Українська Русский
Магистр ДонНТУ Вашакидзе Гурам Амиранович

Abstract: Investigation methods of decision making, to protect information that is processed in computer networks


  1. Statement of the Problem
  2. Analysis of the problem and solve the problem
  3. Conclusions
  4. References

Statement of the Problem

Application in everyday life as a single person , and the state as a whole, modern information and communication technologies can receive all the benefITS of modern science and technology. Thus all significant increasing dependence of human processes of environmental information space. This dependence gives rise to new types of threats – cyber crime. Development of effective models and methods of safety management of telecommunications systems to counter cyber crime is an urgent task.

Analysis of the problem and solve the problem

Given the wide array of businesses and individuals who provide services, equipment and software used in the field of Telecommunications International Telecommunication Union in recommendations ITU‑T X.805 he proposed security architecture for systems providing communication between end devices (Figure 1). This architecture allows for the detailed components of ITS, in order to facilitate decision‑making for the effective management, control and use of network infrastructure, services and applications. Security architecture provides a comprehensive, top‑down cross‑cutting area of network security and can be applied to network elements, services and programs in order to identify, predict and correct the vulnerability protection [3].

Architecture of protection systems that provide communication between end devices
Figure 1. Architecture of protection systems that provide communication between end devices.

Using this architecture, it is possible to obtain a quantitative assessment of the vulnerability of a specific asset from a threat by the following formula:

Weighting factor pk determines the frequency of this threat on a set of possible threats and calculated based on the analysis of statistical data or using known techniques. Factor zk determines the probability of asset protection TCS through a regular means of protection against the threat pk [2].

Determination of total asset vulnerability to possible threats Ql define as follows:

Each of the layers of protection that is presented in Figure 1, consists of a limited number of assets. Therefore, to determine the overall assessment of the level of protection of one Qp use the following formula:

Based on the obtained quantitative evaluation of security assets of a decision on risk-taking. The algorithm of this process is shown in figure 2.

Algorithm for risk taking
Figure 2. Algorithm for risk taking.

The proposed algorithm estimates and risk-taking can be used for all considered levels of protection for all three planes of protection.

Determining the weighting coefficients ak, ck, ik, sk – should be conducted by a group of appointed experts.

The next step is to determine for each asset Ai threats - evaluation according to the probability and the use of existing ITS vulnerabilities and existing remedies. That group of experts assesses the threats according to three parameters:

When these factors are zero, then we assume that the asset is fully protected from this threat, and in the case when the coefficients are equal to unity - the asset must be made threat. So you can imagine graphically threat of a point in three-dimensional space, and the farther it is from the origin, the greater the importance of the asset, ie the total threat assessment will be calculated as the length of the segment line connecting the origin and the resulting point.

That is, for threat assessment will use the following formula:

Graphically, this result is shown on figure 3.

Evaluation of k-th threat to the m-th asset
Figure 3. Evaluation of k-th threat to the m-th asset.

Schedule all k-'s threats to the j-th asset is shown in figure 4.

Threats that affect the m-th asset
Figure 4. Threats that affect the m-th asset.

From this we can conclude that all the threats that affect the assets, in the aggregate will have some kind of surface. Type of surface threats affecting the asset is shown in figure 5.

The surface of the threats to an asset
Figure 5. The surface of the threats to an asset.
(Animation: 9 frames, 7 cycles of recurrence, 242 kb)

Experts (E) on the basis of knowledge obtained and graphs put down points to possible threats on 100 point scale, with a dash assessment on different characteristics of data - table 1.

Table 1. Expert assessment
Threats Experts (Е) Assessing the impact of threats to property assets
c i a s Number of points
Analysis of protocols E1 20 10 30 20 80
E2 35 10 25 20 90
E3 20 10 25 15 70
E4 25 5 20 20 70

For further analysis conduct standardization (normalization) expert assessments.

Table 2. Normalized expert assessments
Threats Experts (Е) Assessing the impact of threats to property assets
c i a s Number of points
Analysis of protocols E1 0.25 0.125 0.375 0.25 1
E2 0.39 0.1 0.282 0.228 1
E3 0.286 0.143 0.357 0.214 1
E4 0.286 0.071 0.357 0.286 1

To construct the generalized use of expert evaluation method of pairwise comparisons.

To do this ranking assessments of each expert:

Then draw up a matrix of pairwise comparisons of each expert by the following formulas:



Expert 1 c i a s Expert 2 c i a s Expert 3 c i a s Expert 4 c i a s
c 1 1 0 1 c 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 0 1 c 1 1 0 1
i 0 1 0 0 i 0 1 0 0 i 0 1 0 0 i 0 1 0 0
a 1 1 1 1 a 0 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 a 0 1 1 1
s 1 1 0 1 s 0 1 0 1 s 0 1 0 1 s 1 1 0 1

The next step is necessary to sum up all the elements in the matrix, that formula has the form:


Sij – matrix elements are summarized;

k – number of expert.

The result has the form:

Sum c i a s
с 4 4 1 4
i 0 4 0 0
a 3 4 4 4
s 2 4 0 4

The resulting matrix is given by the rule:

where d – number of experts.

Result c i a s
с 1 1 0 1
i 0 1 0 0
a 1 1 1 1
s 0 1 0 1

For each characteristic asset TCS obtain the result in points - table 3.

Table 3. Result
Characteristic Points
c 3
i 1
a 4
s 2

Further use of these marks, do their normalization – table 4.

Table 4. Standardized coefficientst
Characteristic Points
c 0.75
i 0.25
a 1
s 0,5


  1. Conducted analysis of standards and guidelines of the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission and the International Telecommunication Union, leading to the conclusion to both the fastest implementation of these documents in daily activities, in order to improve the security of the TCS state.
  2. The algorithm of work of experts to determine the impact assessment of threats to property assets TCS.
  3. A procedure for the adoption of information security risks in TCS.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2014. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author after this date.


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