergarten. I was an obedient and assiduous child.Most liked to create constructions from various things meeting arm-in-arm. Also caused interest every family mechanisms. It was very desirable to go in school, because my grandmother told much interesting, because she as worked as a teacher, and I wanted to know anymore. In 1994 entered high school ¹92, where and got secondary education. From the third class, due to the teacher of physical education, Àfanas'evne Ann, I began employment on basket-ball. In times of stay in the section of neodnokrratno participated in competitions, protecting honour of high school. It was engaged in this fascination during 7 years. Zamety' wants, that due to my trainer, now the graduating student of our school, Lukashov Denis, plays ÁÊ "Kiev" in a major league. Except for everything other kyk-boksyngom, naprotyazhenyy 3 years got busy. Carried with drawing, plavanyem, table tennis. Went for the courses of English and chemistry. In a 7th class deeply engaged in physics, and in a 9th class wrote ÌÀÍovskuyu work on the theme of "Physicist afoot man". Working out the total, made off school with the gilded youth. Favourite objects were at school: physics, mathematics, Russian and literature, physical education.

   In a senior, eleventh class, I began to examine different Institutes of higher and specialities. Initially I was oriented on specialities which bind by programing with a technique (by electronics, by mechanics and etc), my choice was stopped for ÄonÍÒÓ (speciality of ÀÓÏ), on the springs ratings entered INSTITUTE of higher.
   The first and the second year training at us was in English, it has allowed to study technical English language.
   During 1-3 courses participated in university Games on boxing..
   In 2008 got the diploma of bachelor to direction of preparation «Automation and computer are the integrated technologies».
   n September, 2009 acted in magiciansstraturu. Now I get busy in military-patriotic organization "Phoenix", in kotroy deserved possibility reason by the member of "ÌÑÊ"(International Union of Cossacks).
   I consider that my realized choice of speciality and direction of teaching this not only theory and practice but also priceless experience of intercourse with people in the different spheres of science and production.

© DonNTU, 2009, Ryabov Aleksey

DonNTU Masters of DonNTU