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МАСЮК ИВАН ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ Masyuk Ivan (VT-96b) Тема диссертации:Разработка и исследование алгоритма размещения элементов на печатной плате с минимизацией количества связей с длинной, большей предельного значения. if@e-mails.ru , write... * * * |
Creative biography |
Beginning... Formation... First successes... Turn... The students... Results... In future... |
Beginning... o Me probably strongly drove near birth! All that's why, that I was born 1 may - holiday greatest on that moment after New Year! Happened this in 1979-м on shore of Powerful Dnieper in Dnepropetrovsk. Since all celebrates my birthday together with me. The Streets decorate by transparencies and inflatable balls. A People goes for a walk, makes merry, rests, is glad to spring... Formation... To school age I walked up already in Донецке, to which already got used to and counted, that do not know other own city. With self-respect and confidence in own forces I left in High 37. This was new, contemporary school with clean light classes, spacious corridors, enormous hall and by inlying court. There was all - big sporting hall, pool, assembly hall, an underground training complex is meaning for elementary military preparation with shooting gallery, trainers!!! That to still need young combatant, breaking in life!? First successes... In younger classes taught the young teachers. They came in school together with us. To Us all awfully drove! They embarked on us with maternal kindness. We were happy and careless! By us all turned out, us practically for all rewarded by smile and good appraisals. Here and first successes in mathematics... At once began clearly, that a soul lies more to exact sciences, and not to russian.: ) However to me always delivered big pleasure participation in diverse literary raising and entertaining evenings. Me always was relared to teachers to compel. For some reason or other they staged me on main roles and to play them well and right was relared to "sweat". Turn... Elder classes are here it beginning of serious life! Here was all far more in earnest. Teacher of elder separation were all how one elder generation, how rule settling servicemen. They exactly knew that want, that to demand and how to encourage or to punish. Went towards differentiation... I busied deeply by mathematics, physics, very dropped to soul chemistry. At home attended to study of programming independently. In 9-th class by me appeared a first computer, on which I passed out its teaching. Funnily now about this, but already in 9-th class that I somewhere by friend found some incomprehensible codes records 8080, fully rewrote them and attempted to program. After long tests and errors something began to turn out and only in Institution I knew, that this was language Assembler...: ))) In 11 class came into view an unclear future. To myself last minute nobody from us so and does not realize all, that with us takes place. Began a question that to make then, where to come, that to make? All tried to act on acquaintance or where simpler. I does not have the familiar in this domain and I clearly does not represent where want to hit. But our class teacher on one of evenings pronounced a following phrase, which I now will not forget never - "even ВТ is that faculty on which can act any our best is once to spit!". I was not by best, and probably this me touched. I knew most, than some of our bests. Appraisal for me up to nows is of no account. All was solved! The Parents suggested me to change its decision. I firmly solved - VT. I handed over, handed over with better possible result all of introductory examinations are was simply, simpler than I thought. ..: ))) The students... The students is was new sense, quite other ideology, other spirit. I was glad, that does not roll up with set way. Studied not bad, although not all pleased. By our education system by that then that more serious failures. But I had time... If to say frankly, that nothing serious in studies time does not become. All wrote, all became and surrendered. All on program. How and earlier, appraisal for me was not important. Holding on in range from 4 to 4.5 mark I handed over on excellently all that by that does not be engaged at all and on 3 all that by that I was engaged deeply... To do something really worthwhile not enough 3Nth months, and when enthrals forget about time. With 4Nth course burst out work in full work changing. Was by repairman RISO. Was accorded much positive experience, for that beholden to its employers. However working an year, awakened to perspective that not and necessary to dig for something other. Results... Now work in big (60 machines) computer club. Perspective on former not, but but on speciality. Similarly parallel to with that hold a small its club (8 machines), in which have a possibility to work off its knowledges. In institution all fits for end. Is Select theme of magister work. Little by little writes. About concrete results to say while stays away, but work comes. In future... I count, that completion of University will untie to me the hands. I will be able to attend to that that to me to please, and not that that to me impose in educational process. But on other in our system uneasily to find a deserving road. Unfortunately this showed practice of my work. Is only a one normal way this out - this to bring along all in its hands! Hope by me this will turn out... |