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Voropaeva Tatyana

Master of the Donetsk National Technical University



Faculty: Economic & Management
Management and the economic right

Topic of the thesis:
"Labour motivation as basis of enterprise’s personnel policy"
Lead: the candidate of technical sciences Kachan I. V.







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I was born 17 on June 1979 in a town Donetsk.


School time

     In childhood I was very active by a child, visited different mugs. I went to school ¹33 In 1989. I entered musical school ¹1 in 1990 ( this was firste xamin a tion in my life) began to be engaged in folk dances. I decided to be engaged in something to one Because loading was is enough great. My parents gave me possibility to make decision independently at that time, although did not know imply, that to dowith my musical instrument - upright «piano», which they recently to me purchased if I will choose dances! I very thankfully to the parents for that they gave me the freedom of choice in so early age. Parents it by an act taught me to make considered decisions, because I felt responsibility for the consequences of accepted by me decision. I made decision in benefit of musical school (what all were very glad to), because got busy very much well, and on the class of piano it is fine simply. In 1994 I finished musical school. I studied well At school. To me without the special labour all objects were given, but Russian literature was a favourite object, so how I liked to read and read much. my favourite book from school years and to this pores - «Master and Margaret» M. A. Bulgakov. In 1996 I finished successfully school ¹33.

Motives of a choice of a speciality and receipt in DonNTU

     I studied in aclass with a fiziko - matematicheskms lope last two years at school, possibility yofreceiptin some human it a rianins titute of higher was not even considered.

      Ientered Donetsk institute of enterprise on purpose get higher education on specialities organizaions in 1996. From the first day to me very much please dinanin stitute. I was very staggered by two things: no hard control (in a difference froms chools) , and growing responsibility. That is possibility of free attendance of employments and independent study of material necessity of additional, more deep study of lecture material for writing of bstracts, term papers. I got busy well In the institute, as for me there were no ifficulties with the study of some disciplines, but such disciplines as management ; terprises ; productions ; analysis ; were indeed interesting for me. I considerth at it in a greater degree depended on that, a teachers the mate real was expounded. Belichenko Albina Fedorovna related All disciplines to the management when she became my leader on taught To research work of student,and leader diploma work later. In connection with transition to the market economy the special attention began to be spared to the skilled policy. On this basis, the NIRS theme was chosen: «Development of the effective system of motivation of labour of workers of enterprise This theme was later ratified as a theme of diploma work. I protected diploma I work on «fine» In 2001. After defences of diploma work my leader on a diploma offered me to continue teaching in the city council DOnNTU, because I studied very well (finished institute with less than 25% estimations the «four»). I was the decision to continue teaching in the city council DOnNTU is accepted in 2003. It is related to that after ending of institute I made decision to check up the knowledges on to practice and began the labour activity. I was in a position to work on a state enterprise and private enterprise.

Motives of a choice of a theme of the dissertation

     For two years. I made sure that the problems of management by a personnel exist on any enterprise, and motivation labour of workers of enterprise has the enormous value. I accepted in this connection decision to act in DOnNTU for the further study of interesting me questions related to the management by a personnel. Thus, I act on the fifth course DonNTU in 2003, faculty the "economy and management", speciality "management". Kachan Igor Vilevich raed the discipline «Skilled management», which became the leader of mymaster's degree dissertation.

Representations about the future: a speciality, a field of activity

     I plan to enter the graduate school DonNTU for more deep studies of interesting me theme, and also and other no less interesting questions after ending of city council. I would like to put the knowledge into practice. I think, that the manager, which having seized various ways of personnel administration of the enterprise, can operate much more effectively collective with a view of maintenance of performance of production programs.







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