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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Vitaly Grigoriev

Master of DonNTU
Vitaly Grigoriev

Educational and Scientific Institute «Higher School of Economics and Management»

Faculty: Management

Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economic

Speciality: Personnel Management and Labour Economics

Theme of Master's Work: «Improving performance management system»

Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor of the PMLE department Svetlana Pozdnyakova


of the qualification master’s work

«Improving performance management system»



The efficiency of labor is considered from various angles concepts of economic, psycho-physiological and social efficiency of labor, which characterize, respectively, fruitfulness, regulatory conditions and safety, internal evaluation of its employee and his behavior. Performance Management - an integral part of management of industrial production.

Of the various positions productivity is considered, or as general indicator of the effectiveness of the whole enterprise, or as an indicator of its performance close to the performance metrics of other factors of production (land, capital, entrepreneurship).

Productivity growth is a prerequisite for the development of the enterprise and the economic foundation of society.

The source of productivity growth is the productive power of labor, which is determined by scientific and technological progress, technological and organizational improvement of the company, new qualities of labor, the emergence of new materials, energy, etc.




Becoming a market economy, increased competition provides a transition to active business activities of legal and natural persons, the establishment of enterprises of different ownerships. Solving this problem depends on the level of training of specialists in the field of entrepreneurship, which should have a deep knowledge of market relations, high organizational skills in the field of commercial activity.

With the development of actual trading activity is to define ways to improve the productivity of staff of business enterprises, because she is the determining factor in the development of the organization, enhance its competitiveness and performance in selected markets. This in turn determines the relevance of the research topic.




Qualifying work of the master performed during 2009-2010. in accordance with the scientific direction of the Department Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Donetsk National Technical University.




The aim of the study is to find ways to improve productivity of staff trade enterprise.

Assignments, predetermined purpose of the study are as follows:

- clarify the essence of productivity and characteristics of its determination to staff trading company;

- study of the factors that determine the productivity of the personnel commercial enterprise;

- research productivity staff trading company;

- study ways to improve productivity of staff trading company.

Research subjects staff productivity commercial enterprises and increase its reserves.




The scientific novelty of this work is to develop and implement new and effective methods to increase productivity, and this should be developed and implemented a more effective performance management system. With performance management system can improve competitiveness, and this is one of the main objectives of the enterprise.





The study aimed at further developing the performance management system and methods of its introduction to the opportunities and objectives of the enterprise.

The practical significance of the results of the study is that the conclusions and recommendations on the use of improved system performance, can be implemented and be used by the leadership of various enterprises.




Given the paramount importance of improving productivity for the competitiveness of enterprises, managers and professionals at all levels in organizations looking to develop and implement a performance management program. These programs at the company include the following steps:

- measurement and evaluation of the achieved level of productivity in the enterprise as a whole and for individual types of work including;

- search and analysis of the reserves increase productivity on the basis of information obtained during the measurement and evaluation;

- development plan for the use of reserves increased productivity, which should include specific times and events

- for their implementation, financing costs for these activities and the expected economic effect of their implementation, to identify responsible persons;

- development of systems of employee motivation to achieve the planned level of productivity;

- monitor the implementation of activities under the plan and the entire program, and the regulation of their performance;

- measuring and evaluating the real impact of the proposed action on the growth of labor productivity.

Consequently, performance management at the enterprise - it is actually part of the overall process of enterprise management, covers the planning, organization, motivation, leadership, supervision and regulation. This work is based on continuous analysis of the ratio of useful effect on the specific work, on the one hand, and the cost of this activity, on the other side. [9]




Performance Management - a process involving the strategic and operational planning and constant monitoring of the effective use of existing methods of increasing productivity.

Programs to improve performance management include:

- measure and evaluate performance;

- planning control and increased productivity on the basis of information obtained during the measurement and evaluation;

 -control measures and improve productivity;

- measuring and assessing the impact of these measures.

Under current practice manager to develop a plan of strategic actions for improving management productivity. Successfully applied their methods of measurement, evaluation. Control and improvement may be identical to those used in other organizations. However, the nature of the use of these techniques and their integration into the system is unique in every organization because each organization has its own peculiarities.

Planning for improved performance management - a complex task, which does not depend on the size and structure of the organizational system. In a market economy, more and more workers of different levels, and managers faced with the need to develop, implement and support programs in the area of productivity. [11]




Consequently, productivity measures the ratio of produced tangible or intangible benefits and the amount spent on this work. That is, increased productivity means increased wealth produced without increasing labor costs.

In Ukraine a market economy, creation of competitive products, the increase in sales volume is only possible if the effective use of resources at each workplace, enterprise, ie a deep reform of management, production and marketing, agreed with such conversion processes such as privatization, restructuring and adaptation to international standards. Productivity growth will also promote employment.

Each company is characterized by a certain level of productivity, which can increase or decrease under the influence of various factors. Increasing productivity is indisputable condition for progress and development of production.




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9 Значение слова "Производительность труда" в Большой Советской Энциклопедии, Автор:  Е. Л. Маневич

10   Ильин А.И., Синица Л.М. Планирование на предприятии: В 2-х ч. Часть 2. Тактическое планирование / Под. Общей ред. А.И. Ильина. – Мн.: ООО "Новое знание", 2000. – 416 с.

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12  Обеспечение материальными ресурсами и коммерческая деятельность предприятия / Под ред. Весилюнина Ф.П. – Минск: Высшая школа, 1991. – 270 с.

13 Описывается понятие производительности труда на производстве, электронный экономический словарь

At writing of the given abstract a master’s work has not been finished yet. Date of the work’s final end is on December, 1st, 2010. Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received from the author or her supervisor after the named date.


DonNTU Master's portal