Master DonNTU Demid Skrypnik

Demid Skrypnik
Faculty: Computer science and technology
Department:Computer engineering
Speciality: System programming
Theme of master's work: Develop a methodology and algorithms for operational monitoring and diagnostics of electric motors in a distributed control system
Leader: Vladimir Krasnokutskiy
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I am Skrypnik Demid Viktorovych. I was born on May 17, 1988 in the village Grodovka. All my childhood I spent in the kindergarten, where I learned to read and count. I loved to read and learn the English alphabet and some words very much. The first my book, like all children was alphabet. I did not like to sleep in kindergarten all the time and longed for adventure. I like played with my friends in different games after a day in the kindergarten in the older groups.

School years

I went to first class on the basis of the kindergarten in first September 1995, and I went to Grodovka school № 1 in 1996. These years were the most memorable in my life. And the most memorable person from first to fourth class was my first teacher, a second mother in a big family - Kovtun Natalya Aleksandrovna. With first-class I actively participated in various school competitions, matinees, etc. Over several years, I take a great interest in Physics, English, and Geometry. In the 11 class I participated in regional competitions in computer science and English. I devoted more time to Biology and I thought that my future profession will be associated with this item.

I liked play football with my classmates at the break and physical training. The last three years at the school organized soccer tournament and the competition between other schools. Played a lot of prizes and was also awards "best player", "best goalkeeper", "best class", etc. Passion for soccer has led to the fact that even playing in the winter, cleared soccer field from the snow and hold it in such that would be less than we could get hurt.

With the advent of new technology and PC, I would like to know more about the computer and its capabilities, biology and future profession moves into the background. I decided that my new profession is Programmer. With 11 class I went to the Preparatory Course of entrants in the Donetsk National Technical University, which became my second home.


In 2006, based on the ratings, I entered the Donetsk National Technical University on a specialty system programming. The first course at the university turned out to be heavy, incomparable with the school. The hardest thing for me was physics at that time that led Shevchenko Ludmila Vasilevna. In the second semester first I became acquainted with the "hardware", designing the operational automaton, it was the first step toward understanding how the computer is arranged.

The second course I have been associated with lack of sleep, a cup of coffee and exchange rate on programming a computer emulator and console driver. Emulator programmed in Delphi, it was the first exchange with graphic support. In his third year with classmates began working with microcontrollers. That was the theme for the cathedral practice, the head of which was Krasnokutskiy V. A. The first step what advised the head to do the programmer based on the microcontroller Atmega and connect it to a trivial circuit with diodes that light up depending on the written program on the microcontroller. With the great effort and hard work, bred and hunted fees for the programmer themselves, after a few spoiled cards and burnt fingers, programmer alive. It was the first engineering practice.

On the fifth year me and my classmates Chumak A. Y. invited to participate in the development of devices for protection of electric motors. Over the past three months have been developed and debugged device, a program of real time, which could work with AMP (apparatus for motor protection), but it not used. This program was implemented in the course project "System of Real-time". I wanted to continue the development of motor protection devices and make them more versatile. In the master's work, my goal is what would AMP worked in a distributed automation system.

I find time for JavaSE and JavaEE, studying this language in front of me opened up great opportunities in designing and programming applications, acquaint with WEB design, technology-JSF, Hibernate, Facelets, JSP, Servlets.

Future Plans

In the future, I want to get some good experience in the design and development of enterprise applications in a good and promising company. I wanted to say that the university gave me a lot of knowledge, and most importantly, what I was taught to "learn" and approached the right to study. And now I can safely walk to the next stage in life and achieve greater heights.