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Fomin Yuriy Nikolaevich

Fomin Yuriy Nikolaevich

Master of physic-metallurgical faculty. Speciality: Heat and Power engineering.

Scientific adviser: Dr.Pof. Safyants S. M.

Master degree thesis name: "The Analysis and development to concepts of the creation electrometallurgical complex on base carbothermic reconstruction iron-ore concentrated products.".


I was born 31 march 1981 year in Donetsk.

In 1988 went to first class of ¹26 school of Donetsk.

After completions nine classes, in 1996, has entered in Donetsk electro-metallurgical technical school on professions "Usage of heat engineering equipment and systems of power supply".

Technical school was finished in 2000, and having on hand diploma of younger specialist, in this year has entered in Donetsk national technical university on physico-metallurgical faculty. Profession:"Heat-and-power engineering"

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