Donetsk National Technical Uiversity
the speciality "Information System in Management"

Selevko Ann

"The Usage of Information Technologies when deciding the Tasks of Personnel Management"

Superviser: Grigoriev A.V.

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I, my name's is Ann Selevko, was born on 1 july of 1980 year in Ugledar, Donetsk region. My father, Alexander Selevko, was a miner all his life. He died in 1996 (59 year). My mother, Maria Selevko, is an officer of communal economy. The family consists of 3 child. I have 2 brothers who are elder then me:12 and 14.

In kinder garten I was a permanent participant of concert programs for parents. When I was 6 I went in the school. The school №1 became my second home. It has all rights to be the best one the town. The school was opened at the beginning of 60s and was the first educational establishment in the settlement of few houses and hotels in which miners of recently opened mines lived. At first the school was disposed in a building of a hostel. The best teachers of the town worked in the school work still from the moment of the school opening. School has a museum, which founder is a teacher of history Ludmila Cucher. I caught knowledge rather easily, and every year I brought home praiseworthy certificeses for the excellent studies. I was a permanent participant of load olympiads on mathematics, geography, Ukrainian language and also I was an organizer of school parties. A school study was accompanied by occupations at the musical school and dancing group. In 1996 I become the winner for the most beatiful an chorming girl nomination of the dancing group.

In 1997 I successfully finished my school and was awarded by a goden medal and successfully passed the entrance examinations in Donetsk National Technical University to the speciality "Information Systems in Management". I choose this speciality becouse it appeared to be modern and interesting to me. This speciality interesting and comprehensive in my opinion. I want to say enormous thank ful whouls to my teachers, especially to the workers of the chairsof "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" and "Management of Organizations", for their devotion to the sciences and pedagogics. In 2001 I was honered the bachelor degree with excelent scores.

From the end of 1997 fill nowadays I take active part in the youth movement of Donetsk city.

Now I study on master program. The subject of my diploma is "The Usage of Information Technologies when deciding the Tasks of Personnel Management" My superviser is Grigoriev A.V.

The problem of effective organization of in the enterprise became to be interesting for me on the third course. At that time we learnt the enterprise management. This course was delivered by Albina Belichenko them Yury Kovalev assisted to. Exactly they woke my interest to the problem personnel managements. I started my study of this question. I took part in conferences devorted to this. In 2000 I took part in the competition of advanced student works, which was token in Podolsk, offering and grounding the development of informati system "Manager on personnel". In this work I considered and analyzed existing methods of personnel selection and accompaying errors and problems. In 2001 Iparticipoful in the competition of advanced student woras presented there a model of the using of binary trees for the decision of the tasks of personnel management and primary task.

I consider, that effective personnel hiring in an enterprise is very important, more. Exactly correctly hired personnel is a precondition ful of success and prosperoun work of an enterprises, because the human resource is the fundamental. In the same time the personnel selection is a very labour intensive process requiring expenditures of time and facilities from other side this process generates such problems as a subjectivism and formalism. With the aim to overcome these problems and rationalize the time, the usage of information technologies is necessery. So the actuality subject of the diploma subject must not cause the questions.

My devotion to problems of the personnel management compelled me to start the study the individual psychology. And now I cannot choose precisely, whether to write programs, create and put in order virtual world or to analyz and systematize the behoviour of people, I like them all. So only the Lord knows whether I will be the manager of information-department in an enterprise or the manager of personnel psychologist.
