The Incineration of the tresh allows approximately in 3 times reduce the weight a departure, avoid some unpleasant characteristic: scent, separation of the toxic liquids, bacteria, attractiveness for birds and rodent, as well as get the additional energy, which possible use for reception electricity or heating. The Ecological influences of tresh burning plant are basically connected with soiling the air, in the first place small dispersion dust, oxides of the sulphur and nitrogen, and dioxienes. The Hard home waste (HHW) possess such characteristic, as high moisture, low temperature ability, spottiness of the composition that negativly influences upon qualitative features of the process of the combustion. So for most full burning-out HHW necessary maintenance of the high temperature of the combustion, presence of the excess of the oxygen in zone of the combustion. However, because of specified above particularities, organize the qualitative process of the burning-out HHW without use additional fuel (for instance, natural gas) practically impossible.
One of the directions of increasing ecology-economic features of incineration plants, is an using in technological scheme gas generator installation.
HHW enter in camera of combustion, there for stabilization of the combustion and maintenances of the high temperature of the burning-out the rubbish is given generarot gas. The Air made for camera of combustion, must be an enriched oxygen that will raise the temperature of the combustion, as well as will raise temperature ability got generator gas. The Combustion HHW must come of significant excess of the oxygen in zone of the combustion.
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